So yesterday I told you about the rabbit I drew and named Sir Walter Harrington. I also posted the quote from Helen Keller about one door of happiness closing while another is opening. Here is the rest of the story.
Since Razzy's death, Sugie and I have been terribly sad. We miss him so much. When a rabbit is "bonded" to another rabbit, it can be a little bit more complicated. You see, rabbits can grieve so much that they make themselves sick and they can truly die of a broken heart. David and I kept a good eye on Sugie and I spent tons of time in the studio with her and gave her lots of attention....but....
she was still incredibly sad. Then, she got sick. Sugie has a genetic disorder called Megacolon syndrome. She will be prone to issues with her digestive tract for her entire life. I have learned what I can do to keep her issues under control. However, stress can triger more issues. She got sick and then got an eye infection. It's like she was crying all the time. I'm still grieving the loss of my Razzy boy, but I didn't want Sugie to die of sadness
A friend of mine told me to go visit a lady an hour away that has a bunny rescue. She had a sweet little bunny named Snoopy that looked just like Sugie. She also had another boy named Simba. Both were under a year old. A little bit of a concern for me as Sugie is 2 and baby bunnies and adult bunnies eat different stuff. I went to the rescue on August 28th. Bonnie, the lady at the rescue, got Snoopy and Simba out of their pens and put them in playpens for me to visit with them. Then out of the clear blue she says, "oh, did I tell you about Sir Harrington?" WHAT??!!!! did you say??? "Oh," Bonnie says, "I thought I mentioned him." My heart skipped a beat and I got goosebumps. My font on my patterns....Bonnie is a weaver and also does ceramics (visit her here). On each of the bunnies pens in her rescue, she makes a little ornament with the bunnies name on it. I walked to the pen and saw this.
She opened the door and Sir Harrington came running to her. She handed him to me and he snuggled against my neck. I put him in the playpen and he danced around and did binky's (that's bunny talk for happy bunny dance). When I sat down on the grass, he came running over to me and licked my hand and layed down for me to pet him. Bunny people know that when a rabbit licks you, they are saying they love you. Even when I went into the other playpens to visit the other two, Sir Harrington kept hopping around and dancing trying to get my attention. His Razzy. Needless to say, I filled out the adoption papers and we made our way to Bunnyville.
Harrington is a mixed rabbit. His ears go up, his ears go down, but he prefers one up and one down. He comes running for attention and closes his eyes when you pet him.
When one door of happiness closes, another door opens. We just have to find the strength and be willing to look at the open door and walk through it. Sugie and I both needed a hug for our hearts. The hug is Harrington.
Happy Friday dear friends.
xx, shell, sugie and harrington ps... don't forget to Register on this Post for my 400 followers 3 years Giveaway!
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What a sweet story, and a lovely new friend for your home! Sir Harrington is adorable.
Dear Shell...
This story made me cry! It's so wonderful that Sir Walter Harrington immediately loved you and knew he was what you needed to help your and Sugie's hurting hearts. I love this little boy already, and I'm sure he's going to fit right in at Bunnyville.
I hope Sugie is welcoming him into her life. I know these things take time, but she's got to know by now, just how wonderful the little guy is.
Can't wait to see you and hear more. Bring photos! ... oh, and please bring along some of your applique' so you can show this ol' girl how it's done. I'll be talking your ear off, you know!
Four more sleeps!!!! What am I talking about? Who can sleep with all this excitement?
Awwww how sweet! And isn't it perfect that his name is Harrington???
I have to say, I LOVE the one ear up thing!
Harrington is so cute! I love his one ear up and one ear down.
Harrington is gorgeous! Welcome dear one, we can't wait to read more about you and Sugie.
Hooray for Harrington, he had to work hard to get you to come get him. Of course we are very partial to his ears.....
Hi Shell,
I am so happy for you and Sugie now having the darling Sir Walter Harrington living with you.
What a little sweetie he is, and love the one ear up and one down.
His fur looks so soft and lovely.
Have a beautiful weekend
Destiny! I think Razzy's been in Mr Harrington's ear and they've signalled to your subconcious that he was there ready and waiting for you!! Such a lovely story, It's given me tears of joy for you.
Congratulations on the newest member of your family!! I hope Sugie enjoys her new companion too!
what a handsome bunny Mr Harrington is and you were obviously meant for each other!
Oh Shell, what a handsome wee dude your new knight is,and obviously full of character. I hope he does the trick to raise the spirits of Sugie as well as becoming a happy member of the family.
Sir Harrington is a handsome boy! So glad for you and Sugie. And I can't wait to start hearing tales of Sir Harrington LOL Hugs!
Heartfelt hugs to all of you! All will work out with patience and love dear, Shell. So so happy for you.
How funny as Baxter has left us, Sir Harrington has joined us. Things are just ment to be.
That is the sweetest story.. I love him and he is soooooo cute. How is Sugie taking to him?? I know what you mean about the doors.. It was meant to be..
Bunny HUgs,
And the universe is in balance once more.
Yay! A happy ending. :)
Love his ear that sticks up, so cute!
What a distinguished looking rabbit! He certainly lives up to his name doesn't he! Looks like a match made from heaven.
Shell, Suspense was KILLING me!!! What a beatiful story, so wonderfully written. I can't wait to get to know Harrington; I love him already. And how wonderfully perfect and ironic that he was already named Sir Harrington... just completely in the stars meant to be!
How wonderful that Sir Harrington came into your life when he did, already with the perfect name!
We can't replace our lost friends, but we can love another in their memory. There's always enough love to go around.
Shell, this is so awesome. I'm so happy for you and Sugie. Harrington is adorable. His ears look like he is wearing a tilted hat. Hope the bonding goes really well. Keep us posted.
I am sooo happy for you, all three of you. And here was a lovely bunny just needing a heart to fill. Wonderful.
Oh, that's just great news. It's ment to be... Sugie and Harrington.
They will be lovely together!
Oh how wonderful! It sounds like it was meant to be. I hope Sugie agrees. Hugs to you all. Ann
How wonderful to find Sir Harrington for you and Sugie,
What a sweet baby!!! So happy for you and he is a lucky boy!!
Penny in Missouri
What a fun story with a happy ending...thanks for sharing how does Siggy like him?
Like I everytime say...Nothing happends without a reason. And I'm sure..Razzy send the new bunny to you.
I wish all 3 of you, that you will have a long happy life together
Hugs Gunda
Wow! What a great story! Sir Harrington sounds like a super sweet bunny. I hope he and Sugie become the best of friends.
I was just showing him to my daughter and we love how he does the one ear up and one ear down thing. He's so cute! I also love the different shades of chocolate he has. His little feet are so adorable too. I just want to give him a little snuggle.
Harrington is adorable, I love the one up, one down ear. I am sure he is just what you and Sugie need, a lovely chocolate bunny hug. He is also going to be so happy in his new home.
I am sitting here with my eyes welling with tears...oops, a tear just slid down my cheek. Sir Harrington is the perfect addition to the Raspberry Rabbits at Bunnyville! He sounds like such a little love, too. Congratulations to you and Sugie and Harrington (what a cutie-pie!).
Happy hugs to you, dear friend!
Such a perfect ending to your story. I know Sir Harrington was sent to you from above to fill the hole in your and Sugie's hearts. I'm so happy for you.
Oh he was meant for you and obviously waiting for the right time when the door would open and you were ready to come and get him. I'm sure Razzy approves and wants another bun to have a great life with you! To say he's adorable is an understatement. The ear thing so cute. Sugie will love him...
OH OH--finally a really "happy" story on the internet!!!!
I just love that new bunny--how is Sugie doing with him????? we know how you are ----
remember--you need to create too--not just play with the "bunnies"--
Hugs, to all---
so, so happy for you and Sugie Shell :)
what a special little chap fate brought along! he is a darling and I am sure Razzy approves 110%
I interviewed Bonnie a couple of years ago on my blog :) for all the special work she does with her rabbits!
so happy everything is good for you :)
best wishes Annette xxx
forgot to say that Harrington wears a heart on his shoulder :)
Your story got me all choked up! It must be kismet. He's very beautiful!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! Could this story be any more perfect, or have a happier ending! I am so incredibly happy for you guys - big hugs to you all!
Oh Shell, I've been gone from blogland so long, I didn't know Razzy passed away. I'm so sorry. Your story about Sir Harrington is really about meant to be. I hope Sugie and Sir H. are happy together.
Perfect- a fabulous story! And what a handsome bun!
Oh hon, I'm so happy for all of you! What a cute bunny. My dog Abi usually has one ear up and one ear down. I think it gives them character. I think you will all be happier and more at peace now.
OMG! I have goosebumps and tears running down my cheeks at the same time!!
Razzy sent little Harrington for you and for Sugie. He knows how much you miss him and doesn't want you to be sad. Everything happens for a reason, I believe it more and more every day.
I am SO happy for the 3 of you and I can 't wait to hear about all the bun antics that will be happening at your house. I hope that Sugie will learn to love her new friend.
MANY hugs, Shell. I love that quote from Helen Keller and it is perfect for your life right now.
(PS the cat in my header picture is named Harry Harrington
(cue twilight zone music)
Sir Harrington is adorable with his one ear up and the other one down. It is true the best way to cope with stress is companionship. I hope Sugie will be happy with her new Sir and you too.
Hi Michelle
I found your blog through "Butterfly Dreams" and I love it. I love your stitchery and I absolutely love your rabbits. We always had a rabbit, sometimes two. Mostly we had a dutch rabbit. They are not too big and one of them did lick my dads hand and arm all the time ;-)
I'll come back to visit your blog and rabbits.
All the best
Awww - that's great and hopeful!!!
Good luck every bunn!
That is one of the cutest bunnies I have ever seen. How perfect that he came to you at this particular time.
Hi Shell,,, Its so wonderful to meet Sir Walter Harrington! What an amazing story. He was sent to you! I know he and Sugie will become good friends and I hope he can make her a happy girl again.
I hope you have a wonderful week. I know you will have some work ahead to introduce the bunnies. Take care, I am so glad to hear of the new addition to the family:)
(()) gail
Shell this is so exciting!!! How wonderful for you and Sugie!!! He is beautiful!!! I love the ear thing! He looks so at home already!
Awww what a lovely story! It was all meant to be :)
Congratulations to you and Miss Sugie for finding such a handsome bun to keep her company--and congratulations to Sir Harrington for finding a new home and a lovely new lady to keep him company.
Life works in such mysterious ways, doesn't it? :)
How wonderful for you and Sugie. Welcome Sir Harrington! Some things are meant to be.
CHARMING story that shall stay with me:)
bunny ((((HUGS)))))
Oh he is truly truly wonderful and brillant and beautiful and fantastic...give Harrington a big big huge from me please:D
It is so so sad when a bunny loses their partner. Our bun Noo noo had very teary eyes for 2 solid weeks after our/her Hobbs died & it wasn't an infection. They were the most beautiful little pair of best friends, we tried bonding her with others but she wouldn't have anything to do with anyone until Hobbs came along, he was hers instantly...
...than when Hazzy died last August, Jin looked so so sad so I ended up sleeping with her every night for a month, until she was fully bonded to Jaks and than all was okay...still sometimes though I can tell when she runs out to the yard, that she's looking for makes it even harder, the lose of our furry hearts, when we know their partners are lonely and missing them too...ugh...I soooo know what your going through dear friend...
Anyhow...he's lovely and I am so so glad you rescued him and welcomed him into your wonderful bunny home....welcome home sweet lovely Harrington. YAYYYY...this has so so made my day. XO M.
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