Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Lady Hannah Goldenhare - Nothing Gold Can Stay

Hello dear friends,

It's been a minute hasn't it? My last post was over a year ago. I decided I wanted to stay in my bubble where it was safe and use the time to simply watch and listen to what was going on around me. It was a good time to be quiet and still, not to mention grow out my gray hair! LOL!

After taking the time to be present, listen to my inner voice and simply observe, I emerged from my bubble with 20/20 vision. Pun intended. ;) I knew I was ready to embark on a new adventure and start a new chapter of my life, but I wasn't quite sure about a few things. 

One of those things was closing this blog. I've been in this little space in the universe since the Fall of 2007. Oh how wonderful blogging was back then. The like minded friends, the creativity, the bunny bloggers, the hopping from one lovely person to the next. The warmth and love that was shared through the ether was the best. It was a place for me to share my stories and my little world with you. So many friends, family and beloved pets have all passed on over these last 14 years, but their memories remain on these pages. 

Alas, things change, people change, circumstances change and the world changes too. I wasn't sure how I wanted to end this blog. All I knew is that I would end it with my favorite poem from Robert Frost. Then, just as the many, many times before, the perfect story came to me. With tears in my eyes, I knew this was meant to be the final post and it would be delivered one last time to your email as the RSS feed from Google will end.

Last Wednesday, June 23rd, my precious Hannah (Lady Hannah Goldenhare), hopped across the rainbow bridge. She made it to 12 years old and I was blessed to have her for 10 of those years. She was the oldest bunny I have ever had and I had her the longest. 

I know she and Harrington are snuggling together again and sharing bananas chips. My heart smiles when I think of all their stories and shenanigans I shared with you here. 

Hannah will forever be my "dust bunny" and I will forever be grateful for everything she inspired me to create. 

This chapter in my story is closing, but another one begins. You can still find me hopping around on Facebook, Instagram all under The Raspberry Rabbits and you can also sign up for a new newsletter coming soon on my website. I will also leave this blog here for now for those who wish to hop back and visit an old story or two from this crazy bunny lady.

So, I bid you farewell from this blog dear friends and leave you with this poem that is perfect for my Lady Hannah Goldenhare, the unwanted Easter bunny who hopped into my heart and blessed my life 10 years ago.

Sending light and love to you always,

Michelle and the Bunnies


Lady Hannah Goldenhare - Nothing Gold Can Stay

Hello dear friends, It's been a minute hasn't it? My last post was over a year ago. I decided I wanted to stay in my bubble where it...