Good morning staff! How was your weekend? Are you ready for the holiday festivities? Me...NOT! I did make 63 cards this weekend, packaged up over 23 packages and filled out the most custom's forms ever! Oy! Next year I will start in June, next year I will start in June, next year I will start in June! Remind me I said this! Tomorrow I will schlep everything to the post office and stand in line with all the other last minute ding dongs! hee, hee, hee, giggle, snort!
Ok, so let's get on with our meeting shall we?
This week I am delighted to introduce you to a new friend of mine,
Donna of Conghaile Cottage. Conghaile is Gaelic for Connolly and you can pronounce it that way. I thought that was totally cool and then....I saw the house!!!!!!!!! Ya'll know I go totally crazy bunny wonky over cute cottages right? Well HELLO!!!!!!!!!! Get a load of her house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Breathe Shell, breathe....
I can't breathe! Check out the side door!!!! There's a swoopy roof and a round windows and cute little characters to greet you on the steps and..and...and...!!! Her husband hand split all the wood for the roof!!!! Oh be still my heart...
When I first met Donna I asked her if the picture on her blog was her house because I was about to pass out over how incredible it was! I think I might pass out again just looking at these photos.Then I learned that Donna and her husband build one of a kind magical places like this! After 10 years in construction, I have the greatest appreciation for what goes into building a home. The work they do is 100 more times more intensive than anything I ever did. I would love to walk through their home and just soak it all in. Of course, I would probably never leave and they would have me arrested for stalking.
Then I learned that she is a bunny lover!!! She put these fabulous bunny dishes on her Christmas wish list. Sweet!
Donna also designs and keeps incredible gardens. Now that is something we don't have in common as I am a terrible gardener. Although, I do enjoy garden viewing, tea and wine in the garden, bunnies in the garden, garden smells... so maybe that counts? hee,hee,hee.
Hop over and visit with Donna. She blogs about many beautiful and enchanting things. I know you will enjoy your stay. Tell her Shell and the bunnies said hi!
Have a fun and magical week everyone. And oh, by they way, I appreciate you visiting with me so very much! You are a most excellent staff! (Di it was so fantastic to chat with you live and hear your voice!)
Meeting adjourned.
xx, shell, sugie and harrington