Maybe it's because I'm now carrying wool felt in my SHOP. Yippeee!!
And maybe it's because I have more ideas in my head than I can seem to hop out! Hang on to your hats my friends. We're getting ready to have some fun!!

Hello dear friends, It's been a minute hasn't it? My last post was over a year ago. I decided I wanted to stay in my bubble where it...
Another gorgeous design Shell!
Just sweet Shell, love the wool!
Hey--me and miss gracie love to have fun--but we hate cleaning up afterwards!!!!
Love the new work you are doing--
Hugs, Di and that darn cat!!
We always have fun when we're with you Shell! Love your new design, and congratulations carrying the wool felt in your shop. Wishing you the best.
Love the fusion art quiltlet. So glad to see the wool - will you be putting together bundles? Would love one of each - hmmm shopping.
Hi Shell,
I love the sweet quilt, and pleased to hear that you are now carrying wool felt.
Hope that your week is going well.
You're just to create for your own darn good! I can only imagine a whole studio of those gorgeous wools. Yup. I'm green!
Beautiful Shell. Next time i need felt i'll know where to come. :) Hug,s to you all
Beautiful Shell!!! I love seeing your fabulous ideas come to life!
Hi Shell, I love your new creation with the wool felt. It sounds like it would really be fun to do. We made it through the storms and had rain this evening and we are 69 degrees as I write this. I was suppose to be going to bed, but I thought I would pop in. Have a great day. Your Missouri Friend.
Love your new design and all the beautiful wool felt you are carrying.
Wow Shell ! I am so glad you are selling wool now. I know where to get it!!! Great design!
Really cute, Shell!! I love the new colors!!! You are just getting so much color in your life, aren't you!! :-) Kris
beautiful design and colours...
Beautiful design and gorgeous wool felt such yummy colours.
Oooh, I know all those pretty colors would inspire me--I went and reorganized my yarn stash and some of the yarn I have had me wanting to start all kinds of projects, but I have to get others done first.
Lovely little quilt. xx
That is just great! What a creative idea! :)
I just love it and the colors of the wool are just wonderfull.
Hugs Anneke
So good to see you Shell ! You look fabulous just like your creations.
Beautiful new design, Shell - wow, wool felt - I am gonna be looking. Judy C
I love the color of the new one! So excited to see what's in store!
PS-(Shell you wouldn't believe what's going on in my poo poo buckets these days... I refuse to blog about it again but it's getting worse and not better).
That is just beautiful and I love the colors. I love appliquing in wool or wool felt too - one of my favorite things to do.
I can't wait to see what else you come up with.
Love this pattern Shell - wish I had just a smidgen of your creativity! blessings, marlene
how sweet it is lol...
your color sense well you have some lol
Love your wool projects...
I love it with the dark background!
Did you get my other email?
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