I said it last week, and I think I'll say it again. We may be recessed, but we are not depressed. So much is changing. So many scary things that are unknown and at the same time, a new beginning and an awakening to what has been forgotten and lost for many years.
Many of you know that I work in construction. New home construction. Many of my readers are my beloved homeowners that I shared the vision of building a dream home with. With the current turn of events, I have been cut back to part-time. At first I was in a panic about the money, about... well... everything. Now, for the first time in years and years, with time to think and my mind being free, I'm remembering. I'm remembering who I am, who I was, what I truly love and what is really important to me.
I think many Americans and people world wide are starting to remember. For years money has been abundant and we were "gatherer's of trinkets." We all gathered the same cheaply made, meaningless trinkets of garbage from big box stores to fill our homes. We all had the same things. Every town had the same stores that had the same meaningless things that we worked our butts off to pay for. We tired of them in a year and went out and gathered more meaningless trinkets to fill the void in our hearts. Why?? Because we thought it was the way. We had forgotten. We lost ourselves along the road to "success."
Now, the times they are a chang'in. We are becoming the "keeper's of treasures." Just like our parents or grandparents that grew up during hard times. We actually "think" about purchases. We buy something because we love it and it's original and "meaningful." We remember what it was like to be rooted in simple happiness. The kind of happiness that children know.
It's funny how it takes something so incredibly stressful as losing most of your income to realize that you don't really need it in the first place. It's amazing that all the things I once loved about life got lost in the rush to "gather more trinkets" when all along, the "keeping of treasures" was what I valued and treasured most: A meal prepared by the loving hands of friends instead of a $300 restaurant bill, an hour on the phone laughing like crazy with a friend instead of a text message, reading a book from the library for pure enjoyment, writing stories as they appeared in my dreams, looking at the sunset and sunrise with utter amazement and thankfulness to God, being there when a shoulder is needed to cry on, petting an animal without a time limit, living in the present moment and remembering it, enjoying the life I have and the people that have come into it.
I may be recessed, but I am definitely not depressed. I'm remembering that I'm the "keeper of treasures." There are many and I am truly blessed.
bunny hugs,
this week IGF life changing events and remembering.
I love your way of thinking Shell! Times will only be as good as we make them. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
As one who deals in the treasures, I love this post...and I so agree...if this brings some common sense, then recess, please!
Susan *dutchrose*
Well said Shell...
Shell, you are such a gentle soul. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. It is such a peaceful way to look at these times. I'm sharing this with my DH and my children.
Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings
Very nice blog Shell! And you my friend are a treasure!
Susie of The Polka Dot Rose
Hi Shell,
Thank you for sharing your story. You are such a strong positive woman, and I am learning lots from reading your post. :)
Pei Li
I just love those bunnies. I love what you said in your post too. It is really a scary time but at the same time it is a time to grow and learn.
You are so right, in times of recession I think the war time spirit steps in and people help each other more and as you said material things are only a small part of a bigger picture, health and happiness are worth so much more.
Shell your way with words is lovely. Yes looking at things somewhat different and in a positive way is what it's all about. A little sunshine can be found in everything. One just needs to do a little soul searching to find it. Thanks for sharing.
I loved your post!
Thank you.
Hi Shell,
I see more terrific bunny photos. And I really enjoyed your post. The simple treasures are the best.
Hi Shell - - thanks so much for the post! It really made me stop and think. Everything you said is so very true. I am going to share your post with my family. You are such an inspiration to me!
Cindy O.
You already know I love that saying of yours! "We may be recessed, but we are not depressed." And it's worth saying again.
A wonderful intro to a wise and timely post.
We need to think on things you wrote. We need to see that having everything, is not the best way to go. We need to remember what it's like to be rooted in simple happiness, as you said.
Interestingly, I wrote on contentment today, too...
Aunt Amelia
"Surely as cometh the Winter, I know
There are Spring violets under the snow."
~ R.H. Newell
Sweet bunnies and sweet message. We all need a reminder of what is really important. Of course, a little treat now and then is also a good thing...
Thats really a beautiful post Shell!You are so right on.
oh dw...you are awesome. that was so inspirational to me...thanks. i needed it today!
What a wonderful post. All points we need to keep in mind. Thanks for putting down what so many of us have been thinking. kath
And the bunnies knew it all along! (After all they have no pockets to keep their money!)
Keep up the positive thinking, because that's exactly what it is, a different way of thinking about and looking at life. It's what we make of it that really counts.
Thank you for sharing.
Dear Shell, LOVED our post!
That's a wonderful post. We need a reminder every once in a while to stop and smell the roses.. or the bunnies :D
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