Razzy and Chloe were put in "time out" the other day. They were very naughty bunnies. Even though they have more toys than most children, they decided it would be more fun to knock the trash can over and shred the paper bag inside. That is of course after they flung all the paper and fabric schnibbles all over the floor! Trash Pickers!! Thank goodness that the trash up in Bunnyville is still "bunny proof!" Heathen's! I have to laugh though, Razzy looks like he's saying "she did it." While Chloe looks like she's saying "tattletale."
The other day I gave you a sneak peak of my latest design. It's called "Roses for Laura." (Laura is my oldest niece). Here's the finished piece. I really love how it turned out and it has already sold. It was so fun to design, which brings me to this weeks post. "From Doodle to Design" I'm one of those people that loves to doodle. I always seem to be doodling something, whether it's a picture, a quote or just words. Something always sparks my imagination and I will "doodle" it. I doodle when I'm nervous, bored, and when I'm on overload. Somehow doodling always makes me feel good.

I carry around a "doodle book" in my purse so I'm always ready. Over the years I have done lots of doodling and I wish I still had some of those ideas, but they were on scraps of paper that got lost over time. I'm in the process of working on some patterns and a quilting book that I have wanted to do for years and now finally have the time to think and do all the legal mumbo jumbo that goes with it. Doodling is part of the process. I will be carrying ready made "Doodle Books" on my site for those that don't sew, but like to well... doodle or jot things down, as well as, patterns on how to make your very own "Doodle Book."
Here's one. There will be more very soon.
Check back with me on Wednesday if you get a minute. Until then, have a fun week!
bunny hugs,
This week IGF simple little doodles and bunny proof trash
Roses for Laura is just gorgeous! Absolutely beautiful. And I love the little doodle books. how pretty. Keep up the good work!
Love the post...the doodle book is soooo creative...using your noodle with the doodle!
Susan *dutchrose*
Doodle books are a great idea. Hope the bunnies behave this week!
Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings
My goodness Shell, your talents are never ending! I love the applique, quilting, and sewing work you are putting together these days. Love the Roses for Laura and the new Doodle Books! That's what I've been using the sweet personal notebook you made me for ... keeping all my ideas in one special place! I'm sure to need another very soon!
But.. but.. they look so innocent!! Maybe the trash can toppled on its own and the paper bag ripped itself apart :p
Love your latest design, the colours are very pleasant. And great idea about a doodle book!
Love 'Roses for Laura' it is beautiful and your covered doodle book, just love them. Thank you for sharing
Love "Roses For Laura" gorgeous and the doodle books are sweet too. Poor Chloe and Razzy, sounds like a puppy I know who gets time out now and then.
Shell, that book is just beautiful!!!
You are so talented.
OMG Shelli! LOVE Roses for Laura!!!! Gorgeous! I am a doodler too-might have to get one of your ca-ute doodle books to replace my purse one! Great work! Can't wait to see your book! How exciting!
Shell, I already visited your site and saw all of your beautiful new designs. As always, I love your bunnies. Pink Hugs, Tedi
ok...i want one...sooooo pretty. and you are so talented, for a dw. haha.
Hi Shell! Oh those heathen wabbits! You can't expect them to be perfect all the time, now, can you? :) I loved your new "Roses for Laura". Very nice!
Susie, The Polka Dot Rose
Hi Shell,, those rascly rabbits!!! lol Too funny. I love your Roses for Laura piece. That will be one lucky recipient!
I am a doodler from way back. My deskpad calendar has a doodle drawing in each square. It keeps my co-workers occupied to see what I am doing next. LOL
Happy Creating.. hugs, gail
Hello Shell!
I followed you from your comment over at Bunny Rose Cottage. I love your home! It is so beautiful. (In the house we lived in previously, the cabinet guy thought I was weird wanting glass in my cabinets!) How restful you place looks. And what nice bunnies you have! My daughter wants a bunny, but I am sort of afraid it might scratch her. What a creative lady you are. I am going to put you on my links.
C. C.
YOur piece was beautiful and I can see why it is already sold. kath
Hey Michelle!
I have a doodle book too. I carry it with me always and put all of my ideas in there. Your new pieces are beautiful. Come on over for a Creative Inspiration Giveaway. I would love to link to your beautiful creative studio if you don't mind!
LOL now little bunny nibbles surely can't do much damage.
Love your doodle books...great idea.
those bunnies are so adorable. I also love see your doodles
I have several doodle/note books around too. You never know when inspiration is going to hit and I'd never be able to remember it otherwise! Nice job Shell!
Hi Shell, I am in Love with that picture! What a very lucky recipient!! I really do admire your craft. I think a doodle book may hit my purse in the near future! Especially a pretty one then maybe DH will keep his paws off of it! Razzy and Chloe are just so loved and innocent looking.
Huggs, Nancy
Hi Shell....your bunny babies are so cute! I love your roses picture and I can see why it sold so quickly. :)
Pink hugs,
Shell, I love your bunnies and your doodle books, not to mention your wonderful new piece. Doodlers are dreamers! Just wanted to thank you for your tender thoughts when my dog left us so suddenly. You really helped me through a very tough few days. Thank you!
Hi Shell,
Oh how cute! I just love the doodle book and also the name! Great color and great idea pinkie!
Janet's Creative Pillows
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