Well little did I know that this particular disease has more than one stage and I just realized that I have developed Stage Two PSA. What is Stage Two you're asking???? This is rather embarrassing. Stage Two PSA is "Paper Separation Anxiety." Yep, it's true. This develops when one has trouble letting go of paper. Of course it has to be pretty paper and truthfully it really doesn't even have to be paper. For instance. This is a tag off a pair of $10 pants I bought on clearance. When I cut the tag off, I couldn't bear to throw it away. I was more excited about the tag than I was the fact that I only paid $10 for a pair of pants! I could use this on a card, on a piece of art, on...on... another tag!! Yeah! Oh boy where's my heart punch. I just had to punch a heart shape out of it. Isn't it pretty???

As I continued to organize bunnyville, I started noticing that not only have I saved tags from clothing, but I have saved pretty tissue boxes, scraps of wrapping paper, bits and pieces and well... Schnibblets of everything. Don't you just love that word? Schnibblets. I love that word. These are fun too, Schmooze, Schmege, Schmutzed, Schmuck-a-telly. Let's use them in sentences. I have Schnibblets of paper everywhere. I tried to Schmooze my friend in order to get her paper. I got glue Schmege all over that paper. Oh I just Schmutzed that paper up. Geeze, I'm such a Schmuck-a-telly. Hee,hee,hee. Ok I digress, back to PSA.

So anyway, being the "organizational over achiever" that I am, I then had to make sure that all my Schnibblets and papers were color coordinated and placed in an easy to see, easy to grab manner. Thank goodness for Ziplock bags.

Now everything is perfectly filed away so when I want to create I don't have to hunt and dig. I know many of you suffer from this same illness. The good news is that there is a "politically" correct term for it now. It's called "creating green." Reduce, reuse, recycle. Use that term if you want, but we all know that you really have Stage Two PSA.
Have a great week. Check back with me and I'll give you the What's Up on Wednesday.
bunny hugs and kisses,
This week IGF, Razzy being well again and my over active, dorky imagination.
Shell, you are too cute! Oh, I can so relate on so many level! I would have so kept that tag too!
Shell, you always have me laughing! Now I dont feel so bad. My confession: If there is a piece of paper with a cute little animal on it, I can bear to throw it away. I will cute the shape off the note paper. I cant bear for it to be all alone in the trash, and whats worse, THE DUMP! I have cut out animal shapes all over the place.
PS: Be watching your mail box!!!
hugs, gail
OOOh, can I come play with your papers? They all are so pretty! Great organization there.
Too funny~ I was in a panic for a moment~ I was about to google PSA!
OK...I will see your PSA 2 and raise shopping bag collections...and a tag on a thrift shop purchase sweater...original price $295...I could not bear to remove the price tag...I could never afford a $300 sweater!
Susan *dutchrose*
OMG Shell, you scared the dickens out of me! Thought you were really sick. Loved the post, my tired self needed that laugh, thanks.
Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings
Hi Shell,
I am afraid I suffer from the same affliction. We should all start a group! Have a great week and I can't wait to see hou you use all your goodies.
Shell you should go on J. Leno! *smiles* Way to cute!! Love all those beautiful papers!
Oh man! I wished I was as organized as you. I love all your pretty paper collection. They are just so beautiful. Would make such wonderful backgrounds for my miniatures LoL.
Pei Li
Shell ~
I never knew there was a name associated with my habit! Now I feel better knowing there are more of us.
PS: That tag is awesome.
Shell, Can you come do me now? How great is it to love paper! Tedi
OMG.....now there are TWO names for it! I didn't even know others suffered from it. LOLOLOL I am a Stage 2 Green PSA. :) Thanks for the laugh!
Pink hugs,
Yep Shell me too. Glad to know I can start a support group with all my pink ones...LOL. Love the idea that we are green. Hoarding paper has just become politically correct! Happy clipping. Kiss the bunnies for me. Lilli
Hi Shell! That was a fun read! Golly, I have a case of that too. Who would have guessed to take time to color coordinate it? Thank you for the tip!
Pink hugs,
The Polka Dot Rose
Crafters never throw anything away, beauty can be found in any scrap of fabric, paper or topping off a box of chocolates.
I support you in you in your PSA 2 I frequently get FSA 2 this relates to fabric, so can appreciate your dilemma
I never throw out old calenders, instead cut off the pictures to reuse.
The "schm-" words are much more fun than the phrase "going green." Wonder if we could come up with a "schm-" word that meant the same thing?
PSA..Oh! How funny!!! I have it too I'm sure! Fifi who? Shell, thanks for letting me know how you dine..I just love it! I hope more people enter the contest..I have something fun!
Cindy:) (())
Hi Shell,
You are so funny, your posts always make me smile!
ps. thanks for visiting the other day
How funny! I can see how you couldn't throw that tag away, it is so pretty. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that suffers from this condition!
You always make me laugh and giggle... thank GOD your studio looks like mine!!!!
Maybe that's a good thing... Matt won't even come in here! LOL!!
OH Shell!!! You are always making me smile girl! I have actually been throwing away stuff here in Birdville. Do you want me to send it your way??? LOL
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