This page is two little girls holding a bunny. I used vintage lace, vintage buttons and pearl beads.

This page is a lady holding a bunny that is all wrapped up like a baby. I love the little elves and can't help but think they brought her the bunny knowing she would be the perfect mother. If you look at the page, you'll see the word promise, a key and a heart. The mother is telling the bunny, "I promise you the key to my heart." Vintage lace surrounds this page.

This page has vintage linen from a table cloth, vintage lace and buttons.

This page is used an old damask table cloth that belonged to my mom when I was a little girl. It's too messy to be used as a table cloth, but it's perfect to be reused into art. I just love these pages.

This final page used linen again and a vintage button. I love making these bunny designs. I have tons of them and will be featuring them in more of my upcoming work.
Have a good week. Stop back by and see me on What's Up Wednesday.
bunny kisses,
This week IGF people who wanted to become "exotic pet" vet's. Razzy has been sick and I'm grateful to have such good care for him. Keep him in your prayers.

This page is a lady holding a bunny that is all wrapped up like a baby. I love the little elves and can't help but think they brought her the bunny knowing she would be the perfect mother. If you look at the page, you'll see the word promise, a key and a heart. The mother is telling the bunny, "I promise you the key to my heart." Vintage lace surrounds this page.

This page has vintage linen from a table cloth, vintage lace and buttons.

This page is used an old damask table cloth that belonged to my mom when I was a little girl. It's too messy to be used as a table cloth, but it's perfect to be reused into art. I just love these pages.

This final page used linen again and a vintage button. I love making these bunny designs. I have tons of them and will be featuring them in more of my upcoming work.
Have a good week. Stop back by and see me on What's Up Wednesday.
bunny kisses,
This week IGF people who wanted to become "exotic pet" vet's. Razzy has been sick and I'm grateful to have such good care for him. Keep him in your prayers.
Hi Shell. Your book is sweet and adorable. You have such a talent. Please send my love to Razzy and I sure hope he is better soon. I also have a sick kitty:(
On my blog I posted a bracelet that I finally go to use some of my special bunny beads. I really want to make you a bracelet and send it to you. Happy creating.
Keep us posted,,, luv gail
Your quilted book is amazing! I did see the bunny and he is a cutie patootie! Love it.
The book is totally amazing! Wow!
Poor Razzy :-( One of my outdoor kitties disappeared for a night, and I was worried sick, but she is back in her condo now...think she bruised her front leg...she had a bit of a limp...I always pray to St. Francis...seems to work! She came home!
Susan *dutchrose*
Wow, that is an amazing creation girl! I see the bunnies, I see the bunnies!!! xoxo
I love the quilted book design,I hope razzie is feeling better.
I love your bunny designs, Shell. The book is so beautiful. Can't wait to see what else you will come up with.
Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings
Hi Shell,
The bunny book is really beautiful. I can't wait to see your new designs.
I didn't know how you were going to top pooping bunnies but....well you did. LOL beautiful new work.Lilli
Prayers for Razzy.
Hi Shell,
The Bunny book is just so beautiful and well made! I have not seen a book like that before! You are so amazing!
Pei Li
Shell this is just lovely! I know the recipient of this gift will enjoy this precious book as much as I LOVE the adorable purse you made me.
Hi Shell! Breathtakingly beautiful! So exquisite! Your choice of colors and reusing your Mom's tablecloths is stunning! Thank you so much for sharing this special art with us. You go girl!
Pink hugs,
The Polka Dot Rose
Your book is so pretty! I can see the bunnies too. I hope Razzy is feeling better soon!
Hi Shell,
Your book is amazing! Wow! You are so very talented. Thanks for getting the Shabby wall goodie. I will get it out asap. :) I will also keep Razzy in my prayers. Poor sweetie. Have a great week!
Shell, I am in LOVE!! This is over the top gorgeous! You are so talented!!
Wow Shell, your book is just gorgeous! Thanks for visiting our blog!
Eileen & Karen
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