Funny how I decided to write this post on election day. So many "adult" decisions up in the air. So many things that have happened this past year. So much sadness, hurting, sorrow. Hope for tomorrow???...
I can't help but think of this past weekend. My mom got married. I went to my home town of VA Beach for the wedding. What a total blast it was. Dancing, good food and lots and lots of laughter. My "Cutie" grammy was in the hospital and unable to attend the wedding. We all crashed her hospital room and had a small party complete with medical glove balloon fights (David is such an instigator and a 48 year old kid).
As we made our way from the parking lot into the hospital, I was holding the hand of my youngest niece, Noelle. She is four. I really think she is a Magical Sprite in disguise. This child has such a way about her. Being the adult, I had my focus upon getting into the hospital, seeing my sick grammy, being sad over sick grammy, being sad that sick grammy couldn't attend the wedding etc. Noelle, being the child of four, "Skipped" the entire way from the parking lot to the entrance. She saw the beautiful dolphin sculpture in the garden. She said, "oooh auntie, look at the water fall (fountain)," she said, as she skipped, it's such a beautiful day. I stopped to think about it for a minute. Here I was so focused on my mission that I missed all the beautiful little things I passed on my journey. I missed the fact that it was indeed a beautiful day. I was not enjoying the journey. I was simply passing through.
Later that evening at the wedding reception Noelle asked me to take her potty. I said sure. I grabbed her little hand and we Skipped through the reception hall, all the way through the hotel lobby to the bathroom. I think I will Skip each day. I will especially Skip today...
Hugs to you all,
This week IGF magical sprites disguised as little girls.
Shell ~ that is so precious and so true ~ we need to take the time to skip through the day ~
Hi michelle, what a sweet niece you have. Four year olds are so smart, arent they.. I hope your Grammy is getting better.
Have fun skipping....hugs, gail
Shell, love your post. Give that precious niece of yours a hug. This is something all of us dopey adults need to remember, think I may just skip tomorrow! Think I may also take a nice slow stroll down the road and see what I've been missing.
Hi Shell,
I just loved your post. It is so true that we often miss the lovely things along the way. Your niece is such a little beauty, too.
Awww Shell, how sweet! I loved your story about skipping and seeing all the beauty around you. If only we could stay in touch with our four-year-old wonder more often. My hubby used to always skip with the kids - yep - out in downtown Atlanta, he would skip across the street with them, skip across the grocery story parking lot and I know he's still do it now if he could but sadly his back surgery took his skipping abilities away :(
So I'm with you, I think I'l skip whenever I can!
xo Cathy
Such a great post Michelle! Have a great night!
I thought my town felt "happier". Must have been cos you were here!
Your neice is such a cutie. I'm glad you both have that carefree childlike spirit.
Good luck at your show!
I constantly promote that message to my students...even in education, they come all excited to learn, and somehow we beat it out of them...perhaps a new dawn today will give us new hope...that indeed...you can dream a dream and make it come true...
Susan *dutchrose*
Hi Shell, so sweet and so true! We all need to skip some every day, I will for sure do some skipping today and I will think about you!!
;0) Helene
Oh Shell, isn't that the truth! How simple! To see the beauty in everything around us all the time. She is a cutie (like her Auntie).
Susie ~ The Polka Dot Rose
Hi Shell!
What a beautiful niece! Guess what?? You won my giveaway! Send me your last name and address. I need to take the time to do a lot of skipping! lol Great post Shell. Hope you have a happy day.
Janet's Creative Pillows
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