Well, last week I let on to the fact that I had a clear vision. That finally, finally, after so much soul searching, exploring, time, yadda,yadda, that it finally occurred to me what direction I should head into.
I just hung up the phone with my best friend, Beth. She and I were talking about some stuff and she said "do what you know." I told her hmmm, I think that will be the title of my blog post. It's funny, but that's usually how things come to me. My inspiration comes from others always.
Beth and I were talking about all the money I have wasted on "supplies". How overwhelmed I've been with paints, glues, papers, etc. Continually trying things that were just not me. Searching and searching and searching. What I have realized these past couple of weeks is that I am a quilter at heart. My medium is fabric, textiles and stitch. I suck at painting, I suck collage with paper and glue (messy), I suck with glitter, and I really hate mass producing stuff. I'm miserable when I have to create 15 of something. I'm an anal neat freak and I can't create in messy space. It makes me tense and uptight. I must have calm, clean and serene!
I sat back and realized that I need to do what I know and let it go and sew. I'm a quilter. I'm a bunny lover, rose lover, cottage lover. I love people and enjoy sharing with people. I'm a teacher. I taught quilting for 10 years and loved it. I hate mass produced items. I hate creating under stress to make a buck. So, with that said, my direction for my art, blog, website and life will focus on what I love best: Rabbits, Roses, Cottages and Sharing with others. I will have original artwork with Rabbits, Roses and Cottages and I will have a section that offers patterns to those quilt makers, stitchers and other crafty souls that share my passion. I will do what I know and let it go and sew!
The Christmas Cone above is original and features a pink Santa snuggling three bunnies. It's 31" long, original and one of a kind. Check out my website if you wish to purchase. http://www.theraspberryrabbits.com/
"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do." -Rumi
This week IGF finally getting it together and taking the first step to following my "Bliss"
Shell, you really got yourself grounded! Your Santa is beautiful and the bunnies are so cute. Can't wait to see what else we have to look forward to. Be happy, sweet friend.
Awwwwwwwwwww, you go girl!!!! Beth was certainly right about doing what you know. We tend to veer off sometimes huh? I just love your posts.....you got me hoppin'. heehee
p.s. Come check out my new holiday blog.
OMG!!!! That Santa cone is gorgeous!!! I am so glad that you are going to stick with your loves of quilting, bunnies, roses and cottage- that is what I loved about your designs since I met you! Especially your beautiful quilts! I always wanted to make your quilts! BTW, still hand quilting 'Star of My Heart'-only now I have a frame and it is going well! : )
Way to go Shell... you have learned something very important "To thine own self be true...."
What beautiful work !
Shell, I am in awe. This piece is beautiful. I am sticking with jewelry and sewing myself. Your art is wonderful and I am glad you will be doing more of it. I love that saying by Rumi. Its one of my favorites! Have a great week..pink bunny hugs, gail
I love it...how sweet are the bunnies in Santa's hand...glad you are hopping along with what pleases you!
Susan *dutchrose*
Hi Michelle,
I love your work. Your passion shows. I am so glad you found what you love.
Your santa is just wonderful. It sounds like you have truly found a path. Your post is great to read ... good for you!!! No go do what you love to do.
Hi Shell,
This is such an inspiring post. You have such a wonderful, clear, original business idea that I'm sure you will be successful! I am thrilled for you!
Have a great week creating!
Pei Li
Shell ~
Love the tussies, they are so sweet. I'm glad you found your direction.
Shell, this post went straight to my heart. I could have written it myself--except I probably wouldn't have said it was well as you did. In the past month or so, I've been set on getting back to fabric crafting (quilting, sewing, etc.) and leaving off all the stuff I've tried and am not good at. Thanks for a wonderful post and for sharing your beautiful Santa.
Michelle.. your Santa is beautiful!! What gorgeous work. Doing what you love shows.
Hugs, MB
That is such a beautiful Santa Michelle! Have fun creating your bliss!
that is some gorgeous santa...and bunnies. wow, shell! i am duely impressed. you go girl! btw...2010...year of the dw. i promise!
Shell, When you do what you know it all just flows out of you! I am so glad you decided to do what you love most because we all love it too! The santa is amazing and I can't wait to see what else you create!
I so understand your thinking. I hate mass production to make a buck ...but..I am doing it. So I've found a way to enjoy it. By spending as much time on each piece as I feel necessary and for the enjoymentof making.Then when I offer it for sale the price reflects the time put in.I'm not making things I don't want to make.
Stick with what you love.
I love your Santa holding the bunnies! I think the direction you are going in is perfect for you. Success is yours girl!
Wow Shell....that Santa is simply TO DIE FOR! I'm so glad you've had your epiphany girlie. The world will be all the better for the beauty you create. xoxo Andie
Hi Shell....that is just beautiful. Good luck with your new venture! :)
Pink hugs,
Your Christmas cone is BEAUTIFUL!
And so is my pillow! Thanks so much!!!
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