I'm done. I'm so glad to be done. It's gone. Almost all of it. All the things I wanted to sell so I could move on with my art, life, future. This weekend was the show in Greenville, NC. This is the first time I participated in this Holiday Show. Fabulous! I know times are hard for people, but they came and they bought.
My main goal for this show was to unload all the things I had from my past business adventures, shows, "hare brained" ideas, etc. I did just that. A weight has been lifted. I'm free. I also prayed for a clear direction for my future and for my art. It came. Like a blazing star in the night, it came. Ok, it practically smacked me upside the head and said, "dorkwad I've been trying to tell ya!" "Geeze why don't you listen?!"
I'm going to take a much needed break from "having to sew" and focus on "wanting" to sew. My path is clear. My vision is clear. The future is bright. All you bunny lover's look out. They are hopping your way. Hmmm, interesting how long it takes us to quiet ourselves long enough to see who we really are. Interesting how long it takes us to listen to who we really are. So much time wasted. Glad there is a tomorrow. I will not waste another one.
Thank you all you wonderful messengers that brought me focus and answers. Lyd, thank you for caring and really listening.
This week IGF a higher power that answers prayers and for friends that truly hear.
Hey! Girl..I'm so happy for you, now move on, and create till your hearts content..BTW..she's adorable your miniyou!!! LOL
Hi Shell,,, I am happy you did so well at your show. How great. I cant wait to see what the bunny future holds and see what your working on. Whatever it is, I am sure it will be beautiful and fun! I love your window for your website too. Sooo cute!!!! Happy creating,,luv,gail
Congrats on a great show Michelle! And have fun creating!
WOOOOT Shell ! I almost did that Greenville show....wish I had known you were going to it...but I am sooo happy you were able to do so well.
YAY Shell! I'm so proud of you and I'm excited for you too! Can't wait to see what wonderful new direction you take your considerable talents in. I'm really inspired and motivated by your taking action and charge of your life and really defining what you want to do and who you want to be. It's in the air I tell ya! We both grasped that "aha" thing of wanting to switch things around so we are managing our businesses, not having it manae us! Love it!! You rock!
Shell, good for you! So glad the show went well, you moved the merchandise you had to and now you are clear to go in the direction you were meant to go. Some of us just always take the scenic route, what can I say? And I still say, I will and no one should ever regret yesterday, it was required to get us where we are today. God just has some lessons he wants us to get straight before we go forward. I'm learning, I'm learning.
(( ))
Your booth is lovely. I am so happy to hear everything you wanted from the show worked out and now you have found your path. Sounds like an amazing weekend for you.
And if I forgot to tell you, your holiday window is beautiful!!!
hey, dw! that's a beautiful booth. no wonder they bought. i am so glad you were able to clear out and move on. feels so good, doesn't it???
Good you sold stuff! Now that was alot of philosophy to lay on me tonight along with Desperate Housewives and my Comp 101 essays to read :-)
Susan *dutchrose*
Hey Shell! Ain't it grand how life just slaps us upside the head sometimes?! lol I'm so happy you're well on your way on this new adventure of yours. xoxo Andie
I'm so happy for you! Now I'm really looking forward to seeing what your shooting star is! Tedi
Hey Shell,
Glad you had a great show! Even better that you are on you way to a bright new future! I know you can do it my friend.
Your Niece is beautiful!
That was a beautiful post. god bless your clear vision. I must say though I do miss seeing the bunnies poop! LOL (not really. I'm just being silly)you go girl! Lilli
Hi Shell! Darn, I knew I should have made a left and headed down to the show in NC! Your display looks so wonderful and I am so glad to know you made so many people happy with your hand made treasures. I am "hoppy" for you!
Susie of The Polka Dot Rose
Hi Shell,
Great to know your show went well. I am excited and happy for your new endeavour, and am looking forward to see what you will be creating.
Pei Li
Congrats. Now have some fun.
Shell ~
I am so happy for you. Glad to hear you did well at the show. I for one can't wait to see what you create.
LOL!! Shelly your adorable! It sure is wonderful to unload things! I'm glad all went well!!
I can't wait to see what your "tomorrows" will bring!
Hey Pink Sis,
What a lovely show, CONGRATS! It looks beautiful!
Wishing you a Happy Monday!
Hi Shell,
Wow! I am so happy for you! If must feel so good to be free and ready to move on to new creative projects. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Hi Shell.....congratulations on your show and selling out! It's always exciting to start a new venture and I wish you much luck and happiness in yours. Your little niece is adorable and truly does look like a minature "Shell"!
Pink hugs,
Alright Michelle,
Now you've got us all in suspense....you know you will have to come out and disclose your secret soon. I know its going to be fabulous, cause you are soooo creative. And congrats on the show! Isn't cleaning up and getting rid of old things great! I must say, though, your show items look awesome to me and must have been as everyone bought your lovelies. Best wishes and prayers your way for continued success!!
Hi Shell,
Wonderful to hear that you did great at the Show. Can’t wait to see what you and the Bunnies have up the sleeve!! Have a great week!
;0) Helene
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