Thursday, March 28, 2019

Hi there!

Well, I had the most wonderful birthday yesterday and.... I finished my "Within an Inch of My Life" project!

If you are on Facebook, you can go to my page The Raspberry Rabbits and see a little video I did.

Here's my final inch representing 365 days of stitching. I never missed a day and truly enjoyed every step on this journey.

I received this quote this morning. It's from Lynne Moncrieff of Somerset Studio
"The hear of it is... going with the flow, and not being weighed down with any potential pressure of thoughts of a finished project." This quote describes exactly how I felt on this year long journey. I was free to just stitch what I wanted without writing instructions, or worrying about a finished product. It was simply a creative journey for myself to mark my 50th year.

You can see on the left side of the photo that it ended a little wonky. Well, I came up with a great idea to finish off so it is even all the way around. I will share that in a future post once I get it stitched.

Here is an inch I did for a new Slow Stitching Club I joined.

Each month we will have a small challenge project to make. Our first challenge was to make a wonky name tag. Having unfinished edges is about as wonky as I can do. LOL! The hare was hand painted on linen by my dear Jules. I was excited to use it in this project. I added some wings for some wonkiness. ;)

Then, I did an inch for our annual community yard sale. David and I both declared that we are done with yard sales. Good gracious they are dreadful to do. It's not like we had that much stuff, but people are ridiculous and rude when you won't take 50 cents for something you are asking $5 for! We're done. We will donate things to those in need and smile.

David did another Liberty puzzle. We are passing them around with his family. He said this one was pretty challenging.

Of course, I spotted this piece right away. ;) It's so cool how they put little creatures and characters into the puzzle that only show up from the back side.

I'll close for now as I have to go finish packing for my trip to St. Simons Island in Georgia tomorrow. I'm teaching for the Coastal Georgia Quilt Guild. I'm really looking forward to fun and creative time with them.

Sabrina knows I'm getting ready to leave. She's always follows me around when my class trunks come out of the closet. She's a Mama's girl for sure.

Hugs and see ya next week!


tink's mom said...

Wonderful project. Looking forward to seeing how you tie is all together. Hope it was a very Happy Birthday.

Jeanette said...

It's been a wonderful journey following your inches everyday. Love your slow stitching project. I get really annoyed with people when they are like that. I don't do garage sales any more for that reason, all my stuff goes to charity. Love the puzzle & have fun in Georgia. Hugs, xx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Precious Shell, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm so impressed with your achievements and now tell us, what big project is on the horizon for you now?

Createology said...

Happy Birthday and continued Bliss as you enter ythis new year. I have loved following your “Within an Inch” project and it will be fun to see how you complete your story hexies. Enjoy your teaching weekend dear. WOW on the Liberty puzzle! Sweet Sabrina is such a Love. Safe Travels...xo

Petal49 said...

I hope you had a wonderful birthday and it has been inspiring to be part of your stitching journey. That puzzle looks great finished and how lovely to have little critters show up on the back. Have fun with your classes.

Judy1522 said...

Happy Birthday! I know I am a little late but I am behind on reading blogs. I'm glad you had a good day.

Bailey said...

I'm quite late with reading my blogs. I was sick with a cold for two weeks and am just now getting back to normal. Got to spend my birthday as a sick girl but the hubby takes very good care of me, even though he was sick first. I can't believe you have been on your stitching journey for a year. What a trip! It's been enjoyable to see all your hexies. I've never had a yard sale or garage sale but I don't think I would like it very much. People can be very rude and feel that you should be giving away everything. I have a few places where I donate things that are still in good condition. Much easier and no hassle. Sabrina is such a pretty girl! I'm sure she misses you when you are gone. Always enjoy reading your blog posts! I'm so glad you are enjoying your teaching and are able to find people who enjoy having you! Love to everyone at The Raspberry Rabbits!

RG said...

I guess a puzzle and the "Inch of my life" project are sort of opposite parts for a balanced life! For one you keep looking at the finished product to see what to do next and the other just flows along!! Happy birthday - you are truly some kind of inspiration!!!

Spring has finally come to the Pac NW - about 2 weeks late!

Susie said...

I have got behind reading my favourite blogs but am catching up. I know exactly what you mean about people trying to pay as little as possible for things. We hold an annual carnival in our village and I had a stall with my quilted things. I was not charging a lot but people wouldn't even pay for the mug rugs but they all wanted to tell me that they quilted or that there were better shops!!! I am not a shop!!!! SO I said never again to that!!!!! Love the new puzzles they are so different. Hugs, Susie x

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