Wednesday, December 13, 2017

And More from Houston

Hi ya!

How's your week going? Do you have snow in your little part of the world? I'm actually visiting Florida right now. It isn't any warmer here. This morning it was 35! So much for a vacation to a warmer spot. hee,hee,hee. Oh well, it is December.

Here are some more quilts from Houston. I tell ya, it's been really fun looking at all of these again. Next week I will share some photos of my students work. They were amazing!

Here ya go!

 Check out this crochet detail on this border and binding along with the rick rack! Love it!!

Hugs and see ya next week,


ferne said...

What a beautiful way to start my day...a cup of coffee and viewing these stunning quilts. Lucky you to see them up close! Thanks for sharing them!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...


Binka said...

So thankful for these postings of all the quilt shows that you attend! I feel like they are such a treat to look through. I spend several days going over them after you send them to us! Thank you so very much for sharing.

Kris said...

WOW!! These quilts are all beyond amazing but I think my favorite of this group is "Receiving Grace." Just incredible!! All of them!! Thanks for sharing, Shell! :-)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

UNBELIEVABLE that these are quilts! That flower looks like a PHOTO! Lovely as always, and 35 in FLORIDA? GET OUT! Enjoy what you can of a cozy cozy holiday dear one!

Tina said...

What wonderful, artistic quilts!! How wonderful that you were able to see them in person. Thank you so much for sharing them with us!

kc said...

So, hey you....just now getting around to reading this post, and finding you were IN FL! I hope next time you come, you'll let me know & you can visit a while here....if it's cold, we can go see the manatees...if it's warm, we can go visit Silver Springs! LOTS to do and see here, give me a shout next time you come to town!!

Lady Hannah Goldenhare - Nothing Gold Can Stay

Hello dear friends, It's been a minute hasn't it? My last post was over a year ago. I decided I wanted to stay in my bubble where it...