As I started to write this post, my mind drifted to so many adventures I have had over the past eight years. It really is hard to believe that eight years have passed since I decided to write this blog and share snippets of my life with you. So many things have changed and yet, at the same time, so many things remain the same. It's funny how one's path can wiggle just a little as they grow older, while others have a path that twists and turns down many rabbit holes. Mine is definitely the latter.
I still am passionate about my Folk Art Fusion and creating designs to teach you. Here's a sneaky peeky of Bridgette Butterfly, the Botanist, hee,hee,hee. She is a new class coming in 2016. I have found that my passion truly is in teaching and not being a pattern designer. Inspiring others to be creative brings me more joy than pumping out pattern after pattern to try and sell to stores.
Bunnies are forever my loves, but I simply can't bring myself to get another one at this time. Harrington's sudden passing in June took a HUGE chunk out of my heart and it still hasn't healed. I miss him so much. Thank goodness Hannah is doing very well and is just as precious and sweet as ever. I can't wait for her to have her beautiful room in the new house. It will also be a spot where I sit and stitch, or draw, or work on my laptop. I am really looking forward to that.
Speaking of the new house, here is
what our house will look like. It's an adorable Craftsman cottage. David
will have an extra garage space for his Camaro, which makes him super
happy. In fact, the entire garage area will be his "Car Cave." The
window way up high on the rear elevation is my new studio, which will
look out over a pond. There is tons of beautiful natural light that
will pour in through that window. I know it will be a truly inspiring place
to design my Folk Art Fusion.
have been major delays from the county permitting office and we are now
three months behind schedule. So, it looks like we won't be in our new
home until the middle or end of January instead of November 18. We are
very sad, disappointed and truly sick and tired of living in this
storage shed of an apartment, but at the same time, we are grateful we
will have a nice new home to move into. Our hearts go out to all those
who have lost their homes to flooding and fires this year. It's so very sad.
My darling Sabrina has taken on the duties of Office Assistant. Every morning she reviews my calendar and lets me know what I need to accomplish. ;)
I think back to a year ago when she came into my life with the "Cuddle Puddle." Remember Miss Tiggy Wiggins and DK?
This is the two of them before they went to their new home. They were sooooo adorable!!!!!
Well, here they are now all grown up. I got to see them in Virginia when I was there in August. Tiggy is small like Sabrina and looks just like her except she has white markings where Sabrina has brown.
DK, who is now known as Deeks, is a big boy with gorgeous markings like his brother, Shamus. He is still the sweetest.
Here he is with his beautiful mom, Jen. I am so grateful she adopted them both. They love being together.
Blogging has changed so very much over the past eight years and I find I miss those wonderful days of sitting with my cup of tea and visiting all my friends in blog land. Most everyone is using Facebook now and I find I do the same. However, I am not ready to give up this little diary of my life as I still have many more adventures to share with you.
So today I will celebrate my eight years of blogging with a giveaway. This gorgeous calendar was designed for National Nonwovens by Tammy De Young of Plum Creek Collectibles. (Sorry my photos aren't that great. It has rained here for three weeks!)
There are twelve applique patterns, one for each month, which can be made with wool or regular quilting cotton. You fill in the dates on the calendar.
Here are a few of the adorable blocks.
To enter the giveaway, simply leave a comment on this post. Sabrina kitty will use the random number generator to select the winner next Wednesday, October 14th. This giveaway is open to all our friends around the world.
Thank you for following along with me all these years through email, Blog Lovin and Blogger (sign up to follow on the right side bar). You are truly a blessing to my life and such an inspiration for me to continue my adventures down the rabbit hole.
Light, love and hugs to you,
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Lady Hannah Goldenhare - Nothing Gold Can Stay
Hello dear friends, It's been a minute hasn't it? My last post was over a year ago. I decided I wanted to stay in my bubble where it...

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Hellooooooooooo there! Happy first day of the Dragon Year! I would like to kick off this year with a giveaway to celebrate over 1000 Followe...
I too, miss those days when everyone blogged. Facebook, although I use it also, just doesn't have the same feel and we don't really get to know people as much as when Blogging was so big. I find myself making fewer posts too, but am not ready to give up blogging all together!
Congratulations on your blogging anniversary! You always inspire me by your wonderful works of art.
Congratulations on your blogging anniversary. I have enjoyed reading your blog and getting to know you. I wish I had more time to read blogs.
Congratulations on your blogging anniversary. I have enjoyed reading your blog and getting to know you. I wish I had more time to read blogs.
I love that you are still blogging. I enjoy reading the stories that go with the pictures. Hugs to you...
Hi Michelle!
Your new home is going to be beautiful and so worth the wait! Loved seeing updates of the kittens! I'm so happy that they are together and have a super special mama! All the best!
Your folk art fusion is absolutely beautiful!! Congratulations on your 8th anniversary!
I have loved coming here and seeing your talent unfold, your bunnies and getting to know have been such a sweet bunny friend to me and my buns...I am glad you will continue to blog here and share your incredible journey with us! Happy Anniversary!
Time sure flies doesn't it. Your home is going to be simply beautiful....and the way you will be amazing.
I'm soooo glad you are still blogging - I love reading all about your spaces, your plans & dreams, the loves you share and your adventures. I've been worried about all the rain you've had & wondering if it had anything to do with us passing through the area recently. Towing our 40' camper, in the dark, in the rain, not knowing where we were going (but knowing we were headed toward Myrtle Beach), with a 10 year old spare tire (in place of the blown 2 year old tire, oh yes), 4 hours later, tired, cold and hungry. (which explains a little of why we didn't stop & say hi!)
Your home looks lovely, and I can't wait to see more pics as it progresses. Love to all! Hugs & pets appropriately!!
Fun to catch up with people on blogs. Maybe I should get mine ( back up and running. Love your plans for the house as well. And thanks for the opportunity to win the calendar.
Congratulations on your eight years. I know what you mean about Facebook, I rarely blog anymore. Your designs are still lovely. I'm sorry to hear about Harrington - I don't get out here very often and only today found out about his passing. Glad you've found your calling by teaching! Hugs!
Congratulations on 8 adventurous yrs. Sorry for the house delays - they seem to be a problem in our area too. I only use Facebook for our shop - I hate it. I don't twitter or hashtag or anything else - I'll stick with bloggy. So wonderful to see Sabrina taking on some exec roles and how beautiful her kitties have grown.
Shell thankfully you and Hannah and Sabrina and your hubby are all safe from all the devastating flooding. So sorry to hear of your home delays but hopefully all will work out for the best. I am in love with this gorgeous butterfly and all that you create dear. Creative Teaching Bliss...
Congratulations, I have always enjoyed your blog, I began reading blogs about seven years ago and yours has been one of the blogs I have enjoyed reading for years. I love your designs and your posts make me smile. Thanks for being an inspiration.
Happy Blogaversary :-) It has been so fun to read your adventures with Sabrina and kittens, see your designs and your beautiful bunnies. It has been quite a year for you. A sweet life passing and new lives flourishing. I love seeing the kitten pics again and to see them grown up a bit is heart warming. I'm sending up prayers for continued good health to sweet Hannah and Sabrina. They are a blessing to you (and us) as you are to them. Hugs-^.^-
Congratulations, Michelle, on your 8th Blogaversary! I, too, miss the bygone days of blogging. Loved all the photos of the critters.
I have so enjoyed your blog and hearing about your adventures as well as the designs. My wool stitching is what makes my life calm.
Eight years! Congratulations!
I still love blogs, so please, do not give up on yours!! :) Love the kitty pictures, can never have too many of those! Happy Blogiversary
I have a few of your books and love your Projects! Wool felt is my favorite.....I always look forward to a new creation!
Congrats Shell on 8 years! Hello sweet Hannah. :)
Your house being delayed is such a bummer. The plans look awesome though. I hope the time goes by quickly for you guys, or at the very least you make some wonderful memories in the meantime.
Sabrina is such a sweet office assistant! So neat to see her kittens all grown up and doing well.
Congrats & here's to many more years of adventures!! So excited for you & your new abode! I feel your pain regarding the hold ups with permits... Been there, done that!! Hope smooth sailing is just ahead!! Please don't ever stop designing! I also have a passion for teaching (having a hard time finding people who want to learn at the moment �� )! But when I want quiet, introspective time, drawing is what I tend to gravitate towards, even if it's only for my own pleasure! Give Hannah a kiss for me & tell her I hope she's not too lonely... & here's a hug for you too, dearest! XO
Love this concept. All are gorgeous. Wishing you many more years of stitching. We sure miss you and your creations at guild meetings.
Beautiful . I love your butterfly and your bunnies. Thank-you for sharing your life with us for the past 8 years. It has been a joy getting to know you.
Congratulations on the anniversary. Hugs for Harrington's loss. I also just lost my little dog and he sure left a big hole in our lives too. I loved seeing the followup pictures from the cuddle puddle, they grow up so fast. I love all your blogs and patterns and I am learning so much from you. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
Leslie Williams: I am sorry that you have run into delays for your dream home. I believe that it will be worth the wait. Thanks for keeping us all posted on your life and loves.
we have had rain for two weeks and now we have sun, makes me very happy. congrats on 8 years
Congratulation. Bridgette Butterfly is gorgeous. Tiggy & DK have grown into beautiful kitties. So glad you rescued them all. Hugs,xx
I love your designs, and also the cats. They are adorable
Congratulations on 8 years of blogging. I've been blogging for 6 years and I think I started following you quite early on. I'm not even sure how I found you, Shell! So glad I did. Thanks for your friendship. Hope there's many more years of blogging to come. xxx
It's been so fun getting to know you bloggily and follow your designing and bunny etc adventures.... your new home looks lovely and I know how keen one feels to get in and settle properly...
Your posts are always entertaining and inspiring. Love the rabbits and kitty posts. keep stitching
I'm so happy that you're still blogging as I haven't given in to Facebook yet - afraid I'll spend too much time there :). Please count me in for this lovely calendar giftaway; I have been mostly cross stitching but want to expand my needle styles since I've retired (yay!) and this would be a perfect start. Thanks for sharing!
Dearest friend, it sure is good to catch up with you and HANNAH BANANA and Company! AHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! She is as robust and beautiful as ever, the kitties are sweet, and I congratulate you on your longevity in blogging. I almost made it, but had to stop. But here I am, enjoying you. GOOD LUCK on the house!
Thank you for your Blog..I have a special folder I keep them in once I read them..Then I can go back and re-read them again! I love your Bunnyness and your info on caring for bunnies..I was able to share that with my Granddaughter soo no bunny for her couldn't have it in the apartment! I love all the wonderful things you share with us. Happy 8 years <3
Thank you for sharing your time, talent, and life with us. I always look forward to seeing what you and your "critters" are up to.
I can't wait to see your beautiful new home! I'd love to win the calendar. But most importantly Happy Anniversary!
Congrats on 8 yrs. A real commitment, many people can't stay at a paying job 8 yr. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life. Beautiful calendar!
I love reading your blog. Love those sweet kitties!
Thank you.
Thank you for the chance to win. I really enjoy your blog.
Jumping down the rabbit hole is sometimes fun. 8 years is wonderful. We who read your lovely blog thank you.
It is funny how one gets away from blogging- my poor blog has suffered much neglect this year- I can't seem to manage blogging,facebook and a quilt forum and work too anymore LOL. I am glad I still am connected with you and other bloggers like yourself. It is a gift that I feel I have been given by this amazing social media.
I am sure your new house is going to be gorgeous when it is finished. Hope you are staying dry and safe.
Warmest regards,
Still take time to read a lot of blogs! Keep it up! Gena Watters
I'm one person among others I personally know that doesn't do facebook. So I'm happy to read of your adventures here. I found your blog a few years ago because I love wool work. Yours is unique and beautiful! I'll be happy for you when you get to move into your new home. It looks great!
I've loved reading about your adventures on your blog! Your new house is going to be beautiful!
Isn't there always delays when building new homes. :-( But life is an adventurous journey and we must enjoy it.:-)
Congratulations on eight years! I enjoy reading blogs and keeping up with everyone. I do Facebook but it's not the same as reading a blog. Your new house looks wonderful and appears to fit with both you and your husbands needs.
Here's to keeping in touch no matter if it's through your blog or Facebook.
Congratulations on the 8 years. What a lot of work and I have enjoyed it.
I love reading your blog especially since I used to live in Goldsboro and I can always relate yo the scenic pictures you post.
I don't like FaceBook. It doesn't feel as though I'm conversing with a friend the way blogging does, so I really look forward to your posts. What a wonderful giveaway. Please count me in. Blessings.
What a beautiful home you will have! And I know that Hannah will love her new room especially when she gets to share it with mom often! It's a struggle waiting endlessly it seems, but it will all be worth it! You are an inspiration to so many with your beautiful work in wool. Have an especially blessed day! Kathy H (
Congratulations on 8 years of blogging! I still like reading blogs. Love your work.
Congratulations on this 8-year anniversary! I enjoy your blog so much as I sip my morning coffee and start my day with your positive approach to creativity. Hard to believe it has been 8 years and since I don't do Facebook, I am so happy that you plan to continue your blog. Sending yo-yo blessings!
Congrats on your anniversary. I have enjoyed following your bunny adventures. Your work is beautiful.
SO glad you aren't giving up blogging - I enjoy yours immensely! Loved 'Brigette Butterfly' and can't wait to see the whole design - just gorgeous! Thank you for the giveaway and would love to win the pattern - it is so cute.
Keep doing what you do - you are very talented!
Thanks again -
Barbara in TN
I'm very new to Applique, but have fallen in love with the beauty and warmth of your wool appliqués & folk art fusion! Looking forward to following your blog for the next 8 years ����
Your email letters are so wonderful with bunnies and kitties. Right now all I have is two dogs but I do love kitties and bunnies. I admire your designs and love the work you do. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU AND YOUR FUR KIDS. I think that calendar is wonderful and appreciate the chance to win. Best wishes in your future projects. P
When I first started to read today's entry I thought you were going to say that you were ending the blog. Oh, please don't! I've weaned myself down to once/week,and that was hard enough! I love how you share yourself. And I love the changes in your hair over the years! You are so adorable! Wish we could be neighbors, but Illinois would be way too cold for you!
Congratulations on your anniversary. Although I am fairly new to reading your blog, I have come to look forward to stories about your animals and love your appliqué . Please keep,up the great work. You are an inspiration for many.
Congratulations on eight years of blogging. I am glad that you are still doing it as I am not on facebook. Your house is going to be beautiful. I hope you will let us see some photos when it is finishef.
Congratulations on eight years of blogging. I am glad that you are still doing it as I am not on facebook. Your house is going to be beautiful. I hope you will let us see some photos when it is finishef.
Congratulations on your 8 years! Really enjoy your blog
Congrats on your anniversary. I miss the kitty adventures from last year.
Eight years...congratulations! Here's to the next eight...I look forward to reading your messages and seeing your photos. I love the colors on Bridgette Butterfly! Nice calendar too...those blocks would be great for a quilt. Thanks for the chance to win. ;-)
Congratulations on your Anniversary ! It is so cool that you lived near me when you were in New Bern. I always dreamed of taking a class with you and now you're in Wilmington! Maybe one day I will get to learn from you.. Enjoy your new home and thanks for the updates.
congratulations on your anniversary... I love visiting all kinds of blogs and yours is just wonderful...thanks
I love your blog and have been following only a short time, but I must say that I love your pictures of sewing studios. I must say you take better pictures than you think!! I love to needle turn applique, but I am thinking of starting a project of wool since winter is around the corner. I love your patterns because of your unique embellishing. I will probably never get to take one of your classes, we just don't get classes down our way. But I have many of your patterns, so it is just a matter of digging out the wool. Keep writing!!!
wow--8 years of blogging--congrads--I know that I sure have enjoyed each and every post that I have read since I started blogging afew years ago--I love your photos, designs and rabbit stories and yes--kitty stories too--may you have many more blog posts--( I am not into face book so only get to hear and see you from your blog post!!)
love, di
Congratulations on 8 years of this lovely blog. You do a great job. Love your projects! Your stitching is gorgeous! Keep up the good work! Thank you for this wonderful giveaway.
Have a super great sewing and stitching day!
I'm so glad that you are a blogger. If you weren't how would you and the fluffy ones be part of our lives. I(we) love the snippets you share and I(we) so appreciate your friendship. Congrats on 8 years and keep on sharing.
Congratulations on blogging for 8 years. Love reading your blog and all of your pictures. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.
I love your blog and your creativity. Even with the challenges in your life, losing your beloved bunny and the delay in your house-building you are uplifting and beautiful.
I love the rabbit designs so much but I'm sure the butterflies are going to be awesome too. I love wool applique and your giveaway would be a wonderful thing to win.
Congratulations, Michelle, on eight years. Blogging is wonderful and I much prefer it to FB - even though I'm on there too, too much :)
You are a wonderful, talented, beautiful person and I wish you many more years of blogging and designing :)
Ohhhh I need a kitty cat (too bad I have allergies)! WOnderful 8 years of blogging -well done :)
Sabrina and her "kits" are adorable, thank you for all the work you did to save them. Hannah knew how good her human"Mum" would be and we are all lucky that you chose to write and design!
8 years is quite an accomplishment, congratulations. Maybe a miracle will happen and you'll get bumped up and into your new home by Christmas. Stranger thing have happened. Congratulations again! ;-> Toni Anne
The first wonderful thing in this post is the drawings of your new house - love!!! I've always liked steep-pitched roofs, and the roof lines on your house look amazing - I hope there are no more glitches.
The second wonderful thing is how wonderfully well all the cats are doing - the kittens were so adorable, and they've grown into wonderful-looking cats... such expressive faces. The story turned out wonderfully well.
Finally, I understand your feelings about Harrington... the hole in a broken heart that has loved well is large, grief ebbs and flows yet doesn't leave quickly - it just changes to something you can live with. I'm glad you have solace in Hannah - she looks like she's doing so well.
Seems you've landed well for now Shell, with good things to come!
I still enjoy reading the "old fashioned" blogs, compared to face book. Keep up the good work! Thanks for sharing...
I'm very glad you still blog, Michelle. So many people are disappearing to Instagram or Facebook these days, but I really prefer the depth that blogging seems to bring to the sharing, so I'm still here, and so happy you are, too.
Happy blogiversary. Thanks for taking us on this journey with you, and the bunnies, and the kittens--and David, too!
My gosh, 8 years, it hardly seems possible Michelle! So glad you have found your bliss and your students are all blessed to be able to learn from you. Your new design looks as enchanting as ever, a beautiful butterfly! So very glad to hear that Hannah is doing well and Miss Sabrina is so beautiful - and look at those kittens, how they have grown! Your new home looks like it is going to beautiful, Craftsman is my very favourite style and your new studio sounds like it will be a little piece of heaven. Thanks so much for your generous giveaway, I am very thankful that you continue to blog as I am not on Facebook so being able to keep up with you and your beautiful work here is a joy. Here's to another wonderful 8 years of creative joy, thanks for your generosity of spirit by friend! Deb xo
Congratulations! I loved seeing the cuddle puddle all grown up. They were so cute! Hope you find all sorts of fun things to keep you happy till you can move into your new home! Kyle😻😻🐇🐇
Congratulations on 8 years of blogging. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, ideas, patterns and happenings through your posts. I appreciate the lovely free patterns you have also shared.Please keep blogging because lots of us still love sitting with a cuppa and reading your posts. Best wishes.
I am so sorry to hear you recently lost Harrington. I am sure Hannah must miss him also. I so enjoyed hearing of all of their escapades. I know you must be so excited to move into your new home. My husband built our home some fifty years ago and I lost my soul mate just last year. Don't know where all the years have gone. I love Sabrina. She is beautiful. Please enjoy all your preparations for your new home.
Cynthia in Connecticut
Congratulations on 8 years of blogging. Thanks for the update on Hannah, Sabrina, and two of the cuddle puddle.
Wow eight years is an awesome time to blog. Thank you for the lovely patterns you keep creating and the fun bunny visitswe ejnoy.
wow 8 years,thats fantastic,Twiggy and DK have grown into two beautiful kitties,xx Rachel
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