Friday, March 15, 2013

It's Time! It's Time! Mid-Month Madness Time!

Welcome! Woo hoo! It's time for Mid-Month Madness! We are so glad to have you here with us!

Have you heard the saying "Mad as a March hare?

Well, Harrington and I are practicing our "mad looks." Don't we look mad and grumpy? Bring us a snack lady. Like now.

What's that Mama? It doesn't mean mad like grumpy mad, but mad like crazy love sick fools mad? Oh...ok we get it. We can do that.

How's this?

Well then, moving on. Let's see. Ok, we'll tell you about our good friend, Sheila of Sheila's quilt world.

Last year, she participated in "The Adventures of Harrington and Hannah free BOM. Patterns and Kits still available in our SHOP. She asked Mama if she could use us (our appliques) in a postcard. Mama said, "Why sure! How fun!" (Thank you for respecting Mama's work and asking permission)

Then, Sheila sent Mama a postcard! Isn't it wonderful? We love it!

So, this year, Mama asked Sheila if she could use the postcard in this post (respecting Sheila's work). She said, "Why sure!"

Mama decided that since Easter is in March this year, she would design an Easter postcard featuring us and share it with you! Here it is. It's made from National Nonwovens Wool Felt and uses Valdani, 3 strand, colorfast floss.

The pattern is FREE for you! But, Mama also put together 13 (only 13) complete kits. The kits feature, wool, floss, fabric, interfacing, and fusible web. There is enough of each to make two postcards! You can hop over to our SHOP and collect the pattern under Free Designs. You can also purchase the kits under kits. We thank you for your help in supporting us with your purchases. Thank you!

However, since this is Mid-Month Madness and we are as mad as March Hares, we are also having a giveaway!

This month you will receive our original postcard from me and Harrington and....

you will also receive 1 yard each of Mrs. March's fabric collection! A total of 9 yards of fabric! Woo hoo!

To enter our giveaway, simply leave a comment on this post. As always, we love our friends and followers. If you are signed up as a follower (right sidebar) you will receive two chances. This giveaway is open to every friend worldwide.

So sign up as a follower and pass the word to your friends. We will pick the winner using the random number generator on Wednesday, March 20, the first day of Spring.

And...just because music is so fun and we all need to Just Have a Good Time! Here's a little party music from Lindsey Stirling. Listen, dance, sing, and have good time! (You can be silly here. You fit right in and we love you.)

Happy Mid-Month Madness. Glad you can be mad as March Hares with us! Woo hoo! :)

Harrington, Hannah and Michelle


In stitches and seams said...

I would love to have a post card from you too!! I was lucky to get one from Sheila as well last year. :)
in stitches
ps I am a follower

Kris said...

Wow!! GREAT postcard!!! And that video is sooooooo fun!! I think Lindsey is your sister!! You guys look alike and I can just see you rockin' out like her :-)

Karen said...

What a wonderful sweet card! Harrington and Hannah look very swish as usual. Harrington always looks so handsome. And all that material how yummy!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Now how could those sweet bun-buns look mad? This is just so wonderful and thank you to both ladies for inspiring each other and adding to our inspiration.

sunny said...

Aren't Sheila's postcards the best? How clever of her to pair up with Hannah and Harrington.

sunny said...

Aren't Sheila's postcards the best? How clever of her to pair up with Hannah and Harrington.

Nikki said...

Just signed up to receive your very latest posts, and I am so happy to have found your lovely shop and blog. Your darling bunnies must provide daily inspiration for your charming designs. I would love to receive a hand crafted Felt Folk Art postcard from you, thanks for the great giveaway chance.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Love all the photos of your babies. My son had rabbits when he was young.

Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

such a lovely post and Sheila does such beautiful work and i love your postcard to Shell,enjoy your day with the bunnies.xx

Christine M said...

Both postcards are gorgeous. How exciting would it be to receive one in the mail from you Shell! Hugs, to you, Harrington and Hannah. Thanks for the lovely giveaway. Christine xx

Val Laird said...

Those bunnies sure are clever!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

What a wonderful giveaway and the little Easter postcard is so cute! Thanks so much!

Raewyn said...

What a great idea with the postcard - Hannah and Harrington you both look superb As Easter Bunnies! What a lovely giveaway - thank you for the chance to win!!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Cute postcard! And I love the mad faces! LOL I'm a happy follower~ thanks for the chance!!

Just Sew Sue said...

Those postcards are so cute. Thanks for sharing.

Birgitte aka Bietje said...

What a wonderful sweet card, perfect for easter. Thanks for the pattern.
PS: I am a follower.

Gera said...

Thank you for the lovely pattern! Again!
I love to make it myself, but even better, wow, would love to win your postcard! :-). And of course the beautiful fabrics!

Thanks to all of you! A big hug,

Kind (friday) greetings, Gera

Donna Nowicki French said...

I love the postcards. Thanks for the free pattern. So Fun.

Anne-Lise at Rag, Tag, Bobtail said...

Pretty postcard and lovely giveaway. Thanks for the pattern.
Bunnies adorable as always :-)
I am a follower.

Unknown said...

Very sweet postcard. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway. Sharyn:)

Lesley said...

Fabulous cooperative effort! Love to see how this evolved, from Sheila's beautiful post card to your beautiful version! Congrats to both iof you for your creativity! And of course I am a follower!

Little Miss Titch said...

I love the Post card but as I can't so hehehe I'll pass on the give away but good luck to everyone else,xx Speedy and Rachel

Sunnybec said...

The postcard is so pretty, thanks for the pattern and the giveaway. You know I follow you :-) Hugs xxxx

Gill said...

Gorgeous postcard! Thanks for the pattern - off to download it now!
I'm a happy follower!

Juicybear said...

What a wonderfull postcard I sure would love to have this from you. I am also a big follower. Hugs for Hannah and harrington.
Greetz Anneke

Karen said...

Lovely postcard, thank you

Karen said...

Oops I'm a follower too!

Sowing Stitches said...

Thank you for sharing the pattern for the post card! I am going to try to create one over the weekend! It is so adorable!!! Perfect for this time of year! You and the bunnies are so very creative!!!
I so wish that Harrington and Hannah would teach a class in bunny manners! Our bunny all 14 pounds needs some lessons...Baby Cat has been nesting with my fabric stash! Not nice!
She is a rescue bunny and when we brought her home, she was so very tiny she looked like a baby kitten...thus the name Baby Cat.
I am a happy follower and love to read of the bunnies adventures.

Fiona said...

I love Sheila's postcards and so great to see H&H featured in one... your postcard is lovely too and such pretty fabrics....
Awesome giveaway.... thanks.... and you know I am a faithful stalker...

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

WOOOHOOOOOO! I am shaking it, I am DANCIN'! Violinists, harpists, cellists also rock in this manner! Can the bunnies rock? I bet they can, since they can beautifully pull off these ADORABLE FACES!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh Michelle, you have made me happy this morning before I run off to work! Hannah and Harrington are just SO FUNNY! GRUMPY LITTLE BUNNIES! Anita

Sandy D said...

What a great Easter POstcard and thanks for the pattern.

Sandy D said...

I am a follower and love your blog.

Brenda said...

What a cute postcard. I would be honored to receive it. Love the fabric too :)

Marj said...

Oh, what a cute post card! Love the Bunnies and the fabric is beautiful too. Thanks for the chance to win a piece of your art.

Marj said...

I am a follower also.

Anita K said...

Wow Michelle this is wonderful, what a great giveaway. The postcard is breathetaking. Thanking you and H & H, Good Luck everyone, someone's gonna be a happy bunny!!!

Jeanette said...

Love the postcard & hope it comes to live with me. :) Love Mrs March's fabrics too. Hugs,xx

Sue said...

Hi Michelle
What a generous giveaway, thank you for the chance to win, I would love a postcard from the bunnies!
Happy Easter to you all!

Mhairi said...

What a gorgeous idea. I love this for a special card to send to a friend. Thanks so much for sharing.

Mhairi said...

I am a follower. I love reading your posts and I also love Lindsay Stirling - how talented is she!?!?!?!
Totally awesome, thanks for finding some great videos so we can share the joy with others.

Sheila said...

Good morning Shell,I am honored to have my postcard featured on your fabulous blog and I would also be thrilled to win and receive your sweet card ,I am of course a follower !

LL Abbott said...

Hugs to Harrington and Hannah! And to everyone at Lavendar Rabbits. Love he folksy charm. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your Giveaway. Blessings~

QuiltersCat said...

I just love your BOM, I made the blocks last year and hope to finish the quilt this year !! You have me hooked on wool applique. Also love your customer service, you are so friendly!!


What pretty postcards and the quilt is lovely and creative. Happy Easter to you and your family. Hugs Judy

Michele T said...

Such a sweet idea!! I would love to send a post card to someone special!! Thanks for inspiring a charming idea!

martha said...

I am a follower and would love to receive a postcard from you! Thank you for the free pattern also. So cute!

Wendy said...

oh how lovely, thank you, again, for yet another lovely design

dortha said...

What an unusual postcard. I would love to get that in the mail. The fabric is lovely and would work up nice. Thanks for the chance.

krislovesfabric said...

Sweet postcards and oh, who could not love those bunny shots? thanks for the morning smiles!

KaHolly said...

You have such a delightful personality. I read blog posts early in the morning with my coffee and enjoy starting my day with a smile from reading your posts! The post cards are adorable, just like you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for he chance to win that delightful postcard, and the lovely fabric too! You do create some gorgeous designs.

Jacqueline said...

Wow how generous can you get... thanks so much for a chance. and Yes I am a follower of the bunnies.

nimble thimble stitchery-do said...

I love your post card! And the fabrics too! Just think H & H are going to go
traveling....somewhere, maybe even to my mailbox. I finished your H & H free BOM quilt and I absolutely love it! Just in time to hang for Easter. And if I do win your post card that would make my H & H family complete! tee hee!
Thank you for sharing your talents once again. Good luck to me!

nimble thimble stitchery-do said...

Oh and I just became a follower!

Sunshine said...

Your designs always put a smile in my heart!

aprilh said...

I just love reading your Friday posts with the bunnies, I also have a rescue bun, and just love his antics! I enjoy your blog and patterns very much, so here's hoping my number gets picked.

Kim Q said...

What a sweet postcard...thanks so much for the pattern. And thank you for the chance to win!

Lolastitchida said...

Wow gorgeous postcard and awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

Chris said...

Oh what sweet fabrics! Harrington and Hannah sure know how to get their mama to do their bidding. lol

momid5 said...

I too love the bunny adventures, and to see how the postcards are each different is so much fun; thanks for the chance to win and I also am a follower!

Lilac Haven said...

I love bunnies and the postcard ideas.

Barb said...

that quilt is fabulous as your work is, shelia is just wonderful!

Jessica said...

Beautiful! Such pretty fabric too.

The highlight to my Friday's is Hannah and Harrington. Such sweet bunn's!

I want to enter!! I'm also a follower, though I don't comment much, I do still follow and read. :)

BeachQuilter said...

What a charming postcard...I love it!

BeachQuilter said...

I am a follower and want to thank you for introducing me to Lindsey-she's such fun!

Jean said...

So glad I found your blog! Love it! Not only the great postcard but fabric also, you all do know how to do a give away. I bet Hannah and Harrington would never be grumpy. They are just too happy.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

A very nice way to start the morning - reading your blog and listening to the music - toe tapping here!!
Would I love to win your giveaway - YES!! and Yup I am a followerer. Happy Friday and a special hello to H&H.

Lyn said...

The post card is so cute! I am going to download now. Thanks for giving it to us!!!!! Hugs

Lyn said...

Yes I am a follower too! Thanks

kristie said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I always love what Hannah and Harrington have to say. Brings a smile to my day.

Rebeckah Austin said...

The fabric is LOVELY!

Loris said...

These postcards are so sweet! The bunns must be proud to have their likeness features so :-) I love seeing their photos here...dreamt about a big grey bunny last night. I would love to have one in my family! Thank you for such a fun and generous giveaway!

WoolenSails said...

I love how the designs look as postcards, a really fun idea.


sandy said...

I love the talent on your website. Very cute idea to make postcards

sandy said...

I signed up as a follower though I thought I already was, oh well, I am now.

Judy1522 said...

What a sweet postcard it would be so great to win.

Carrie P. said...

both postcards are just so cute!!!
I would love to win your goodies. thanks for a chance to win.
Loved that music video!!

Carrie P. said...

I am a follower.

Linda said...

Fabulous postcards. I own a Sheila original already and would love to win yours. Thanks for the chance to win all those awesome fabrics. How lovely!

Linda said...

I am a happy follower already!

Gail in Vegas said...

I love you Harrington and Hannah and your Easter postcard is lovely!

carleenphoenix said...

Hi Michelle: Thanks for this very generous give away, woo hoo is right!! What fun it would be to win!! Carleen
PS- I finished your BOM last year, and just love it!!

Sam said...

I'm already printing the darling postcard pattern. Thank you.

Betsy said...

Thank you for the free pattern and a chance to win this lovely fabric.

Betsy said...

I subscribe to your posts.

Anne said...

I am a follower. Love the postcard. The outline stitching defines each element.

Amy C said...

Those postcards are cute, cute, CUTE!!
campbellamyd at gmail dot com

Amy C said...

I'm a follower
campbellamyd at gmail dot com

vicki said...

I would love a postcard from your cute bunnies! Have a happy Easter and thanks for the giveaway. vickise at gmail dot com I am a follower too. :)

jackiero said...

OOoooo, I'd love to make a home for your wonderful giveaway with me. I'll stroke the fibers, pet them as I gently guide them into rabbit happiness :)
Okidoakey, I have been a follower for awhile now (totally enjoy your blogs).
Wishing you & yours a grand upcoming Easter.
Jackie in NC (Raleigh area)

Shirley said...

Hi Shell, I love the postcard and I treasure the one that I have already received. Your furry friends are so adorable. I have a rabbit in my yard that I see about every morning as I leave for work. It makes me think of you. I would love to enter your giveaway. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

Jan Baker said...

I love your giveaways and I'm loving your hares too. The fabric is just looking for a home with me.

Jan Baker said...

I'm already a email follower.

DaiseyB said...

Thanks so much for the free pattern, I think I will send one to my sister, she will love it. I would love to win all the beautiful fabric. Oh I also am a follower.

Barbara in TX

Nancy in IN said...

Love the postcard. I send them to my grands and have always quilted them. I have sent quilted Christmas postcards the last two years.
I am a follower.
Thanks for sharing

Clairellen said...

I just love your site, Michele, and your darlings Hannah and Harrington I've always loved bunnies, it may have started with my dad's nickname for me, Thumper! I bet H and H are quieter, right?

VickiT said...

As if those adorable bunnies could ever look grumpy. They're just too cute.

The postcard is wonderful.

I am already a follower also.
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.

KMSC said...

Your bunny postcard is adorable and the new fabric is beautiful. Please count me in for a chance to win both!

Kristy said...

Your designs are always so cute! Love the postcard. Your bunnies are sweet as well. Thanks so much for sharing things with us. Keep up the wonderful designs. Thanks for the giveaway.K-

Susanne said...

Love the postcard, I would be honored to receive it here in Denmark. The fabric could must surgently also be used. I am a follower to, best regards Susanne in Denmark

Unknown said...

That postcard is so cute and that fabric is lovely.

Unknown said...

follower via email

Baloo said...

what a good idea to make a postcard with your designs!!
please ,count me in your giveaway.
hugs from france

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Cute postcard and great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity.
I'm a followerer.
"Hoppy Easter" to you and the kids!!

Cathy said...

Love the postcard it is adorable. The giveaway is fantastic. Hugs

Cathy said...

I am a grateful follower. Hugs

JoyceLM said...

Love the postcard - love the fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win.

JoyceLM said...

I'm a follower - thanks again.

Sherry said...

Always fun to visit your blog and see pictures of the bunnies. Thanks for sharing your fun designs and for your fabulous giveaway.

Kathy Felsted Usher said...

New follower here- delighted to find your blog!

Kathy Felsted Usher said...

I have a friend who keeps bunnies and supports rescue operations, I can't wait to make something for her!

Elly D said...

What a cute little card! Love it :) Thank you for sharing your pattern with us you are so generous! Nose rubs to Harrington and Hannah!

dmf said...

I wouldlove to receive a postcard from YOU. Always enjoy all the bunny happenings, and your patterns. PS Thanks for the postcard pattern - sooo cute! Dee

Debbie said...

What a great prize. thanks!

carleenphoenix said...

Sorry, I forgot to mention I am a faithful follower!! Carleen

~Laurie~ said...

wow-wee! Love this prize - sign me up!!!! Thanks :)

~Laurie~ said...

I am a stalker/follower ;)

Unknown said...

I love everything I see !!!

Evie said...

Hi Shell ,Happy Easter to you and the bunnies. What a adorable postcard!!!!! Thanks for the pattern and giveaway.

Evie said...

I'm also a follower!

Brenda said...

Ladybug and I would love a post card from you and the H&H! And the fabric bundle, what a sweet gift! Thanks for sharing your patterns! I do not know if I remembered to let you know I finished the H&H quilt just need to decide on the boarder.

Teresa F. said...

Gorgeous postcard. Thank you for sharing, I'm making one for me too.
I'm an old follower. and I would be solo happy if I could win.

nhlady said...

How I love your bunnies!! They always make me smile.

Thanks for the terrific giveaway.

linny said...

Thanks for the great postcard pattern. Though it would be great to win one from you. Love the fabric as well. Thanks for the chance to win.
I'm a follower by email.

Shebandowan said...

Lovely postcard. Great giveaway. Thanks for the chance.


Sherill said...

What a treat it would be to receive the postcard! Thank you for the chance!

Sherill said...

I am a follower!

heartsease54 said...

Happy Mid-March to you & the bunnies! I am a follower. Are your geese back yet?

DianeM said...

Oooo, how fun! Your postcard is lovely <3 I am a follower, please enter me for a chance to win your generous giveaway :) Thank you.
Smiles, DianeM

Angie said...

This little postcard is the most adorable thing ever---along with Harrington and Hannah, of course :D, and that stack of fabrics is to 'dye' for. Happy St. Patrick's Day

Beth said...

Isn't that sweet? It reminds me of my sister, who always had rabbits for the kids to pet and love and tend to. Thanks for the chance to make a postcard, perhaps to send to one of my nieces.

Beth said...

I'm a brand-new follower.

Hocking Hills Woodworks said...

The fabric is what all bunnies would love to decorate their nests with. Me too! Love the postcard and the bunnies make me wish I had some. Had Angora bunnies years ago. Miss them.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Thank you for the Harrington and Hannah postcard pattern!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I'm a follower!

wendy said...

Thanks! I just found your site and love the rabbits. This is going to be fun!

wendy said...

I am now a follower too!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and all your patterns. Thanks for a chance at the giveaway!

Donna said...

Mrs. March has a lovely collection and I'd be so happy to place it into my quilting closet.

hennies.pennies said...

Oh, I just love the postcard! What a sweet little project... thanks so much!! Be especially blessed.

hennies.pennies said...

I've been a devoted follower for quite some time and just love to see notes from the bunnies show up in my inbox!!

tink's mom said...

Hi guys, I just love the postcard pattern. Just ordered it and can't wait to get it.

Happy St Patrick's day to you and the bunnies.

Wendyb said...

How cool to see your work done by others...Sheila's done a fab job! Love it! and I love the postcard idea....I thunk I'm just going to have to bunny hop to it and make a few for Easter! Thanks Shell!!!!
xox big sugary Eastery hugs
WEndy :O)

eva said...

I´m a follower from Brasil!
hugs, Eva

Kathy H said...

What a cute postcard. Those bunnies are always so much fun to see.

Kathy H said...

I am a happy follower.

Victoria said...

What a great idea to do a postcard. I love your Easter one.I have taken out a lot of knick knacks from my home & now all my decorative bunnies reign supreme. I enjoy your blog for decorating ides!

Dorothy Matheson said...

I just love to make post cards and had rabbits for a while in the past.
It would be so very nice to add one you made to my collection of post cards. Thank you for the pattern.

flavia said...

ok ok proviamo a vincere!!!
carina l'idea del postcard!!!

Snippets of Carol said...

We have a rabbit named Nibbles here at our house, my grandson's, and Nibbles would love a post card from you. And I would love the fabric.
Love your postings.

Heather said...

What a great giveaway. I love that precious postcard and the fabric is lovely too. Thanks for the chance. I am a follower.

Wendy said...

Michelle - Your bunnies are precious. Thank you for such a great spring giveaway - beautiful fabric and very cute postcard pattern!

Loralynn said...

How darling! I love your rabbit postcard. I am a long time follower in my feed and now here on your site too!

Cindy said...

The postcards are so clever! Thanks of for the chance to win!

Briar Rose said...

Thank you Michelle,the Easter card is gorgeous,you are very generous and your blog is a joy to follow.I am now a follower. Hugs to you and the Bunnies.

tich said...

Those postcards look great. Thanks for the giveaway-beautiful fabrics. i have been a follower for a long while.

Sharon said...


I would love to win the fabric for my lampshades. I see there's lots of competition, however.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Shell,

How darling Harrington and Hannah are and you had me laughing with their sweet antics. I love that they are practicing their mad looks.
You are having a fabulous giveaway and love the sweet postcard and all the gorgeous fabric.

Alicia Key said...

I'm a follower!

Alicia Key said...

I would love to win the postcard! We had wabbits once. They were supposed to be MALE wabbits but they sure 'nuf DID reproduce!

Lee said...

So sweet and nice of you! I loved the music vid too! thank you!

Lee said...

I am a hoppy follower!

Beverly...Heartland Creations said...

Yee Haw, love this blog the bunnies and the music. What a generous giveaway. I'm a follower, please include me in the drawing.
Thank you, Bev

Lady Hannah Goldenhare - Nothing Gold Can Stay

Hello dear friends, It's been a minute hasn't it? My last post was over a year ago. I decided I wanted to stay in my bubble where it...