Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Want to Be Quilter's Campaign

If you haven't submitted your name for the Wanttobe Quilter Campaign yet - why not? If you're having problems figuring out what to do here's one way to do it:

GET a GOOGLE account
Google accounts are free and simply allow you to have a second e-mail address to use for contests if you don't want it to be your main account.

Don't be a No Reply Blogger
Comments on Stash Manicure automatically go into Madame Samm's e-mail inbox. But if your settings aren't correct she can't reply to you. Here's how to fix that - to make sure you aren't a No Reply Blogger:

Here is what you can do:
In blogger.com, click on Dashboard.
Select Edit Profile.
Check the box for "Show my Email Address."
Save changes.

Easy...right? :)

REGISTER IN this Campaign. Send an e-mail to directly to me at  michelle@theraspberryrabbits.com with your name, e-mail address, and telephone number. This information will be sent to Madame Samm but it will be destroyed after the campaign.

Comment on the Appropriate Posts at Stash Manicure
Be sure and say that "Shell at The Raspberry Rabbits is my sponsor."

If you are a Wanttobe Quilter (have no tools or experience) or a quilter who does not have a blog you comment on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
If you are a quilter with a blog you can comment on Tuesday and Thursday.

Be sure you are a follower my blog and on Stash Manicure and that you also follow each of those who are posting on Stash Manicure. Some of you don't like to "follow" I know - you prefer bookmarking. But just for this campaign you will need to follow. You can always "unfollow" later. :) And when you win you will need to pay for the shipping but:

and Madame Samm ships the lowest rate possible. Plus, the prize is FREE!
( may take longer but we have
everything insured)

There are lots of wonderful prizes to be had and lots of fantastic guest speakers and tutorials. So hop over to Stash Manicure and good luck!


JudyCinNC said...

Didn't you win a prize ? thought I saw that - Congratulations to you from Judy C and www.shadetreequilting.com - a sad day.

Lisa said...

I am disillusioned by the contest. I can't follow all these people probably bc of old internet explorer at work or because of privacy setting at work, neither of which I can change. So, either I wake up realyl really early to participate before I go to work (not happening), or I just sit one out.

I would have had a heart attack if I won a sewing machine though!

Anonymous said...

I keep forgetting to go by on the correct days. Great prizes, though.
Mama Bear

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