Ok, so let's move on. The other night, I was sitting there thinking about how much I love pairing wine with food. I love a glass of wine with dinner. Then my friend, Deb, from Paxton Valley Folk Art, inquired about the BFF1 from last week and asked me if I could match some Valdani 3 Strand Floss to it. Well sure I can! How fun is that! Pairings!
So now I will be offering BFF's (Bundles of Fun Felts) alone or you can purchase them as a Pairing with Valdani 3 Strand Floss!
Here is the BFF from last week paired with the floss.
Here is this weeks BFF paired with the floss.
Or, here is the BFF by itself. I love these Fall colors.
They are all available in my SHOP. Oh one more thing. I'm taking a pole on the right sidebar about whether or not to do another Free BOM project next year. If you have a second, please vote. It takes a lot of time to design those and I want to see how many folks are interested before I spend the time designing something.
Have a fun day!

And where are you planning to be during the hurricane this weekend? Love the colors of the BFFs!
Yes, the earthquake was something else. #1 Son was sitting in traffic in downtown DC. A few things fell off of wall/shelves at his home in Northern VA. Wow.
Great color matches. :)
Love the BFF colors. We shook in NY too, but I admit, I didn't feel it. I just took a morning walk and was looking at the fall colors starting to appear already.
I laughed out loud when I read your first paragraph. Perhaps we could have a two-fer when we get together? You know...instead of lunch! hee hee (JUST KIDDING, of course!)
I'm going to have to order some of your BFFs, you know. They're wonderful. Off to shop now.
Hugs and snuffles,
Donna and Tag
I can't imagine being THERE during an earthquake - sheesh, talk about feeling vulnerable!
Your floss and felt colors are beautiful, so hard to find these color in felt, thanks for telling us where we can purchase them, from you!
Hey Shell - I hope your "hoo ha" is in healthy, working condition!!! Love, Kris P.S. And that the earthquake didn't create any problems!!
Too funny Shell! I didn't feel the the earthquake and I didn't notice anything from the pets either.
Now that the earthquake is over what about this hurricane? It's on the Yahoo home page aboute evacuating?
Shell, you crack me up!! We felt the earthquake here in Charlotte. I was leaning up against a cubicle explaining something to a co-worker and I thought I moved her cubicle!!
I love those rich colors of the thread and felt-really gorgeous!!
Oh Shell that is hysterical - what a place to be during an earthquake! Too funny!!!
I have heard of other things making you feel the earth move....but not a pelvic exam! You are too funny. I have never tried those Valdani threads before. How beautiful they are with the felt!
I sure am glad I was not you when the earthquake hit - LOL - One thing for sure and two for certain, you will always remember where you were. Way to make a memory.
I could have told you the outcome of your poll before you put it up. You are not going to get off easy -now we want both piecing and stitching - you had to give us choices. Take care sweet Shell from Judy C in NC
Keep an eye out for that Hurricane Shell!!! and don't go have a mammogram during it! lol I am working on the Models!!! Love them... I would like to see Bunnies next year on the BOM, even small bunnies... lol
Walls moving? I dont care for that.
You be careful and stay safe!
Hi Shell, I was wondering about you and was amused with the first paragraph. I hope you are fine. Is the hurricane going to affect you? I loved the birthday card. I just finished a set of tea towels using the valdani thread. I was making puppies and the thread worked beautifully. Stay safe my friend. Your Missouri Friend.
One thing about earthquakes is you will always remember where you were and what you were doing when it happened...
Stay safe back there!
What a way to create a memory! You don't do things by halves, do you? Glad you are OK.
We felt it in Toronto too! All's good tho ;) I love the colours and I need to get my hands on some lovely felt! :)
OMG, Shell you are so funny. I was sleeping and my daughter came in and said her bed and TV were shaking. She was afraid that her room was possessed. I told her not to worry unless her head started to spin around. She was so relieved when she found out it was an earthquake. Hopefully this hurricane will just be all bark and no bite. Take Care.
I know you are a gal who likes to 'shake rattle and roll' but that is going a bit far. LOL! Stay safe. Love all your partnering just glorious...made my heart sing.
Yes, that probably was a little freaky but glad you are safe and it wasn't bad a earthquake.
Great idea to match the wool with the thread. Nice job.
Okay I laughed until I cried over your ultrasound during an earthquake. I've had one of those and I can't imagine the walls moving during it. Oh my. blessings, marlene
What a story (you are so funny)and the earthquake was very odd. Your thread combinations are beautiful.
I got a pressie in the mail today! I will blog about it next week as I've a bit of a funny to tell along with it. Thank you {hugs}.
Now I will vote on the BOM...but first an explanation. I NEVER do them as BOM's. I don't like all those projects at once. I will take all the ones that I am following this year and make them next year one at a time. I have no idea what you are planning but having never worked with felt, I think one using your felt and floss pairings would be fun! Just my 2 cents worth. :)
I love those colors too! Although in my opinion they are not "Fall" colors they are "always" colors.
OMG! Yes it could only happen to you...you are too funny...
These new colors are stunning, vibrant, earthy and I cannot even imagine how you will be using them ..
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