So how have you been? Has your summer started off on a fun note? Mine has been full of work. Work in the form of painting the exterior of the house. We are still at it six weeks later, but I can now say that as of today, the body of the house is complete and we are moving onto the trim. Thank you for all your comments last month. Blogger has been having an issue and not sending comments through to my email or anyone else for that matter. I'm not sure if they got it fixed. I don't think they really care, but I may have found a way around it so I can reply if you leave a comment. Ok... moving on.
The shutters or no shutters decision. It was really fun hearing from you and getting your thoughts on the shutters. It was a hard decision to make so I decided I would make it slowly as we painted.
Here, only the porch area had been painted. You can see the original color up top and to the left. It sure made the trim look really dirty and the rest of the house for that matter.
Next, we started painting the upper gable. At this point, I painted one shutter green and one a dark coffee brown and placed them on the right side of the porch.

Next we moved over to the lower part of the garage. It was here that I thought that our window trim was just too small and didn't have enough architectural interest against the new paint color. It just blended in and looked flat. I love the paint color and so does everyone else. People kept stopping by to tell us how beautiful our house was looking and that they couldn't believe all the beautiful changes we made since we moved in. That sure made us feel good!
I decided I loved the dark coffee shutters over the green shutters. I love how they tie in the brown roof and the mulch in the yard and also how they look with the brick foundation. In addition, I love that clean, classic look, which is what I loved about having no shutters. So this was a good compromise.
I think the front porch looks so inviting now. We still have to paint the columns, trim and the porch swing. I'm painting the porch swing the dark brown.
Oh! I found this brass doorbell and just HAD to have it! Perfect huh?
David finishing up the left side of the house.
Another angle showing the garage shutters.When our bushes get bigger, it's all going to be so pretty!
So here it is for now. David is painting the ceiling of the porch as I write this. I think it is coming along nicely and fits into the "cottagey" feel of our neighborhood and the houses around us . Bunny ears crossed, I can show you the completed house next month.
Here's a few more photos from outside.
Our backyard is so peaceful. I love hearing the owls at dusk. Oliver and Olivia Owl have the most wonderful conversations every evening. I know she is asking him, "What do you want for dinner?" Like David, he is probably saying, "I don't know." hee,hee,hee.
My Gerber daisies are so pretty. I love watching them bloom.
The other side of the yard.
Our Hostas are loving it here beneath the trees.
Sylvia loves to stop by and visit as well. Not sure what she was eating, but she was really enjoying it!
This is a new plant I got to replace the one that the snow and ice killed. I can't remember the name of it, but it gets about 5' high by 3' wide. Oh and I had to have the bunny too. His name is Theo. ;)
This is Beverly. She came by one morning as I was headed out for my walk. I think she was coming to lay some eggs. Or perhaps she was headed back home. She lives in the forest behind my house.
This is a Southern Oak. It's across the street in my neighbor's yard. I look at it every day from my studio and from my kitchen. I love these magnificent trees. They take years and years to grow. My neighbors had it pruned last year.
Now every time I look at the tree, it looks back at me. See its eyes? I always tell it how beautiful it is and how happy it makes me to see it every day. It's so magical.
Moving inside, I got a new dining room table. I moved the other one up to my studio. I'm hoping to offer a few classes at my house. More on that later.
We also painted the ceiling. Only a few things left to do in this area, but it's looking pretty good so far. I love having a small house and not a lot of stuff. It's freeing not be controlled by too many things or too much space to take care of.
I make sure the things I have are special like this wooden mushroom I found at a local shop. I put it on the bookshelf with my hand carved soapstone bunnies. They like napping under it. ;)
On a side note about classes, my neighbor, Brandee, is expecting her first baby and wanted to learn to make a quilt. I was excited to teach her. However, she brought over this drawing of what she wanted to make. I told her it is more of a Quilting 105 class instead of Quilting 101, but I would give it a shot. LOL! Good thing I'm a designer.
I drafted the design, figured out yardage and she is now on her fourth lesson. It's turning out really cute and she is having fun. I will show you the finished quilt when she is done. There's a lot of things in this world I'm not good at, but I know that teaching and designing are my gifts that I am suppose to share with others.
We had a wicked storm the other week. The sky was evil, angry and dark. It was so weird watching clouds swirl around above my neighbor's houses.
Then all of a sudden, this beautiful light broke through the clouds. It felt so peaceful and surreal. It reminded me to let my light shine even if the world around me is dark and angry. Kindness and love for each other and all living things is what matters most.
It's been three months now on my "Within an Inch of my Life" project and I haven't missed a day. I have so much fun stitching these.
I'm also reminded to stop and smell the flowers and enjoy just being. Jules painted this birthday card for me and it sits on my desk near my computer. I see it every day and it makes me smile when I think of my dear friend across the pond.
Finally, how lucky are we to live by the sea. I still pinch myself every day that I get to live in this beautiful place.
Sabrina thinks it's pretty special too.
The end. :)
Hugs to all and see ya next month!
I love your beautiful home!
Such a great blog post (I'm actually one who really looks forward to these )....and your house what can I say but looks sooooooo good. All that hard work has paid off (and you and David are real troupers). Thank you for sharing all of this with your blog followers.....I for one really appreciate it. (I'm doing little home Reno myself this week....finally getting hard wood floors in the living room,dining room and Hall this week) husband David..took some convincing lol lol 😀😊👍😊😊
And also on the lookout for a new diningroomt table ....I think I've found the perfect one...hand crafted by the Mennonite community nearby ...
I love to buy local if I can and here in Ontario, Canada, we are fortunate to have some great Craftsmen. Anyway today is our CANADA DAY....celebrating 151 years of Confederation .....we're going to have Barbeque and fire works ... 😊😊😊
Love the bunny butt.
Your home looks fabulous. Love what you have done. Hugs,xx
I absolutely love the house and i think that you made a great decision to keep the shutters- love the coffee color. It is a beautiful spot owned by some lovely people. Wishing you much happiness in your home. Warmest regards, Anna
What a wonderful story and update on your life and work and decorating--and then to end with my 2 favorite fur balls--!!!
the house inside and out is just so calming and lovely--you and David are doing a great job--
enjoy, di
Love your little hexi project and that's a great picture of you and hubby. Thanks for sharing your home and going on's with us....
Yay! for the shutters :-) They look good!
As do sweet Sabrina and Hannah. Hugs!
Your home is so lovely! The tiny rabbit is adorable.
I do enjoy reading about your renovations & the bunnies...You could check this post out about blog comments - it worked for me I got the idea elsewhere as you will see.
good luck
Nice looking house! I have extreme admiration for any one who will paint a ceiling! I hate it!
Listen - here is the deal. The shutters are not cluttering up the garage and so a little chocolate-brown Mazda Miata convertible would fit right in there!!!
Thanks for the guided tour, your new home looks lovely!
I've been having the same problem with Blog comments not getting emailed to me.
That DOor Bell.....OMB Love it!and I love the colour of the shutters too perfect!!!!,I love the changes to the house.....they are so you Michelle,xx Rachel
Everything about your home is just perfect. I love the small touches. You fill your world with love, and it all comes back to you tenfold. Savor every moment of this lovely chapter. Extra hugs. BL
Michelle, this was a lovely post! Charmingly spiritual in tone and uplifting. Thank you for posting about your home improvement projects. You put a lot of thought into it and it turned out beautifully. This was an enjoyable newsletter! Thank you for sharing!
RABBIT RABBIT! Oh Shell, the house, it looks marvelous in this crisp white! A proper cottage, manicured, clean lines, perfect. You two have done such a great job at making this house a true cottage. And look at your yard! Sylvia is sweet (yes, what is she eating!), then of course Miss Sabrina and the Pièce de Résistance: HANNAH-BANANA-BUTT! tteeeeeeheeeeeeee
I'm with you on the denial that it's already JULY. NO NO NO. I go back to school in late August, but this month I have to attend a week-long 9-4 teacher workshop in a cold building. NO!
Let's enjoy what we can.
Your house looks GREAT!! And I love the shutters. I picked out the brown ones too. Will the front door be brown? LOVE that doorbell!! I love the clean classic look of the houses in NC. Do you think there’s even ONE house like that in the Houston area?!? I haven’t
found it yet. Sabrina looks very happy!!
Oh, wow, what a super fabulous post, Shell!! Your home is gorgeous and loving the exterior!! So glad you went with shutters and the dark coffee color is purr-fect!! And that doorbell - well how fabulous is that? Hoping that one day my house by the other sea looks anything like yours!! Love ya!!
I love your post today, it’s wonderful! I love your house, it’s so pretty. I love ALL the different bunny pics. I just like how you think. Hugs,
I think your home is looking wonderful and it is great to get things done and sorted. We spent ten hours the other weekend emptying our garage and room off of it and sorting through everything that was in there and getting rid of things we didn't want or need. It was a very dirty exercise but I felt great when it was done and we now know what is down there and that everything in there is needed and used.
I would love to be able to make quilting my day job but at the moment it is not practical at all, someday it may be.
Love the pictures and hearing all about what you have been up to.
Hugs, Susie xx
WOW! your home has become so beautiful, your attention to detail and hard work is paying off BIG time. Your surroundings inside and out look incredibly inviting!!!!
Love the house progress.
Love the little features throughout.
Thanks for sharing.
How beautiful and peaceful it all is!
Hi Michelle, I haven't been to visit for awhile, but with the heat, I decided that I would come to visit this afternoon. Your house is looking amazing and I love the shutters. They set the windows off and stand out. I love your porch swing. I sold my home this last month and it sold quickly. I had three bids in a day and a half. I am now apartment living since it is only me. I love your stitch a day. Have a safe 4th of July. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri friend Shirley.
Beautiful home and a lovely, uplifting post! Happy July!
Commenting so I get the comments.
Michelle Dear YOU are a breath of fresh air and sunshine and JOY. I am so hoppy I was able to take time to visit and catch up on your beautiful home, your JOY of life and your amazing skills of stitching and teaching. We are now moved and overwhelmed with unpacking and fitting into a much smaller home. Hubby kept telling me I was bringing too much stuff...he is always right! JOYful July Dear. <3
I love the house- it looks neat as a pin! I think the shiitters look great too! You sound so much at peace and I admire that!
Your home is as lovely and serene as you are dear. Love your new doorbell and rabbit additions. How very sweet of you to help with the new quilt your neighbor is making. JOYful July Sweet Shell...<3
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