Wednesday, March 15, 2017

More from the Mid Atlantic Quilt Festival

Can you believe this weather? Good gracious!!! It was 75 here the other day and today it is 38!!!!! I can't even imagine being where there is all that snow. Mother Nature is having hormonal issues for sure! hee,hee,hee.

Moving on...Today, I have more amazing quilts to share with you from the Mid Atlantic Quilt Festival. Like last week, the name of the maker and story behind the quilt, is listed in the photo following the quilt.


I'll see you back here next week with a new design! Let's just say that a dapper bunny will make his debut. ;)




Oh Dear me--how beautiful again this week--two make me chuckle though--in the beginning the 2 large birds are sweet and then that quilt with the pigs make me really chuckle--liked the rabbit one-almost thought you had done it when I seen the title 'rabbits and raspberries'!!!
thanks for a show and tell--
enjoy the moments, diane

Petal49 said...

Thanks Michelle for all the beautiful photos. Oh my, there are so many talented people! Love them all from both posts. The bunny is definitely cute and reminds me of Hannah.

Miss Patty said...

Beautiful quilts! Love the bunny quilts!

Linda in Arkansas said...

So much fun to sit and enjoy these quilts. Thank you for adding photos of the paperwork too, I have not seen anyone else do that. It really made it much more enjoyable to see what the artist named a quilt and read what they have to say. One of my favorite names is "June Visits Japan in January". I did think the Rabbit and Raspberries one was yours at first - so cute.

Lady Hannah Goldenhare - Nothing Gold Can Stay

Hello dear friends, It's been a minute hasn't it? My last post was over a year ago. I decided I wanted to stay in my bubble where it...