Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Love Grows...

Love grows...

Have you ever worked on a project for a long time and the more you worked on it, the more you felt connected to it? Well, this was one of those projects for me.

With each stitch, snip and detail I added, a story began to reveal itself to me. A story of how love grows slowly, softly and quietly between shelter animals and the people who adopt them. 

On May 2, I celebrated Happy Hannah Day. Four years ago, I brought this precious little girl home from the rescue. I had just been through several years of terrible sadness and heartache with the loss of family members, my job and my beloved bunnies. My heart was hurting and I really didn't know if I could handle having another bunny with health issues. Hannah's ears were full of mites, she had a white mark on her eye and I really wasn't sure how old she was. Would I be faced with loss and sadness again so soon? I was scared, but at the same time, I could tell Hannah's heart was full of love, which she was willing to share with me. As I sat on the floor crying and holding her, I looked at the star on her nose and her long eyelashes encircling her sweet eyes. At that moment I made a promise, that no matter what, I would never let her go.  

Love starts out as a single bloom, a first blush. From there it spreads its vines, stitching a story and entwining our hearts. 

Sometimes, the vines of Love can take us on a long and magical journey together.  All we have to do is be willing to take a hop of faith,

 and remember to always trust our hearts and let them bloom.

This is Mitzy. Her mom, Kat, is a dear friend who I met through blogging. After reading my annual "Living with Easter Bunnies" post, Kat shared Mitzy's story with me. Now with Kat's permission, I am delighted to share it with you.

Mitzy's story:
I had been on a 2 year break from bunnies (that is another story). I was talking to a bunny friend of mine who was telling me this story about a bunny at local Humane Society who had been adopted out and returned to shelter for "aggressive behavior." That was a Sunday evening. By Tuesday my heart was pulling me, so I made phone calls. I didn't know if this bunny was a boy or a girl or even what breed, I just "knew." So I called the shelter, it was girl! She is a lion head, all new breed to me! I knew she was stressed. I went to shelter to fill out the paperwork, not necessarily to meet her. We had the rest of our lives for getting to know each other. I also found out she had been dropped off in January, spayed plus treated for infection. I also found out she had been adopted out and returned twice!!!!!! Well, kudos to the family for taking her back to shelter and kudos to shelter for not giving up on my girl. She had been named Snowball, but we didn't like it :o) (note: rabbits don't know their names like dogs and cats so you can change them)
As I was leaving the shelter they kept saying "you know she is aggressive, right?" I told them I had experience with this (another bunny) it took a full 2 years, I was prepared. So I kept responding with "You know she isn't coming back right?" Yep, that conversation was repeated over and over as I walked out with her!!

Mitzys real name is 'Mitzy Belly-Dee" When I brought her home a friend was with me and we trying out a new name for her. Mitzy was hiding out in a cardboard box from an online store called "Miss Belly Dance" And there she was in the box her head poking out next to this big sticker reading "Miss Belly Dance"
I said "wouldn't it be funny to name her Miss Belly Dance?" My friend agreed but we didn't like Missy. My friend Amy said, "Mitzy" and wow! Her bunny ears perked. So Amy repeated "Mitzy" and bunny ears again swiveled...

All of that was three and half years, two lamp cords, one sewing machine electric cord and one sewing machine foot pedal cord ago. Oh, I loved seeing your photos of the baseboards !! I just bought a house last year. Mitzy has been redecorating starting on the baseboards!!
By the way... she still isn't going back to the shelter!! She went from being a shy bunny hiding in a box, to currently demanding my attention! The photos are from her run time. She likes to supervise from under my sewing machine when she's out.
Thank you Kat and Mitzy.
Love grows and thrives when we nurture it with patience and sprinkle it with kindness.

This new Folk Art Fusion design is available as a PDF pattern in my Craftsy shop.

I also have kits with the National Nonwovens wool felt, Valdani pearl cotton, yarn, needle and background fabric available in my SHOP. The pattern is a PDF and will be emailed to you when you purchase the kit. (I'm doing my part to save trees as you don't have to print out all the pages. Plus, you can enlarge the photos on the computer to show stitching detail.)

"Love Grows" is dedicated to all those kindred spirits who follow their hearts to give shelter and rescue animals the forever home they truly deserve. 

Light, love and hugs to you,
Michelle, Harrington, Hannah and Sabrina kitty too.


Little Miss Titch said...

Beautiful story of Mitzy and,I love your new Piece.I would be the same about Mitzy too,no way would I ever give up on a bunny!xx Rachel

Donna Keating said...

So very sweet and tender bunny love.

Donna Keating said...

So very sweet and tender bunny love.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Lovely story and lovely new piece.

quiltingtaylormade said...

Such a beautiful new piece of quilts art !! Thanks to Kat for allowing you to share her story about Mitzy. Likewise our Lexie is a "wild thing" and I know that's why she'd been dumped TWICE. But lucky for her she's NOT leaving here!! Can't believe we've had her for six months !!

quiltingtaylormade said...

Such a beautiful new piece of quilts art !! Thanks to Kat for allowing you to share her story about Mitzy. Likewise our Lexie is a "wild thing" and I know that's why she'd been dumped TWICE. But lucky for her she's NOT leaving here!! Can't believe we've had her for six months !!

Sparklyjools said...

Wonderful story, Kat is a true star and Mitzy is wonderful!

OK -I love this piece! Beautiful harmonizing colours, elegant simplicity and a wonderful back story. You are back following your bliss!xxx

Lana said...

Exactly how I feel...My little Cotton Patch I think knows her least when I sing it to her...she can be in another part of the house or room and if I start singing "Little Cotton, Little Cotton, Little, Little, Little, Little, little..... Cotton..." she comes running before the end of the song...
Oh yes, this is the perfect project as the love is so REAL...

tink's mom said...

Thanks for sharing the Mitzy story. Always love furever homes stories. Wow 4 years with Hannah is a wonderful celebration. Love to you and all the furry ones. Oh, your new piece is beautiful.

Sheila said...

I love your new piece and the story of mitzy. All the bhunnies are so sweet!

Createology said...

The love in this work of HeART is such a tender tale of commitment. Bless You Dear. I love the colorway you have selected. Happy Birthday Hannah in your Forever Home...

Jeanette said...

Love your new design. Beautiful story about Mitzy & i'm glad she found her forever home. Hugs,xx

RG said...

Nice notes. The Princess is an Agouti like Hannah with that soft reddish fur between her ears! She is now 13 and still fairly healthy! She was a "gift" - and she does keep giving!!!

Kris said...

WONDERFUL post, Shell!! Your new wool fusion piece is spectacular!! And the story that goes along with it is perfect!! Happy Hannah Day to Hannah - she is one cute bunny!! As is Mitzy!! My sweet dog, Pollie is a rescue dog - she lived in a lady's house with 24 other dogs!! Yiks!! Now she is my one and only and she loves it. She will be 8 this summer and I got her when she was 6 months!! Lucky me!!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I am so late to this wonderful story-time my friend.

School is almost over, but stressful with all the finals planning. It is in ANIMALS and in nature that I find my peace and refuge, and then in the writing to tell about it.

Hannah and all the bunnies out there are so precious, and there's something about tenderness and kindness that outlasts all the aggressive expressions out there to call out for love.

Last night as Ruben and I was fading off, we were intrigued by a PBS special on parrots...and the loving people who donate their time to rescue these great creatures from neglectful humans who think they can keep them in cages without giving them the love and ATTENTION they deserve and need. It was heart breaking to see how they pull out their feathers in stress, frustration and anger, because all they want is love and freedom.

Happy Hannah Day? YES!!!!!!!!!

Happy Hannah-Banana Day to you my dear friends! Anita

JudyCinNC said...

Beautiful post and beautiful you - your new piece is gorgeous. How's the house hunting going? Crossing my fingers for you. Judy C

Linda in Arkansas said...

Such sweet stories - beautifully written. Thanks for sharing.

Allie said...

Love your new design, Shell, and thanks for sharing that amazing story!

Starr White said...

Your new design is beautiful, Michelle! and the love you have for your furry babies touches my heart. How could anyone look into that sweet face and not fall completely in love? xxxx.

Briarose said...

All my fur babies (dogs) have come from shelters. The last one has been a lot more work than I was prepared for, but with time and patience (and a few bottles of wine :) ) we are making took a full year for her to allow me to touch she thinks she is a lap dog...she is a great pyrenees reading your blog especially the bunny parts...Claire

Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

Hi Michelle, I have been on a blog break and have missed reading your stories. Loved hearing about Mitzy and your new pattern is beautiful!

Erica said...

This is fantastic, even more so with the story and dedication! You are one amazing person!!!!

Natascha said...

Love the story... And there is nothing like a rescue!

Val's Quilting Studio said...

Great post and couldn't resist highlighting it at Tuesday Archives this week!!! As our theme is RABBITS!! I love Hannah's story. The year we adopted two rescue bunnies..."jack" ended up being a "Jill" and we have even more bunnies. :) :) :) It was fun though! I still have bunnies even though our 4H daughter is grown. Now they are two mini rexes.

KaHolly said...

Oh, my, I have goosebumps clear down to my toes. My daughter rescues dogs and cats and now has three of each. The newest Puppy has been a real challenge, but she makes progress every day from my daughter and SIL's kind hearts. Thank you for sharing such a heartwarming post! XO

Annette Tait said...

so beautiful Shell! love this so much, and love the story of Mitzy
just beautiful
much love to you and to Hannah xxxxxxx <3

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