Honestly, I cannot believe I started this blog seven years ago! I remember watching the movie Julie and Julia and being inspired to start a blog.
Back then I wasn't really sure what I would write about. I was a project manager/interior decorator for a custom home builder. Most of what I wrote about was house stuff. When I look back through my posts, I have to laugh over all the interior design changes my house has gone through, not to mention my hairstyle changes! :)
It's funny how blogging became my "open diary." A place where I share my ups, my downs, my bunnies and my dorkiness with you. It's amazing to see how my posts and words back then were all part of the path to bring me to this place, this little moment.
Time won't slow down (Sydney Snail in my driveway one night). It just goes by faster and faster. Lately, I find myself singing this from Rob Thomas.
"Our lives are made
in these small hours
these little wonders,
these twists and turns of fate.
Time falls away,
but these small hours,
these small hours still remain."
I can't help but feel that my blog is simply that. A place where little moments of my life remain, like capturing the moon in the middle of the day.
So in celebration of seven years of blogging moments, I am giving away this 100% wool charm pack from National Nonwovens and
my Valdani hand-dyed, size 12, Folk Art Fusion,
pearl cotton collection.
The past seven years have brought many changes to the blogging world. I use to read blogs as a hobby. It was a way to relax after a 12 hour day working in construction. Now that I work for myself, I'm lucky if I can visit with my blog friends once a month. I'm wondering if it is the same for you? Do you read blogs anymore, or do you spend most of your time on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest where you don't really have to comment?
With that question in mind, to enter the giveaway, leave a comment on this post letting me know if you still read blogs or if you spend your time on other social media sites. The bunnies, kittens, Sabrina and I will use the Random Number Generator to select the winner this Friday, September 12. This giveaway is open to all our friends around the world.
Enjoy this video of Small Hours by Rob Thomas.
Thank you for being part of the little wonders and small hours of my life.
Light, love and hugs to you,
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Lady Hannah Goldenhare - Nothing Gold Can Stay
Hello dear friends, It's been a minute hasn't it? My last post was over a year ago. I decided I wanted to stay in my bubble where it...

Sometimes...right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives you a fairy tale. I knew it would happen. I knew I would have tears stream...
Hellooooooooooo and welcome to Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Blog Tour! I am down right excited to have my block in this magazine! To be i...
Ok, so I know I should be thinking about Christmas and all the festivities etc., but I can't help it. I'm eagerly skipping ahead to ...
1 – 200 of 259 Newer› Newest»Michelle, you need to go to bed!!! I'm an hour behind you and I should go to bed, too. But I don't sleep much, usually only about 3 to 4 hours a night. I am retired and I spend only a couple of hours reading blogs and checking up on friends and family on Facebook. I do not use any of the other social media sites available. Just Facebook and the "antiquated" e-mail. Tonight I read your post on the Cuddle Puddle and enjoyed the pictures immensely. They are so adorable and so fortunate to have been placed in your life. They could not have found a better person to usher them into their little lives. You have a wonderful soul and The Goddesses will bless you many times over for your kindness to Mother Nature's creatures who depend on us. Digby says Hi to Hannah and Harrington and the Cuddle Puddle and sends you a big sloppy kiss!
Seven years. Congratulations.
I still spend time in blogging land. I still feel more connected as blog people still write in sentences and entire thoughts, not just snippets. I am more relaxed when I read blogs. Other social media is a little frenzied and not so connected on a meaningful level.
Thanks for sharing of yourself Michelle.
congratulations !!! 7 years WOW....
Thanks you for sharing bits of your life and cute little helpers you have. I still like to read blogs and comment from time to time. It is always great getting to know you through your blog as well as seeing what you are creating too. thanks for sharing with us and I wish you many more years in the land of blog.
in stitches
Congratulations! I so enjoy your moments you share with us. I do not have my own blog but read lots of other peoples' blogs most days. I get so inspired and try new things because I see them on the blogs. I don't do Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Blogs take up enough time! I am enjoying my first blanket stitched wool pictures I am working on. Thanks for the generous giveaway both of material things as well as your heart and passion for all things creative and all creatures too! Love ya- K-
Congratulations on 7 years of blogging Shell. I'm so glad I found you (not sure how I came across your blog now). The time certainly does fly. My five years is coming up in November. I still read blogs. I don't do facebook, instagram or any of those other things. Thanks for the lovely giveaway. Have a lovely week with those sweet bunnies and cute kitties! Hugs, Christine xx
Congratulations my wonderful friend! You make Blogdom a beautiful place to be, and there's probably no-one more gentle, sincere, or giving in my blogosphere than you, Shell.
You know, I love to blog...and I'm sad that so many people have chosen to leave it for places where they don't get to truly know a person, where being anonymous or tossing out a one liner is the norm.
Bless you, hon, and may all your goodness reap more than you can imagine in your future!
Love and hugs
Congrats on 7 years! I keep up with many blogs each related to different interests of mine. It's nice to have a blog reader that sorts them and keeps them all in one place. I have to say how much I've enjoyed watching the kittens. Good thing I live on the other end of the country or I would have tried to reserve one. Thank you for rescuing them.
Hi Shell
Congratulations on 7 years of blogging. I must say that I have a list of blogs that I read and don't do other social media. I enjoy reading of your adventures down the rabbit hole and look forward to reading your posts. I have just started one of your projects from your book and looking forward to stitching it tonight.
Keep the inspiration for us out in blog world going...
Take care
Congrats on 7 years. Time sure does fly, huh? Funny that you should ask that question because I was just asking myself that same question. I rarely blog anymore and don't visits blogs like I used to. I'm on FB way too much and I could shoot the person who invented Candy Crush. Lol. I do enjoy your blog and make sure to look for your updates.
Congratulations on seven years. I do try to keep up with blogs, but I don't comment on them as much as I used to. It's definitely a challenge trying to keep up with it all
Oh yes I most definitely do read blogs still! Particularly every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (haha)! Congratulations on 7 years of blogging....the best blog on the block :-)
Congratulations and well done.
Please keep writing posts because I enjoy reading them. I much prefer blogs. They are far more personal and the replies are better than ticking a like!
I read every blog on my looong list. Sometimes more than once.
I love to see what everyone is making and how their week is going. I have seen places that I didn't know were there. It is the best part of my day.
I'm in the house a lot and this a great way to still be part of the world.
Best wishes,
Aunt Bea
Congratulations on seven years. I read blogs, I dont do any other social media!I love blogs - such inspiration!
doyleajackie at gmail dot com
Hi Michelle,
I like blogging and read many other blogs. I'm on facebook too, but I only look for a few minutes every day and that's it.
I hope I may enjoy your give-away because I'm Dutch and I live in the Netherlands. I like to read about the rabbits and the last weeks about Sabrina and her kittens. I adore the one with the crossed eyes.
Congratulations on 7 years of blogging! I love reading blogs and appreciate others like yourself who have such talent and write so such great posts!! thank you!
congratulations on 7 years! I think i've "known" you for about half of that. Here's to another 7 years! I love blogs. I dabble with Instagram, don't see the point in Twitter and keep Facebook for non-crafty stuff. Blogs are the only way to really get to know people and forge relationships and I don't think they're dying out at all.
Blogs are my mainstay. I happen to be a haphazard blogger myself but I love reading everyone's blogs. I love to see the pictures and read the stories.
The only "social" media I'm on is Facebook, and that's mainly to keep up with what my kids are doing.
If it weren't for all the blogs I read, I might actually have to do some housework! (Perish the thought!) :-)
Happy Blog Anniversary. I started reading blogs and blogging approx 16 months ago and is my choice for social media. I learn so very much from others' experiences and daily lives. For instance, I did not know you where a professional decorator until now. Your giveaway is sweet, and I would enjoy doing handwork with these gorgeous fibers. Thank you for an opportunity.
Here I am reading your blog! Love your projects! Congratulations on 7 yrs!!
Congratulations on 7 bloggy years. I still read blogs, I don't use any of the social media sites. I find blogs are personal and inspirational.
Congrats on reaching 7 years! Your post made me go back to see when I started, Jan 2008, so i'm not far behind you. Although I don't post as often I still love my blog and use it as a way to record things I've made or events I want to remember. I don't spend as much time seeking out new blogs instead I catch up on what all my favourites have been up to. Facebook does take up alot of my time too but I will always go back to what started me on this journey and that's my blog and my worldwide blogging buddies who I treasure as long lost friends x
Michelle congratulations. Time sure does fly. I remember when you 1st started blogging. I still love to read blogs. I have learned so much through reading and tutorials.
Michelle congratulations. Time sure does fly. I remember when you 1st started blogging. I still love to read blogs. I have learned so much through reading and tutorials.
Wow! Congrats on celebrating 7 years!!! I love the blogging world and it is my preferable social media to follow!! I always find inspiration and am learning daily from so many creative people!!
Hi there, 7 years, that's wonderful. I am disabled and often confined to my day bed, where I do CQ, embroidery, knitting , crochet, and any other craft that takes my fancy. However my first task (joy) every morning is to read all my favourite blogs. It feels like I'm talking to friends. I love your kitties, their pics have given me immense pleasure, so thank you.blessings
Congratulations on seven years! I love reading blogs and writing my own but I notice people do comment less and Instagram seems to have taken over. I love reading about people's processes though!
Congratulations on this wonderful milestone! As to your question about "blog following", I am 60+ and never quite caught on to the social media frenzy (Twitter, Facebook), although I do enjoy Pinterest. That said, I have many craft blogs that I follow. Some I read only if the subject matter of that particular post interests me ... a craft I want to try or a recipe that catches by eye. But there are a select few that I read all the way through every time. I am pleased to say that your blog falls into that category and you never disappoint. From bunnies, to kittens, to crafts ... I enjoy it all.
Dear, dear Shell,
I will be blogging seven years in JANUARY! And I can't believe how far I've come in terms of writing goals. I still visit blogs, I read them, I comment, but I am saddened that many dear friends have turned to faster ways of connecting. I see Facebook in a not-so-good light (because it stole my friends) and no wonder my comments have gone down, down, down....either that or I'm just too boring for anyone anymore!
Nonetheless, I still enjoy visiting people, and that's that. No Twitter, FB for me. But Pinterest? OH YEAH! Have a super day. Anita
It's hard to believe 7 years already and you are a consistent blogger too! That is a huge congrats! If time permits I typically read blogs with am coffee. My day gets busy and I find that I check IG for quick blurbs from many who used to blog regularly but IG more now. I had wondered where everybody went...then found IG the answer. Blogging is better but really time consuming. I enjoy that you take the time and give thought to words written and photos shared. Yours is from the heart. Keep it up...I'll be reading!
Wow! Seven years! Congratulations. I still read blogs, but do so in the early mornings while I have that first cup of coffee, so don't always leave comments because I haven't formed words in my brain yet. I don't participate in the other forms of social media, well, except Pinterest, when I'm researching ideas. Have a wonderful day!
Seven years - thats great - a lot of words typed up by now!
I still read blogs - though I must admit I don't comment as much now as before - trying to avoid Pinterest and all the others - just not enough time . . .
What a fabulous give away - very generous!!
Congrats on the blog anniversary! I only read blogs...sorry, no other forms of social media for me.
So glad you've been here for 7 years - happy blogoversary! Thanks for all you share. I mostly read blogs, spending just a few minutes checking Facebook to see what my daughter is up to. Thanks for a chance at your wonderful giveaway; I'm already picturing products with your wool and threads!
I'm seeing projects, not products. Auto correct does see things differently, haha
Do you have the 7 year itch?
I do read blogs still, I'm here aren't I? BUT I will admit Pinterest takes up a lot of my time, sometimes I tell myself to get back to my sewing machine...
Congratulations and Thank You for the chance to win this lovely giveaway!
I prefer blogs to other social media..I have enjoyed yours and many others for many years, I learn so much and really enjoy the blogs I read. Thank you so much for the chance to win such a lovely giveaway!
First off thank you for 7 years of blogging, I didn't find you that many years ago but boy am I glad I finally did. I love, love, all your stories and the animals are very dear to my heart. Thank You for sharing a part of yourself with us all, I am a blog girl all the way, no Facebook or Twitter, I enjoy the posts of creative artists that share a part of themselves with us, Look forward to Mon, Wed, & Fri. Thank You for the wonderful giveaway Good Luck to everyone!!!!
I still prefer blogs to other social media - somehow they make you feel more connected!
What an absolutely momentous occasion! Seven years.. wow! As you may have noticed I'm a fairly new stumbler across your blog... Think I found you through Jenny:)
I'm not a huge fan of other social media platforms. I had Facebook and it drove me nuts! Never did Twitter or any of the other things. I enjoy blogging. I enjoy reading about what other craters in other parts of the world do. I have found myself inspired to try so much more than I thought possible thanks to reading blogs. Do I comment? Ummmmm yes...I do tend to ramble on :) Blogging is relaxing and interactive and unless life interferes I try to check the blogs on my list at least every day.
Congratulations on 7 years Shell!
I tend to spend more time on Instagram, I can check it while waiting at school and it is instant ;) I still try to read through my blog reader each night but don't have time to comment on many posts at all.
Just had a good laugh at myself.... No that's not craters.... It's crafters :) :D
Congratulations Michelle, I always enjoy your blog and would love to work with your wool and Folk Art Fusion! I still read blogs more than use the other forms of social media.
Congrats on 7 years! I still read blogs, although not as many as I once did. I found I was spending more time on the computer than at the sewing machine. I've made good friends online, and I've met several of them in person. I don't think that would have happened through Facebook. Thanks for a chance to win your pretties. btw - how many guest rooms do you have?
Congrats for these 7 years sharing your life with us! Of course, I still read blogs (but not all posts, maybe the most interesting) even if I spent time on social. I love blogs, and rabbits, and cats.
Have a nice day and don't give up writing <3
Congratulations on 7 years! Funny mentioning that film, as I actually watched it not long time ago and it reminded me of the pleasures of blogging :-) I do read blogs and comment, it is like visiting friends, isn´t it? But man, with all the other social media platforms, blogs are now almost lonely... i remember it being much busier and people reading and commenting more. However, it is still pleasure. So, good work and keep it up!
I used to blog years ago and I know what you mean about time slipping away.. I still read blogs and have always enjoyed hearing about the bunnies. I have 22 garden bunnies in my gardens and always considered then good luck. Paulette got me back to reading blogs, she is a good friend. Thanks for the giveaway, good luck to everyone..
I love reading about your bunnies and your adventures in live. I read blogs as a hobby and am amazed at all the talented women who share their talent. It makes the world seem smaller in a way. Have a hoppy anniversary.
Congrats on 7 years! I still read blogs daily and check out Facebook for new pictures of my grandchildren. No interest in the others forms of social media, takes away from my sewing time.
I still read blogs much more frequently than I use Facebook. I like seeing everything that my bloggy friends are doing, along with the text that explains the whys and wherefores. Thanks for the chance to win such an incredible giveaway!
7 is consider a lucky number! Coffe and blog reading start my day. Sometimes it is a short start and sometimes a longer time.
So much of social media has crept into our lives. I think there is a place for all of it. I get behind on my blog reading, except for the ones that come to me by email - I read those daily. I'm thankful for blogs because that is how I learned to quilt! Congrats on your anniversary.
Although I haven't been reading your blog for 7 years, I have enjoyed following along to learn, laugh and share a tear as well.
Congratulations on 7 years, hon.
Congratulations on 7 years. I do read blogs. I am inspired by the pictures and projects that are shown. I find more inspiration on blogs than Facebook.
I mainly use FB, but Bloglovin' keeps my favorite blogs at my fingertips and I can check in when time allows. It is a more relaxing and inspiring time.
I do not do Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pintrest, or what ever else is out there...
I have a Several Bogs that I check each morning (yours is one)and enjoy the sharing and inspiration they offer.
happy blog anniversary..
I am a blog reader, not a fb or instagram person. I might not comment on every blog but I sure enjoy reading them. And I appreciate the time and effort it takes for the author to do this.
Thanks for a chance at your generous giveaway...
I read blogs more than anything. I do check Facebook and Pinterest but love my blogs.
Kathy Davis
Congratulations! I love blogs that I receive via email. All the blogs are craft oriented-quilts, embroidery, crochet...things I love to do. I notice many bloggers have abandoned their sites for facebook but I love reading the blogs. I scan through Facebook photos and also love Pinterest as a scrapbook for inspiration. I think of it as "visual bookmarks".
I still love to read blogs, there just isn't enough hours in the day. I love to get inspired yet then I use up too much time reading instead of doing. It's a double edge sword. So sleep suffers...lol!
I recently cut back severely on the number of blogs I follow as I was spending so much time online that I wasn't getting stuff done. I gave up on facebook a couple of years ago. Pinterest I only use when I am looking for something in particular. Instagram never got interested in.
Reading blogs is still part of my "entertainment" time. Much better than watching TV. Facebook probably occupies more time but there is nothing like a good blog. Never would have found the Friendship of the Flowers without your blog!
I think I have been reading your blog posts for 7 years too and have watched you grow. I do still read blogs but have to say I spend more time on face book. Congrats to you.
Since I got my iPad I don't read blogs that much anymore. I play games now, ha. Happy 7 years so blogging!
Thanks for sharing with us, Michelle. I follow your blog as well as facebook. i don't have my own blog, so love reading others. Have a great week
Yippee! 7 years! Congratulations. I love reading about your bunnies and seeing all your beautiful designs. Thank you for sharing your creative life with us.
Congrats on 7 years!!!! I am new to your site and I am in LOVE with it!!! I read it many many times during the week. Even re-reading and studying what you do. What a great thing to win it would be!!!!!! Thanks for the chance!
I do read blogs, but find that I go to them more often following a fb post or an email link.
Thanks for the chance to win a great prize.
Congratulations on seven years!! No, I don't read blogs very often these days and I haven't posted on mine for an age!! I spend far too much time on Facebook .... and sewing of course! Hugs xx
I love to read the blogs. I get so much inspiration from them. I try to comment when I have the time. Congrats on 7 years
Congrats to a successful 7 years. You went through quite a transition of design focus and we love where you ended up :-)
Thank you for sharing those sweet bunns and now kitties with us along with your beautiful artwork.
I'm still reading my favorite blogs...the number of blogs I follow creeps up sometimes and then I have to cull it back down because I can get quite distracted looking at everyone's quilty projects :-)
Hugs to you and all those sweet creatures. xoxo
I still read many blogs, and really enjoy getting to know people through what they write. I am on FB but not any other social media. It takes up too much time, and then there is not enough time to stitch!
I still read blogs and enjoy them all, so much more personal than many other social media sites :) Fabulous giveaway and congrats on 7 years!
Congratulations. I love reading your blog AND I have enjoyed your facebook posts of the "Cuddle Puddle" crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
Congratulations on your 7th Blogversary sweets. Here's to even more success, joy and happiness as you travel on your journey.xxx (Non giveaway comment - someone's going to be very lucky!x)
love your blog and try to read as often as I can. Like everyone else, not enough hours in the day and not enough days in the week. Thanks for the giveaway.
Yes I still read blogs,I find it hard to keep up with all of SPeedy's follower though but we try!
congratulations Sweet friend!
xx Rachel and Speedy
It is so true that I have drifted away from blogs and that is such a sad thing. One reason I believe is that it is, for me, the only connection I have to my family that is in other parts of the country and seems like it is the only way to know what is happening with them on a day to day basis. However, I have lost touch with me and what is happening in my own world and keeping up with what is going on with me. Blogs are like journals that we keep tract of our lives and share what we are doing on a much more personal level. I think that maybe I should back off of Facebook and start back with my blogs. I would love to be a winner of your giveaway but seems like I have enter so many of these and my luck is just gone these days. Maybe thats a sign that I need to get back in touch with me and all my friends that still communicate with everyone on their blogs. Wish you all luck and me too.
Happy 7th Blogaversary....How exciting...Time sure does fly especially when we are having fun. I do still read blogs. But nearly as many as I used to and the only other social media I do is Facebook...Thank you fro the chance to enter your giveaway as well. Love your Valdani hand dyed threads. They are gorgeous as well as the wool...
Love reading your blog -- always uplifting, and cheers me up. ;). Happy 7th year!
I still prefer to read blogs over Facebook, Twitter, etc. I do use FB, but I don't use it much.
I still love your blog... been reading since Sugie was around, your bunnies are what drew me in. I love how much you love them. :)
Thank you for the very generous giveaway!
Shell I tried Instagram and Twitter and they're just not for me. I love blogs and I read as many as I can make time for - there's so much more connection there, though I confess I don't comment often any more because of the time issue. Your blog has been a bright spot for me for many years now. When I am down you make me smile. Your compassionate and generous heart are out there for everyone to see and you inspire us to want to have more enthusiasm, more joy in all we do. Congratulations on 7 years! I'm getting close to 1000 posts; who would have thought 4 years ago I'd have that much to say. :) blessings, marlene
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I do still touch base with blogs, but this is where I find facebook to be helpful reminder to delve deeper into what is happening. your threads are beautiful and the wool.
7 years!!! Wow! Congratulations!
To tell you the truth, I have really just started reading blogs. I retired last year & discovered the quilting blogs. I have gradually honed in on bloggers who capture my attention or I feel a connection to.
Congratulations on 7 years!! I follow through Bloglovin and enjoy every post. Thank you for letting us in on your life. Thank you again for the video, I've never heard it before but I really loved it, great meaning. ;->
I have to admit, I probably read more on FB, but I love blogs so much. Maybe that is something I should start spending time doing instead. With blogs I can choose who I want to visit. I get so depressed with FB anymore, half the people who are my "friends" post horrible, negative, bullying posts and I just log off. You gave me something to think about, and I do believe its time to rekindle by blog relationships!! :) Thanks Shell, (()) to all,
Like so many others I find myself commenting on blogs less and less. I still try to read most of the ones I follow but am realizing that I am frequently missing posts. I read FB more but I am far more inspired when I check out blogs. I still post on my own blog but more as a personal diary. It is great to share with others too but I never want my blog to become a chore! I so enjoy reading your adventures and feel privileged to get a glimpse of your life.
I do not spend as much time reading blogs as I used to but it is still my favorite way to connect. I do not spend much time on other social media sights, I check facebook to keep up with family but don't often post. I always enjoy reading blogs when time allows and post less often than I did, blog reading still inspires me and I always enjoy my visits here.
I try not to spend to many hours on the computer. I use Facebook and Bloglovin to keep up with the blogs I like. I try to do it in the morning and then have the rest of the day to stitch and help my BF caring for her mother.
Congratulations on 7 years. I still follow the blogs and do a little on Facebook.
Congratulations on seven years of blogging. I truly appreciate all the information and inspiration shared on blogs. I follow so many of them that I can't read every post anymore or I would never have any time to sew. As it is, I spend too much time on the computer. I prefer blog reading over Facebook which is often just a link to a blog post anyway. I don't like Twitter. Thanks for a chance in your generous giveaway.
Parabéns!!!!!Gosto de ler blogs e Face.Beijos!
HI Michelle! As you know from our emailing, I read some blogs, and some Facebook, and get sucked into the vortex...hardly leaving any time for the most important of pastimes...the sewing!!! Pick me, pick me! And even if you don't - give lots of scratches and cuddles to the bunnies and the puddles!
Kathy O in GA
Congrats on your Blogiversary!! I used to spend hours a night looking at blogs and |Flickr but hardly anyone uses Flickr andymore and loads of the blogs I read have gone quiet due to IG. I now have an IG account and must say that the instant-ness of it is very appealing and my own blog has suffered recently. I have never been a fan of Facebook or Twitter but I do love pictures so blogs and IG are my 'thang'.
Congratulations on your 7 year blog!
Time sure flies when you are having
fun. I do read blogs but also enjoy facebook too.
Seven years ?!? Who would've thought?? While I haven't followed you for only about two years I look forward to hearing from you and anything new. I follow a handful of blogs, read FB and do Instagram. It does take a bit of time. Have enjoyed getting to know you. Best of luck on the next seven years !! Love, Tay
7 years!! Congratulations!! I love reading blogs that are full of pictures, happiness, and creative ideas. That fits your blog to a "T" :)
I wish you 70 more years of blogging and creating!
Congratulations on 7 years. I don't read blogs as much as i used. I've not the time or the inclination. Mostly just stick to my favourite blogs. Since i joined Instagram i read even less than i was say a year ago. A lot of my friends don't blog anymore too & use Facebook or Instagram as their media now. Hugs,xx
I still read blogs, I love so many I just couldn't drop them and stay away :)
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com
7 years ... well done you... that movie also got me thinking about a blog! I still read blogs diligently... I love my bloggy friends and I would hate to lose touch...
Congratulations! On 7 years. You have accomplished so much.
I still read blogs but because I "like" you I saw the giveaway on facebook.
It's fun to watch your business grow. You are very talented. The things you create are unique, unlike typical wool applique. So glad you took the leap from construction to creativity.
7 years that is wonderful, I love blogs and I respond to them most of the time. I enjoy blog because it is a journal for me. I love watching you on TV, that is a great accomplishment.
I DO still read blogs! They take me beyond my four walls and into so many new things! And by the way! I trust your cats and kittens completely to pick a winner! Thank you for the opportunity to win some great wool and thread items! midwayfarms@hughes.net
Wow, congratulations! I am reading more lately. I have made quite a few blog friends and am learning how more important relationships are than flashing photos!
Yes, I still read blogs with my morning coffee! It has become part of my retirement ritual...it's like visiting with all my friends..the furry ones too!! :o)) Congratulations on 7 wonderful years! I have enjoyed them ALL!
I read blogs like yours that I follow on Facebook.
congratulations on 7 years !!
I enjoy reading blogs I have blogs friends and loose some follower.
If someone leave a comment ,I love to go visiting and have a look and say hi.
Blog is my best way to connect with others quilters.
I actually read more blogs than FB and I don't do twitter. . I love hearing what people are up to in the craft world! I should actually be doing more sewing, but it is so fun to read. Thank you for taking time to share your moments with all of us and I am so glad I met you! If I hadn't read your blog we would never have met! That would be so sad because I love your creativity and enthusiasm (and the fact that you may get to Wilmington one day!)
Michelle, I LOVE the movie Julie and Julia... I still read blogs, and I do Facebook, and Pintrest. I'm trying to get the hang of Twitter too... I love your blog, it's one of the few I read especially with the tales of the kitties and bunnies!!! Thanks for the chance to win such a marvelous prize Hugs to you and the kitties and bunnies Liz from So California :)
Congratulations on 7 years. Time does fly. I still read blogs and enjoy reading about and seeing pictures of what people are doing. Thanks for the chance to win an awesome giveaway.
I spend most of my time reading blogs. I do have a FB page, but I don't like FB, I don't twitter, and I only look at instagram to spy on my grand kids...grin.
Look at all those lovely goodies - yummy. I am addicted blog reading. Should I admit to following over 500 and they are almost exclusively quilting/sewing blogs?! The rest of the social media is pretty much ignored by me - I mean, how much time do I really have!!! lol
I am so loving those threads! I still read blogs! I love the photos, and the commentary that come with the writing of a blog. I read Facebook, but, not on a regular basis. I look at Instagram for the photos, I guess I am just a visual person. I love to get inspired to get my projects in gear, when I see what everyone else is accomplishing. I hope I am chosen the winner of those luscious threads!
Doris R.
I love reading blogs! And I like hearing about what other quilters are doing. I've seen you on Quilting Arts programs and it is nice putting a voice to your blogs. Would love to win your giveaway.
Congrats on 7 years! I enjoy reading blogs, I don't do any of the other social medias. The threads are so beautiful, I have my fingers crossed.
Holy smoke - 7 years!!!
Now you have to read all 118 of these comments, and then respond to several, and then they will respond and then you ... oh, you get it. Best to keep doing the art - and blog as able!
I just happened upon your site this evening. I have enjoyed the more than two hours I have spent reading your posts and the adorable pics of your sweet animals. I only view blogs and pinterest, no facebook. I would never get any stitching done. I have especially enjoyed your wool and hexies. I am just finishing up a year long wool stitchery group through my favorite quilt shop in Bellingham, Wa. I will be back for another visit.
Hi Michelle! Congratulations on your 7th blogging anniversary! I do still read blogs and post on mine...and although I also use Facebook, my first love will always be blogging...it seems much more personal to me.
I'd love a chance to win your awesome giveaway! Hugs
Gosh Shell has it really been 7 years? I guess I just haven't been counting. So many changes since the beginning of MMP. Your Blog and Talents have always been inspiring, consistent, and so enjoyable. I am a Blog and Twitter reader. With all the changes to FB I can't keep up. I get more out of blogging and were able to share more as well. Happy, Happy Anniversary!! I guess I should think about doing something soon too. However Madame Sam keeps us so enjoyably busy. Who would have thought 7 years ago I would have taken Sewing and creating seriously again after a 20 year break~
Big Huggs to you, and Bunnies too!!
Congrats on 7 years! That is exciting! I kinda fell off the blog radar but I missed it and got back into it. :) homespunhandmaiden(at)yahoo(dot)com
Congrats on 7 years. I read blogs; I love the "personality" of the various ones I read. Love that they come from the heart of the blogger. Some are personal experiences, some are sharing of others tales. Thought provoking, humorous, sad, educational, love them all!
Wow. Seven years. I'm just sorry I wasn't introduced to your blog until a few years ago. I check Facebook when I get an email that something has been posted. I follow a few blogs - the ones where I get an email when something new is posted. At my age I forget when I go from one room to the next. I'd never remember to check blogs each day. I don't use any other social media. I'd rather spend my time with my fabrics and thread. Give the bunnies and the Cuddle Puddle a pat from me.
I love reading blogs but also like facebook too. It is relaxing to just sit and read. I do so many crafts/quilts/wall hangings that I rarely have time to read a book so I read the blogs as they are usually short and it makes a person feel as if they are really your friend since I know much about your life.
I don't blog but I love reading blogs. I think they are more personal and interesting than Facebook or Twitter...plus blogs are educational. How to care for bunnies info was passed on the info to a new bunny owner.
Love your Bunny Blog! =:+
Congratulations on seven years! Yes, I read blogs every night while my hubby watches TV. I do not do Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or any other social media. I feel like that all takes away from my sewing time. I also don't text or don't even own a smartphone! No, I am not old - I am probably younger than you but I am a bit of an old fashion girl.
Cathy in AZ
Congratulations on 7 years of blogging about your life. It must be fun to look back and see just how many changes have occurred for you. I do still like to read some blogs because it makes me feel connected to the people who write them more than just Facebook or occasional emails. The only other media I use is Facebook. I usually browse through every evening. I rarely email any more.
Leslie Williams, lewjacks@suddenlink.net
I only read your blog and a couple of others. I love your daily adventures with all your furry loved ones! What a giving heart you have.
Congratulations on your 7 Year anniversary Michelle. I receive your blog posts by email and really enjoy your posts. I love seeing the bunnies. I still read many blogs and am also on FB but no other social media group.
Wishing you another wonderful seven years of blogging.
Claire in Aus.
Congrats on 7 years. I like reading blogs because more can be put into a post. I've got so much inspiration for quilter blogs.
I don't do Facebook or Twitter Or any of those. It takes me long enough to just read or delete e-mails and check all the sites I save patterns from each month. I have been wanting to work with wool and have saved your BOM's, but I haven't found a source of good wool in town. Scary to buy online when you don't know the quality or true color. Winning your giveaway would be a wonderful way to get started.
Congratulations on your 7 year blogiversary Michelle!! I do not have a blog but I really enjoy reading and following you and several other blogs. I use Facebook once in a while but prefer to read blogs. Thank you for sharing yourself and your beautiful creations with us!
I too like to follow blogs....yours is one of the ones I initially started following! I love to read about what others are doing and making....just life in general. Thanks for all that you do and for the beautiful creations that you share with us!!
Congrats on 7 years of blogging! I enjoy writing on mine but I'm relatively new. I do have quite a list of ones I follow...including yours!!! I try to read as many as I can daily. Thanks for the giveaway!!! (Fingers crossed!!)
I have a few blogs that I check daily, actually only the ones I follow via email. Not a fan of Facebook or Twitter and I do not have a blog. Congratulations on your blogiversary! Hugs to your cuddle puddle and Hannah and Harrington too!!!!
Michelle, I read your blog and several others, but not every day. I do manage to check out Facebook most days. Thanks for the opportunity to win the giveaway.
I check blogs that I subscribe to or run across.
Congrats, Michelle!
Blogs are the main social media I spend time on, but there's so many interesting places to visit that I would say I probably read more than I comment on.
Congratulations on 7 years of blogging! Although I'm on some social media, I still read blogs. I prefer reading and commenting on blogs.
Goodness gracious, what a wonderful give away. I hope the cuddle puddle is involved somehow...maybe a kitty supervisor will also arrive with the package?
Have so enjoyed your stories. Thank you for sharing. Love the colours in the thread and felt, hope I win.
I do still read blogs, they are great way to get inspiration and sometimes it´s just nice to sit down and relax reading them :)
Congratulations and thanks for the chance for a wonderful giveaway. Yes, I read blogs, but skim through my dashboard and only read the ones that really interest me.
I definitely read LOTS of blogs. I like them so much more than the other social medias!!
Thanks for the chance to win!!
Yes, I absolutely read blogs...a lot! I love your blog, especially knowing that we live less than an hour apart. When I saw you on TV, I ran to get my husband and told him who you were, like a total local celebrity!! Not too sure what he thought...LOL thanks for all you do!
Hi Michelle,
Congratulations on 7 years and looking forward to many more of reading your wonderful blog about your bunnies and other creatures that come into your life, large and small. I meant you in Woodbridge, Virginia at the Cabin Branch Quilter's guild, we lived there only 11 months and now we live in south Florida. Yes, I read blogs and follow the ones I enjoy and have become about of my life, moving makes it hard to make good close friends, my blog friends are always there. I hope this will post some people tell me that I am a no-reply person, don't know anything about that or to how fix it, since others say nothing about it. I hope you will visit my blog sometime, use to have another one but when moving and I changed my email i have lost the other one, so I am starting over. www.heartandsoulquilts.blogspot.com
I use social media, but I also read the blog posts. For me social media is more about quick snippits and the blogs are like magazine articles. While the snippits are nice and you can keep up with your friends and get quick updates, they will not replace the blogs.
I love reading your blog about the bunnies a now the kittens,I love your designs and would like to be able to win your giveaway.
Good morning! I read your blog and a few others. I do spend a little time each day on social media, as well. Congratulations on your seven years.
I love reading your blog about the bunnies a now the kittens,I love your designs and would like to be able to win your giveaway.
Yes, I still read blogs, but only a few of my favorite ones each day. I check my FB every morning, but don't keep checking it all day long.
This giveaway is amazing!
They're not mutually exclusive...I spend time both reading blogs and on Facebook. I *prefer* to read blogs, simply because it's easier to tell a story in that format.
I still read blogs, I get lots of wonderful information from them. I'm not at crazy as I was about fb I don't agree with some of their privacy policies. I don't use pinterest, I guess I don't see the point of it. lol
I still read blogs and enjoy learning new things! Keep up the good work and love your giveaway!!
Congratulations on your 7 years and success in blogland. I still read blogs, adding and deleting as my interests change, but I also keep up with friends and family through FB.
Kudos on seven years!!
I really enjoy blogs because I love pictures and copy. It is always interesting to read about people's day to day lives. Some of the people's blogs I follow have almost reached celebrity status for me. I would much rather read about your life that a "real" celebrity because I can relate to kittens, rabbits, gardens, and needle arts.
Thank you for brightening my days with your delightful writing style about common, everyday themes.
I'm thanking you, Michelle, as well as throwing my name into the hat for your giveway, for sharing your life and your creations with us. I sit at a desk every day in front of a computer, and when I'm not holding my attorneys' hands, my heart leaps when I see your sweet bunnies and kittens and read your sweet and inspiring words. That's what your blog does for me. I am new to Raspberry Rabbits, but count me in! I'm definitely on your team!
Congratulations! 7 years, WOW!!! I definitely read blogs faithfully every day. Blogs give and teach so very much. Thanks for the chance to win your fabulous giveaway.
I do read blogs. I read when I first get up as I am such a sleepy head for the first hour. Sit and read and eat my granola bar and drink my diet coke. Brush out my hair. It gives me a window to the world that is much much better than news casts. Yours is one I always read.
Congrats on 7 years and thanks for a chance to win these beautiful threads and wool. Love reading my blogs and always looking for new ways to learn. Most of my blogs are sent to my email (love this)..then sometimes I go to the blog and spend time going thru a list of there blogs. Enjoy reading about the antics of your bunnies and kitties!!!(:
WOW - 7 years. I do like to visit blogs. I love when they offer free patterns, but mostly I love the inspiration from other quilters. Thank you so much for offering us the chance to win this nice collection of wool and threat. LOVE IT! Love the bunnies and the kittens are soooooo cute!
I try to read blogs as I enjoy receiving inspiration from others. Giveaways are always nice. Congratulations on 7 fine years.
I still read blogs and I am so grateful for all the things I have learned in the comfort of my own home!
Congratulations on 7 years! I love the items in the giveaway!
I rarely read blogs anymore, but I want to. I prefer quick reads so that I can get back to work on whatever project is sitting next to me or so that I can read quick between running the kids around.
Congrats again!
I'm glad I found your blog. Rarely time to read blogs these days. Working on a business venture takes up a lot of time. Your Valdani collection is delightful!
Thank you for this great giveaway! I still read blogs. I prefer that to social media. Blogs are informative and inspirational. I refer to Facebook for keeping up with friends and family. Otherwise, the rest of the social media thing is overwhelming and information overload. Again, thank you for this great giveaway.
Have a super great sewing and stitching day!
Thanks for the opportunity to enter the drawing; I enjoy your patterns very very much.
Congratulations of 7 years!! It takes lots of hard work and a strong commitment to keep up with blogging!! Your blog is wonderful!! I read a list of blogs and add to it as I find ones I love.
Thanks for having such a neat drawing. Love these threads and could use them on a project I am working on now. Hope I win.
7 years, congratulations! That is a a lot of work and effort.
And I know I enjoy it. I am a blog reader. hubby watches TV in the evening and I read. I have favorites that I check often to see what's happening. Yours is one. Thanks for the opportunity to win those beautiful threads.
I read lots of blogs! They inspire me, help me learn things, make me think and sometimes crack me up, which I especially like. I do spend a lot of time at it, which is why I have elected not to do other types of social media. Plus I'm not interested in paying the huge monthly fees for a smartphone.
Congratulations on 7 years! Love your blog Thank you for the opportunity to win some lovely wool and valdani threads
I still read blogs. I find they have great ideas. Pinterest is also a place that I spend time on. But that usually leads me to someones blog.
I still read blogs. I find they have great ideas. Pinterest is also a place that I spend time on. But that usually leads me to someones blog.
Time has a way of flying faster and faster. Kind of like Alice going down the rabbit hole. I like blogs. They feel more like a conversation with friends.
What a wonderful giveaway! I absolutely love Valdani threads and National Non-wovens felt! I wouldn't buy any other kind of felt - it is the best. Your designs are wonderful and the stitching is gorgeous. I'm going to follow you on Bloglovin so I don't miss a thing!
I follow folks on Facebook and still read blogs, some I've followed for several years. Best wishes on your 7years of blogging.
I still read blogs and write on mine once and awhile. I wish I could be more consistent however. Love yours by the way.
I do still read some blogs, but like you I don't have lots of free time, so I look at fb a lot.
I find myself clicking over to blogs a lot.
My favorite way to follow them is through email, or I tend to forget to even look!
Would love to win this. I just ordered my first 2 spools of Valdani thread, so I'm sure I'll be hooked!
Michelle, Congrats on 7 years. I have just started following a lot of blogs lately. I find I enjoy catching up on the every day lives of others and also seeing that we all are somewhat a like. Your wool is absolutely gorgeous and if I were to win I could finally make the decision to start on some wool projects.
Happy 7th anniversary!
I still prefer blogger for keeping up with my online friends. I get lost on Facebook with all the other things on there and miss a lot.
I read all of your E-mails I get from you and save them so I can go back a see or read about your projects and your Bunnies and Kitties!! I do some on facebook but still read blogs from my special people as Jenny and Helen and a few others!! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!! And Congrats on your 7th year here!! Hugs and Blessings to you and yours, Jan
I read some blogs, but I spend a lot of time on Facebook and Pinterest.
I love to read blogs . I appreciate bloggers sharing their time and talent with me. I learned so much and been inspired in so many ways to create or even live a better life. Hope you have another 7 wonderful years
I still like to read blogs, is more information and love seeing photos. I don't do Twitter or Pinterest, everyone says I need to check out Pinterest but so far I have not. I just joined Facebook last year and I do like the format. My least favorite thing to do as far as computers is answering email. I am really new to the world of wool and it is very informative to find blogs and groups on Facebook to get so many different ideas
I let my favorite blogs come to me, right in my mailbox or on my Windows Live feed page. Either way, I'm a happy camper. But I do Facebook and Pinterest too. Congratulations on such an auspicious anniversary! ;-)
I am on different social media outlets. I will always read blogs for my quilting fix and sometimes inspiration. I do go online daily to read many quilt blogs. I find them more personal.
Just found out about your blog from the Wool Applique on Facebook. I enjoy reading blogs to get inspiration and see how some things are done...another perspective. I do follow Facebook and once in awhile look on Pinterest.
I have to admit, I am addicted to Blog reading. I love to get little glimpses into the crafts people are working on and learn about what inspires them. I particularly enjoy blogs where the writers share little bits about their life and pets. I have never been a fan of Facebook or Twitter. I only use my cellphone for emergencies so Instagram is not on my radar.
Oh I still read the blogs and even write one, I am essentially a quilter. I am so glad I found your blog because I am fairly new to wool work and I have been looking for inspiration. Thanks for the great giveaway and Bravo for 7 years of blogging work!
7 years of blogging is a long time. I congratulate you for sticking with it. I don't read many blogs, just a few. I do spend a lot of time reading FB. And I love all the quilting sites and YouTube videos.
I spend most of my time lurking around on facebook looking at the pretty pictures and comments
I read a few blogs and love to look at wool applique projects posted on Facebook. Great way to relax and escape life.
I used to do both read and blog myself. Now, seems I only have time to check into FB. If it wasn't for my grown children being on there I would probably delete my account. Such a time stealer!!!
Congratulations on seven years and thanks for giving me a chance to win. I read blogs all the time because I love to look at the pictures that are posted too.
What a wonderful occasion and thank you for making your milestone a special event for us! Love the wools and Valdani threads. I see one of the bunnies is named Harrington. I'm a Harrington AND I can wiggle my nose like a bunny!!!
I'm still reading blogs. I love yours
Hope to win this beautiful gift! Thanks for the chance!
I read and enjoy blogs. Blessings. Judy Lane cundalini74@aol.com
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