Hi ya! Hoppy Friday!
So what do Lindsey Stirling, Best Friends and Stand Up Paddle-Boarding have in common? Well they are three things I was very grateful for two weeks ago.
I had backstage passes to meet Lindsey Stirling in person! There were about 50-75 of us. We all lined up to meet her, have a photo taken and have her autograph something. What I found to be so nice is she gave each person a hug, asked their name and thanked them for coming to support her! What a super sweet girl!
I had her sign the CD cover for her new album (LOVE IT and you can buy it at Target), but I also gave her a gift.
I made her a honey bunny postcard. On the back I wrote a note in which I thanked her for sharing her beautiful gift of music with the world and how her music makes working in my studio a very "hop-bee" place to be. I included a little photo of Harrington and Hannah stating they were her fans. She asked me what I did and I told her I was a textile folk artist and crazy bunny lady. I told her my rescue bunnies live in my studio.
At the end of the concert, she thanked everyone for supporting her. She said nobody in the music industry believed in her and it was a hard road full of doubt and uncertainty. It was her fans who believed in her, made her dreams come true and she was grateful for all of us. Boy could I relate to that! Then she said she had the best time at the meet and greet and that she had met an artist and loved that everyone is so different, yet we all have a love of music in common. I had the biggest smile on my face. I guess she liked my gift.
The video at the bottom of the post is the actual opening act that night. Beth and I were right up at the front of the stage. This video was shot by somebunny behind us. It starts out dark because of the curtain, but stay tuned, it's worth watching. Beth and I stood for over 6 hours that night. Our old bodies felt it the next day. Sure is different seeing a concert at 16 versus 46. ;)
So that brings me to the second thing I was grateful for, my best friend of 34 years, Beth. Yep, we have been best friends since we were 12. We chat on the phone weekly, but she lives in West Virginia and I'm in North Carolina so we only get to see each other once a year. We meet up for some kind of adventure together.
Now mind you, we may be best friends, but we are polar opposites. Beth is athletic, strong, very smart, analytical and focused. Me? Well, I'm a crazy bunny lady who's mind runs wild hoping from one thing to the next, likes Starbucks coffee black, drinks red wine and talks to bunnies all day long like they really care what I have to say. I walk the neighborhood while Beth runs a 5k.
I heard a saying once about friendships like ours. The friendships that start when you are children. It said that they last because you met each other and knew each other when you were just you. I was just Shell and she was just Beth. When you get older and meet someone, the first things you say are "What do you do? Do you have children?" When you are little you simply say, "Hi, I'm Shell, what is your name?"
So, being the polar opposites we are and planning something fun for both of us on our yearly adventure, I planned the Lindsey concert while Beth planned Stand Up Paddle Boarding. Here we are getting ready to head out into the inlet. Oh my...
Now I wasn't worried about falling off as I have good balance and I can roller blade. I grew up in Virginia Beach and I'm not afraid of the water at all.
What I was worried about is I have no upper body strength. I have snowman arms. Yep that's right, they are STICKS! Paddling against the wind was really hard. At one point I got down on my knees and silently yelled to myself, Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! I also imagined a new Folk Art Fusion design I've been working on. It has turtles with bunnies sitting on them with megaphones. You know, the tortoise and the hare kinda thing. That took my mind off the fact that I might be blown out to sea. hee,hee,hee.
But alas I made it and out of yet another crazy adventure Beth has talked me into. At least this one I walked away from without my knees knocking, being out of breath and in fear for my life. I actually had fun and would do it again. Perhaps on a less windy day. ;)
So, I'm grateful that life brings wonderful adventures with wonderful friends and creates wonderful moments in time to be treasured always.
Enjoy the video and let me know what you are grateful for this week!
Michelle and the Bunnies