Spoiled totally rotten and allowed to be free.
But alas, I'm afraid, no longer shall it be.
For one little bunny,
not He,
but She,
decided that the baseboards
were as
tasty as can be!
So now the two little bunnies, both She and He,
are forced to live their lives
in a pen-i-ten-tiary.
"We want to speak to our lawyer."

Tit, tut, Lady Goldenhare. We expected more from such a regal bunny.
You made me laugh out loud with this post Shell. Your posts are so charming and funny.
I'm surprised Harrington's talking to her! She's a naughty little lady!
Hey guys - I know a lawyer you can call!! Text me!! Kris
Oh no!!! Not the 'pen'!!! Bryn and Maui are talking in their special language. Maybe plotting a break-out?
Such a funny post, I mean funny how you wrote it not funny what she did! One of our dogs chewed through the telephone wire once...try explaining that to the phone people!! Linda
Uh Oh!!
I love your posts! Linda
P.S. My dog "redesigned" an oriental rug a couple of months ago.
Looks like that penitentiary is still pretty darn good place to be.
Oops naughty bunny!
Lovely photos of Harrington and Hannah - not so lovely to see the damage Hannah did - bunnies can be so naughty!
Oh naughty Hannah! they look so adorable that it is hard to be cross with them but that is serious damage. Hannah, now poor Harrington has to share your nice prison.
Love the latest photos, those two little faces are so cute.
Hugs to you and the beautiful bunnies.
Lol! This is so cute. Well, not the chewed baseboards, but the buns and the poem.
Oh no. What a naughty bunny. Love those cute little faces. Hugs,
Oh how I laughed....
So sad, now Sir H. has to pay for her :-)
Now look here Miss Hannah, this is not how a Lady behaves! You must remember your manners and ask before you eat, especially if it's part of the house!!!
I have banned Tilly and Oscar from seeing this post today ~ just in case they get any ideas!!!
Naughty rabbit but very cute.
Hopefully Miss Hannah will learn her lesson and both be allowed some privileges on the "outside".
JANE: Maybe it would be a good thing to let Tilly and Oscar see this post before they too get some ideas. We all need to know what the consequences are for bad behavior!
It doesn't have to be a life sentence does it? LOL You have such a way with words. Thanks for the smiles.
Naughty bunny LOL love your story telling!
Hahah oh my to funny.how cute that was.I mean not the chewing the way you wrote this.lol. No the chewy is for sure worth the penitentiary... haha oh my.
Sorry about your baseboards but this is funny as heck! Love your pic-stories!
Oh me Oh my, Shell. So sorry your baseboards got "bitten" . Perhaps Hannah saw a "dust bunny" and was trying to help out ~ that would make a great defense, eh?
Poor Harrington has to pay the price too. Hopefully they will receive a pardon soon.
Oh no! This is the same reason my buns live in a pen too. Silly bunnies.
Oh Shell that is the best laugh I have had all day. What did come over naughty Miss Hannah? Maybe she thought we can't wait to see your next lot of redcorating & decided to help mum with the paint stripping. Great ryhme, you have lots of hidden talents! Tracee xx
Mercedes says they need to find items in their pen they can move to the fence line and use to climb out. When no one is around of course. And when they will have ample uninterrupted time to rip the stuffing out of something.
shell, great storytelling! I can totally picture this as a board book (maybe packaged with a teething toy of some sort!). Hugs to the Naughty one, and the Accomplice after the fact.
Oh Shell...how sweet your little poem/story is. I'm sure they didn't mean anything by it, and they're sorry and won't do it again. But your story was so dang cute!
LOL! What a great post & what a naught little bunny!
Thanks for a good laugh this morning.
Uh oh! Children must be disciplined if you are to have a happy home. :) blessings, marlene
Oh my oh my. I am surprised that Sir Harrington hasn't sent emails out to all of us telling of how completely unfair you are. Poor caged up bunnies...a lawyer you need indeed.
Oh my ears and whiskers!!! I can't believe this... Something very similar has happened at our warren this week too. It involves the power chord on a new, and expensive refridgerator... I will blog about it as soon as I have time, but I wanted to say, we all sympathise with you, and your skirting boards!
You are hilarious! Bad bunny. You must pay the penalty.
Beckie in Brentwood, TN
Whuh Whoa - are you sure you didn't accidently rub some bunny chocolate along them there baseboards? LOLOLOL A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do but then so does her mama!
Ha, ha, ha ... thanks for the Friday laugh. I always love to see what those bunnies are up to! They are just bad, aren't they? Thank goodness they're so darn cute!!!! Have a great weekend!
Please don't be hard on her Shell... :( My bunny I had when I was little chewed up the bindings on a new set of World Book Enclopedias, not to mention my baby dolls nose off her face... I feel for her. In that last phote she is wondering why you are talking about her!! lol
Shouldn't every bun have their day in court? I would like to hear their arguments...
Miss Hannah was just helping you decorate. I don't understand the trouble? Poor naught bunny, I'm sure she is very, very sorry. And very, very cute :)
Bad Bunny! They are hard to stay mad at though because the just exude cuteness!!
Uh, oh! Naughty bunnies in trouble. Nothing worse than being in the hooskow. (Just ask Tag!) lol
Happy Weekend, girl.
Oh my gosh I am cracking up! How sweet they are, even if she was naughty!
And what, pray do tell, are baseboards for????
oh hannah, now look what you have done to poor harrington. i can tell though that momma has given you lots of room with plenty of baseboards.
I didn't know much about bunnies when I brought my first several home ... have no idea what I was thinking ... and let them run free in the house. My base boards look JUST like yours! Until they can be replaced, a lot of sanding and some touch up paint make the chewing remarkably less noticable. There is some special tape you can get that won't harm the wood and deters bunny chewing. I got some from the local rescue, but by that time, the boards were history. I'll replace them before I put the house on the market, but until then, sanding and painting, sanding and painting... funny, though. After the first several months, the buns lost interest in chewing the boards. Fortunately, they never chewed the cabinet bottoms, just the base boards.
She does look a little pen-i-ten-t in the last photo!
Oh how sad - a life behind bars....
It makes you wonder sometimes doesn't it, why all of a sudden they take a notion to do something they've never done before?
What's the rehab plan for offender?
Oh Hannah, my dear. Baseboards are not meant to be eaten.
(Is it just me or does she look a bit guilty in the first photo?)
Such a cute post Shell! Sorry about your baseboards though. I hope her eating them won't affect Hannah in any ill way.
hugs from Clover and me.
Hi Shell,
This is hilarious... That Hannah is a naughty little minx!:-D
She must be addicted to your paintwork.
I bet Harrington is not happy that he is also in the rabbit house for Hannah's bad behaviour!
Ugh, that stinks! Elvira got under the batting of our nice furniture and now Hef's dad is kicking her out!
Tsk. tsk. For shame, Lady Hannah--don't you know that proper ladybuns do not nibble where nibbling is not allowed? You don't want Bunnyville to look all shabby like that. do you? You'll lose your decorator's license for sure.
As for Harrington, I would feel somewhat sorry for him, but as he got off pretty lightly during his pillow-nibbling escapades, it won't hurt him to do some time as well.
Mr. Mick says he will send them a sympathy carrot cake...with an "extra special surprise" inside. (nudge-nudge-wink-wink)
OMG, I laughed so hard I almost fell off my chair :D Having had a bunny in the recent past (she left me for bunny heaven this past April) I experienced your perdicament early on in mother bunnyhood LOL Not so funny at the time but...you just have to laugh later on. Bunnies will be bunnies:D
Beth P
This was wonderfully funny; not for you, I"m sure. My grandson is here and since we were just discussing which animals he wants would make a good housepet, I had to share this post with him!
New to your blog, but love the BFF you had on Wednesday. Will be thrilled to see the finished.
Oh dear, oh dear!
Sounds a lot like one of our puppies started to do once, to the railings on the deck when Oscar was teething.
They are very sweet though and don't look like they could have been the culprit.
Hope that you are enjoying your weekend, dear friend
They do look happy in that first pic :) We've come to expect that kind of thing here, and just save up money to fix all the damage when the time comes to move out. To pen them would take up half our apartment, then where would we live? You've got plenty of space for a nice, big pen :)
Oh goodness, what a lucky bunny to get a fun rhyme for naughty chewing. Love the first picture of them snuggled together!
Such a funny rhyme for a sad situation. We once had a puppy that got out of her crate while we were gone (??!!?!) and chewed the cord to my Bernina sewing machine in half!!! Good thing it wasn't plugged in. Her crate was more secured after that incident.
Poor babies!! This was so cute though on your part to turn it into a cute little story!! I loved reading it! I hope the bunnies get paroled soon!!!
On no pen pretty please...I mean the baseboards ARE ALREADY chewed aren't they;D
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