Well here is May's Block. Click here to hop over and get the pattern. It's under Free Designs on the left. While you're there, check out lots of new stuff I've added to the shop. Quilt hangers, Steam A Seam 2 and Rabbit Embroidery Scissors! Fun!
I love how it's looking so far! This month's Valdani 3 strand floss color is P7 Withered Blue.
I just restocked the 12 of Hearts Floss Kits if you would like to get one.
Now on to our giveaway! This month I thought it would be fun to offer a DVD. This is from Quilting Art's and it's workshop on making fabric journals. I love using little scraps of fabric, stamps and embellishments to make little journals. It's really fun!
To be entered into the drawing, simply leave a comment on this post. As always, our wonderful friends that have signed up (on the right sidebar) as Followers will receive TWO chances! Everyone worldwide is welcome and encouraged to enter. The random number generator will pick the winner on Wednesday, May 18th.
Good luck everybun and happy stitching!

Hi Shell and Harrington,
I love the sweet May block and the quilt is looking really beautiful.
Hope that you are both having a wonderful week and sending hugs
I am just loving sewing these hearts. It;s a great project. Thanks for sharing so generoulsy
Thanks for the May block. Love it...as always !
how gorgeous are the blocks that you have done.
Thanks for the blocks! I'm running a bit behind!
The DVD looks good - I've only recently discovered Quilting Arts magazine here in the UK!
All together, you little hearts look scrump-dilly-icious! Journals are lots of fun to make and always so appreciated when gifted to others. What a great give-away! ~karen
Thanks for the block, I am loving it. Got it printed and will get started later today on it,the DVD looks interesting and I'm a follower.
I'm a follower! :)
Love the blocks & lovely embroidery thread colours! :) The DVD looks great!
I have been keeping up on the hearts, they have been fun. I love the quilt you shared in your last post. You have been a busy girl. I am following your blog of course.
Can't have too many hearts. Lovely thread colours.
Oh my! The problems leaving a comment today. I had to delete the previous comment because I had tried so many times to leave it they all stacked on top of each other. Sorry I hope it deletes it on your end as well.
The blocks are neat and fun.
I would love to win your giveaway. I see so many of these fabric journals and wonder where do you start? I see fabric combinations that I would never put together, that not only work they make the piece sing!
Heres hoping this comment goes through...fingers crossed.
I follow you. gougeonathome@charter.net (Allison) P.S I use to collect rabbits when I was younger-love the Bunny Blog!
Great DVD! Would love to try another way to make great gifts for friends and family! gougeonathome@charter.net (Allison)
P.S. Here is a great initiative for quilts for the tornado victims: http://bamaboundquilts.blogspot.com/
You come up with the prettiest designs!
HI, I love how the heart blocks are turning out too. So pretty. I love anything with hearts! Thanks for your new give away. You are so sweet and generous to all of your blogging friends :)
I hope everything is going well! Have a pretty day.
(()) gail
oh my, and it has a bow....lovely sweetie..and how many for this quilt?>
The May block is wonderful! I'm thinking of making a wall hanging for my DIL from these blocks.
Another pretty block , thanks Shell . I am a follower of your great blog .
The fabric journal DVD would be a wonderful Guild meeting presentation. PS: I'm having fun collecting your 12 of Hearts patterns. When the King quilt is finished, 12 of Hearts is next on my list. Thanks.
Thanks Shell for another piece of the puzzle - wish I had time to embroider all of them. Just collecting right now - Judy C sends her best.
what beautiful embroidered hearts and I love fabric journals!
Another gorgeous block, thank you Shell! I still need to print mine off, does it come with more hours in my day? *G* Lovely giveaway - thanks for the chance to win! Hugs to Harrington!
Adorable!!!! This is really skillful! I'd never be able to do this, but you pulled it off wonderfully! Cant wait to see the rest!
my first visit. i'll be back!!! and i love quilting arts. now, i must look around and see whatcha got.
Hmmm - another re-appearing post - I love visiting, so I'll post another comment. Love the Hearts - I;ll admit I am a bit behind, but plan on catching up this weekend. I purchased one of your Valdani kits for the stitchery and love them.
Oh boy!!! Please count me in for the DVD give-away, Shell! Now I have to download this month's Heart and get busy. This month is my birthday month!
My college daugther home for the summer and I would love to give the fabric journals a try! thanks for the lovely giveaway! I am a follower too!
Just dropped by to say Hi and enjoying the visit. Keep me out of the drawing - I'm afraind it would not get used here .. now if you have a southern cook book ....
(Bunns say Hi Harrington)
Hi Shell, That looks like an awesome dvd. Fun, fun, fun! I am a follower also.
Hi Michelle, Your heart stitchery looks like fun to do, I'll try it. I think watching is the best way to learn anything and to express in fabric, personal experiences and thoughts, sounds challenging. Thank-you for this give-away.
I'm happy to follow your blog. God bless you
The hearts are coming along nicely..
Mama Bear
I love the hearts and am a follower too. I read your blog every day -- miss it on the weekends!!!
Hi everybunny! Thanks for this Shell, love the hearts. Follower, of course.
Hi Shell! I just hopped over from your Facebook page. What a great giveaway, cute heart, lovely floss, and I'm a follower, too, of course. :) Love it all!
Love your wonderful "Hearts" quilt and I am a follower too! Those Valdani threads are just beautiful, and I love working with them too.
I love the hearts quilt...I have been following you for a while, but have been just "lurking" for a while...I am out in the open now!
I am glad that I came back to check for my comment. I would love to win this DVD. I have so often seen other's create these journals and wondered where you start? The colors and materials used, I would never put together, but they work! Not only do they work these combinations actually make the project sing. The quilt blocks are great, easy to do and whimsical! Thank you for an opportunity to win! I have not been following you long, but I have enjoyed every minute of it!
Hi Shell,
Had to come back for another visit, as I think my last comment went west.
I love the pretty hearts you are making, so pretty.
I hope that you are having a happy weekend
Hi Shell,
What a fun idea- I have never made a fabric journal but I did once upon a time make fabric photo albums for gifts. It sounds like a very fun prize.
I am one of your followers -it is always nice to see what you are up to on Raspberry Rabbits.
Hi to Harrington.
Warmest regards,
Hello Shell
I would love to win this DVD, as I make some fabric postcard, so I think yhos can give me some inspirations, I am a follower to. I have printed all your patterns for the hearts so now I only need the time to make them.
Best regards
Susanne B from Denmark
So nice of you to offer up a Quilting Arts DVD as I get so inspired by them. Pam R from Leaburg OR
Hello Shell,
Thanks for the latest cute little heart block. I am doing mine a little differently. Will do a posting when I have finished stitching the latest block.
Happy days.
Hello Shell,your prizie's calling my name!!!!!
My heart blocks are up to date and looking good...will start on May's tonight...LindaB
Hi Shell, well I though I had entered but can't remember now and I can't see my name so will do it again. Thanks for opening this to International and thanks for sharing your heart blocks.
Guess my post was one that disappeared. Love your heart quilt so far.
It's a good thing you said something! My comment IS gone! I wanted you to know how adorable your heart quilt is coming out!!
I am so glad this blogger is working again. It was so frustrating last week! Computers....technology.....Thank goodness for hand sewing!!!!
I love Quilting Arts and I have been getting the magazine since day 1. I just get so inspired everytime a new mag comes in. Thanks for having this super cool prize! I am a follower, too! :)
Please include me in this giveaway. I'd love to see the video.
I think 'bloggers' hiccups wiped out my comments - so I'm back again.
Hugs - Marie
That Valdani floss looks scrumptious! Thanks for a chance to win the DVD.
The Valdoni floss looks so pretty together. I would love to make a journal. It would be great to keep pictures and notes on the quilts I make. Thanks for the chance.
I follow your blog. thanks for showing pictures of your bunny. I really enjoy them.
I am sure I commented earlier so I guess it was lost in the blogger last week.I am a follower and loved your little stitcheries and would be happy to win . Thanks .
Thanks for sharing this. What a great idea.
Well I hope blogger doesn't choke on all the comments it ate - we don't need anymore blackouts! Thank you for the gorgeous new block, Shell, and for the give-away - love QA!
I'm a new follower of your lovely block. Thanks for the opportunity to win the CD.
I would love to win the DVD to make a fabric journal. What a fun way to make art. Thanks for the chance to win your generous giveaway.
Count me in please!
I couldn't find my comment, so I'm baaaaaack! Giggle! Would love to win the DVD! I enjoy making journal and notebook covers, and would love some new inspirations!
Jacque in SC
Hi Shell and Harrington....oops.. Sorry Sir Harrington, puling my forelock..sorry Sir. I would just love to win this DVD, of course i would. Doesn't everyone??? And of course you know I'm a follower....where you lead Sir Harrington, I'm hopping right along behind...just a little bit slower, I think??
Hugs Gloria
Hello Shell, Love your blog. I am keeping up with your BOM, love how the blocks are coming out. I love this size, not yet retired, so it's a manageable project. You and Harrington have a great week!
Please include me in your giveaway. Love Quilting Arts.
I follow your blog.
Did you notice that in the grouping of 5 heart squares the middle on the top row is a woman's face. The hat she is wearing reminds me of the one worn by one of Fergi's daughters to William's wedding.
You do nice work.
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