I've lost Razzy. My sweet baby boy. He died earlier today. He and Sugie were both sick earlier in the week. We took them to the vet. Sugie is getting better. Razzy was not. Took him back to the vet this morning. He had to go under anesthesia again. He couldn't take the stress and had a heart attack. He was 5 1/2 years old.
I love you so much Razzy. My life is forever blessed by your sweet little self. Thank you for bringing so much joy to my heart. You have been a gift from God.
I miss you Mr. Fuzzy Pants, My Chocolate Easter Bunny. Give Chloe lots of kisses from us. Sugie loves you.
Love Mama
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
What would you do? Or, are you already there?
If you didn't have responsibilities.
If you didn't have to make money to pay bills.
If you could follow your bliss.
What would you do?
Or, are you already there?
If you didn't have to make money to pay bills.
If you could follow your bliss.
What would you do?
Or, are you already there?
Monday, July 26, 2010
Along Came a Tiger
Recently, I was the lucky winner of a beautiful tiger print from my friend Diana Moll of The Qi Papers.
Diana is an acupuncturist, herbalist, print maker and bunny lover. She has 4 house rabbits all of which have wonderful personalities and are just as cute as can be.
Diana made this print using traditional Moku Hanga tools and materials. A wood block is carved for each color, water based non-toxic inks are applied with brushes and slightly damp paper is hand pressed onto the block using a tool called a baren. Lots of time and Qi goes into each print. Moku Hanga translates to "Wood Graphic." Wood block printing has its origins in China; a wood block print on silk dating from 220 AD is the official start. Diana sells this and other beautiful prints in her Shop.http://www.etsy.com/shop/qipapers
I'm very excited that I won this beautiful piece of art. The paper feels amazing. It is handmade Japanese paper called Nishiouchi. Hop over and visit with her and the bunnies. Tell her Shell said hi!
Diana made this print using traditional Moku Hanga tools and materials. A wood block is carved for each color, water based non-toxic inks are applied with brushes and slightly damp paper is hand pressed onto the block using a tool called a baren. Lots of time and Qi goes into each print. Moku Hanga translates to "Wood Graphic." Wood block printing has its origins in China; a wood block print on silk dating from 220 AD is the official start. Diana sells this and other beautiful prints in her Shop.http://www.etsy.com/shop/qipapers
I'm very excited that I won this beautiful piece of art. The paper feels amazing. It is handmade Japanese paper called Nishiouchi. Hop over and visit with her and the bunnies. Tell her Shell said hi!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Happy Friday!
But Daddy, I don't want a pet-i-cure.
I'm sorry Sugie, but Mama say's your nails are much to long and you need them trimmed.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Rococo Roses No. 2 Art Quilt
This is one of my favorite stitchery patterns I designed. My Rococo Roses No. 2. I've been dying to play around with it in an art quilt. I love to mix stitcheries into art quilts.
This was stitched on linen with Valdani O178, Tea Dyed Stone (my favorite). I then created a fused and quilted collage border of these soft colors. Of course, I had to add a little bling with the glass pearls. I just can't help myself.
The stitchery pattern, the floss and this Original framed art quilt are all available in my Shop.
This was stitched on linen with Valdani O178, Tea Dyed Stone (my favorite). I then created a fused and quilted collage border of these soft colors. Of course, I had to add a little bling with the glass pearls. I just can't help myself.
The stitchery pattern, the floss and this Original framed art quilt are all available in my Shop.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I called it first. No one else can have it.
I am constantly amazed by the things that my nieces and nephew say. How funny they are and at the same time how smart they are. Kids are just so much smarter now. Much smarter than I ever was.
They all love to ride in my car. Maybe because it's called the Bunny Mobile as my license plate says "Bunnyvill." All three pile into the back seat, buckle up and the Bunny Mobile as we are cleared for take off. It's normal for the three of them to just start singing. They actually sing really well. They sing Disney tunes that they like. They sing Country songs that their dad likes, and they sing songs by Jason Mraz that my sister likes.
On this particular visit however, their songs were frequently interrrupted by, "I like that house, that car, that dog, that book, etc." Followed by, "I called it first. No one else can have it." What was amazing to me, besides the fact they are total house gawkers like I am, and I wish I would have called a couple of houses first, is that when someone shouted, "I called it first. No one else can have it," that it was as if a law had been passed. There was an understanding to the others, who were not so quick to say it, that they could not have it. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever. It was done. Of course, it doesn't mean that there wasn't occassion for them to complain to my sister and say "how come she always get's the best and he always calls that first and no fair!" when it was something really great, like the giant beach house for sale!
If you would like to purchase this original piece for your home or as a gift, you can go to my Website. Remember, there is only one. "I called it first. No one else can have it."
They all love to ride in my car. Maybe because it's called the Bunny Mobile as my license plate says "Bunnyvill." All three pile into the back seat, buckle up and the Bunny Mobile as we are cleared for take off. It's normal for the three of them to just start singing. They actually sing really well. They sing Disney tunes that they like. They sing Country songs that their dad likes, and they sing songs by Jason Mraz that my sister likes.
On this particular visit however, their songs were frequently interrrupted by, "I like that house, that car, that dog, that book, etc." Followed by, "I called it first. No one else can have it." What was amazing to me, besides the fact they are total house gawkers like I am, and I wish I would have called a couple of houses first, is that when someone shouted, "I called it first. No one else can have it," that it was as if a law had been passed. There was an understanding to the others, who were not so quick to say it, that they could not have it. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever. It was done. Of course, it doesn't mean that there wasn't occassion for them to complain to my sister and say "how come she always get's the best and he always calls that first and no fair!" when it was something really great, like the giant beach house for sale!
It got me thinking about things I buy and the art I make. While I do love TJ Maxx, Tuesday Morning, Pottery Barn, etc. There are times when I want the only one. I want the original and I don't want anyone else to have it. Nor do I want to know that 3 million people might have the same thing! Sometimes I really just want to buy from the artist and enjoy whatever creation they made that speaks to me. To hold onto something that is a treasure because I can't just go get another one.
So, in addition to my stitchery patterns and supplies that I sell, I am also going to sell some original things that I just had a "Wild Hare" to make. I will sell them on my website under that category. This pillow is my first piece. It's called, Rococo Rabbits. The background is a fused, fabric mosaic that has been quilted. There are some raw edges and I like the contrast of those edges against the smooth finished edges of the rabbits (can you see them). The rabbits and scroll work is white velvet. The back of the pillow is also white velvet. It has been embellished with glass pearls, which in addition to white, is my signature.
Monday, July 19, 2010
No worries. We have napkins.
I'll admit it...I love pretty napkins. I guess I just love the texture of the paper, the pretty designs and the fact that they make simple things like cheese and wine look even more special.
I have a nice little collection of napkins and I like to give them as gifts too. And, yes, I do recycle them or use them in art projects. I have napkins all over the place. Even in the car. My sister picks on me about how all my stuff has to be "pretty."
I was so excited to finally spend time with them and I convinced them to stay an extra day. I thought it might be fun to take my sister to see a piece of property that David and I bought a couple of years ago. It's at the beach, but don't get excited, it's not on the beach. Although, you can see the sound from the lot. I call it my retirement property. Not that I plan to ever live there as it is out in the boonies, but I plan to sell it one day and use the money to retire. With the housing market as it is, I'm sure that will be twenty some years from now, but that's ok.
So anyway, I ask my sister if she would like to go see the property and have lunch at a cute little restaurant on the island. "Sure," she says. Now, for some reason, I guess because I was thinking about my sister, I don't have kids and because maybe I'm a neat freak and maybe because I know I will just look at the property and not dig in sand or step in mud, or get wet, that I fail to remember there is a 9, 8 and 6 year old in the car! Hello!!!
I mean did I honestly think they wouldn't want to get out of the car, run to the beach and dig in the sand for crabs?
Did I really think they wouldn't go in the water and get mud on their butts?
My sister looks at me and said "You didn't bring any towels did you? What were we thinking?"
I turned to her and said, "No worries, we have napkins." To which we both broke out into hysterical laughter. And yes, it is a family trait that when we laugh really hard we snort.
I have a nice little collection of napkins and I like to give them as gifts too. And, yes, I do recycle them or use them in art projects. I have napkins all over the place. Even in the car. My sister picks on me about how all my stuff has to be "pretty."
Two weeks ago, my sister and my nieces and nephew; Laura 9, Jonathan 8 and Noelle 6 came for a visit. They haven't been to my house in over 2 years. As my sister likes to say, "not for lack of trying." It's just that I was working five jobs for a while (knew the layoff was coming and wanted to keep my house) and she had a daycare business in her house and her own three kids to keep up with while trying to get her new safety business off the ground. Time just flew by us.
So anyway, I ask my sister if she would like to go see the property and have lunch at a cute little restaurant on the island. "Sure," she says. Now, for some reason, I guess because I was thinking about my sister, I don't have kids and because maybe I'm a neat freak and maybe because I know I will just look at the property and not dig in sand or step in mud, or get wet, that I fail to remember there is a 9, 8 and 6 year old in the car! Hello!!!
I mean did I honestly think they wouldn't want to get out of the car, run to the beach and dig in the sand for crabs?
Did I really think they wouldn't go in the water and get mud on their butts?
Did I not realize they would want to walk on the beach barefoot and get sandy footsies?
(Noelle saying "what?" with her toothless smile. Oh yeah and uncle David convinced her to just rip out the other loose front tooth while she was here! Let's just say blood and spit and leave it at that. Uncle David!!!!)
My sister looks at me and said "You didn't bring any towels did you? What were we thinking?"
I turned to her and said, "No worries, we have napkins." To which we both broke out into hysterical laughter. And yes, it is a family trait that when we laugh really hard we snort.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Princess Spotted Hare
Sugie hanging out in her stick fort pretending to be Princess Spotted Hare of the Bunnyville Tribe.
Happy Friday! Have a Fun Weekend!
Happy Friday! Have a Fun Weekend!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Who's Bright Idea Was That? Don't worry about Resale.
I've been wanting some buffet lamps for my Foyer table. I wanted to put the vases that were there in the bathroom on my whirlpool. (Note to self...next house will not have a whirlpool as I never use it. I only dust it! I will not care about resale in the next house...maybe. )
(Another note to self...get David to take down the pink and green stained glass)
Ok, so I find these gorgeous and totally perfect lamps on Ebay and I don't have to bid on them. I can just buy them. I like that feature much better as I like to be the winner and when you can just "buy it now" there's no chance of being the loser and missing out on the things you really wanted to be the winner on in the first place. Does that make sense?
So anyway, I get my beautiful lamps, (hello gorgeous silk shades) unwrap them from the boxes, smile wide and then... I see the cords. Dag nab it! Who's bright idea was it to put ugly yellow gold cords on lamps??? What happened to the clear cords or the white cords? Is it a new electrical code I don't know about? Yellow gold cords?? Come on how icky is that! So now I have to make cord covers (because they are so expensive to buy) or wrap them with ribbon or heck...spray paint them! Anything to get rid of that hideous color.
The lamps really do look great with my antique mirror and Mr. Welcome Bunny. I am pleased with the elegant look they add to my Foyer.
So... are you a tub person or a shower person? Not that I will worry about resale in the next house...maybe. :)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Bunny Scissors hopp'in on outta here
I'm still in the process of making room for some new inventory. I have 2 pair of bunny embroidery scissors left. When they're gone, they're gone. I have put them on sale for $28.00 in my Shop, click here. They come with a pretty pincushion I made. The bunny on these scissors reminds me of our friend, Hef, over at
The Bunny Lounge. So cute!
If you are a stitcher and a bunny lover, these are the perfect scissors for you.
Of course if you are a crazy bunny lady stitcher like me, you own 3 pair so you can keep them all over the house! You know, kinda like having a bunch of reading glasses. ;)
Happy Stitching!
The Bunny Lounge. So cute!
If you are a stitcher and a bunny lover, these are the perfect scissors for you.
Of course if you are a crazy bunny lady stitcher like me, you own 3 pair so you can keep them all over the house! You know, kinda like having a bunch of reading glasses. ;)
Happy Stitching!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Making room for New
Did everyone have a good weekend? I sure did! I'm working on a lot of new patterns and kits for the Fall as well as a new art quilt I've had hopping around in my head. :)
In order to make room for new things, I'm clearing out some of the others. (you know how I am about too much clutter). So....my Bunny Love Pillow kits are on sale and....I'm alsoselling SOLD my Finished Pillow for those of you that don't sew, do crafty stuff, or don't have time, but like the pillow.
Have a fun day and do something creative or just look at something pretty!
In order to make room for new things, I'm clearing out some of the others. (you know how I am about too much clutter). So....my Bunny Love Pillow kits are on sale and....I'm also
Friday, July 9, 2010
Do you know how hard it is
To get anything done when that much cuteness is taking a nap at my feet?
Don't ya just want to kiss them fuzzy bunny cheekies?!
Hugs and Happy Friday!
Don't ya just want to kiss them fuzzy bunny cheekies?!
Hugs and Happy Friday!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Baroque Bouquets No. 1 is finally Done!
Ta Da!!! Yipee!!!
I finally finished this new design! I really love how it turned out and I'm going to frame it after I find the perfect white frame. This piece is big. The design will fit a 16" x 20" frame. My inspiration came from some old millwork and plaster designs on European buildings and gardens. I just go totally gaga over that stuff!
The patterns are available in My Shop and I also have two kits with the Valdani JP 12 Seaside Floss. For those of you doing the block of the month series, this is the same color we are using for this months block.
I also think it would be stunning done up Valdani's O520, Vintage Pastel
or even M68, Blue Clouds.
I have these available in the Shop too. It will take 3 balls of floss for the design.
This design was so much fun to do and now I'm ready to move onto my next idea. Let's just say that if the rest of this year is going to go as fast as the first part, I better get to working on my Fall designs! Yikes!
Happy Stitching!
I finally finished this new design! I really love how it turned out and I'm going to frame it after I find the perfect white frame. This piece is big. The design will fit a 16" x 20" frame. My inspiration came from some old millwork and plaster designs on European buildings and gardens. I just go totally gaga over that stuff!
The patterns are available in My Shop and I also have two kits with the Valdani JP 12 Seaside Floss. For those of you doing the block of the month series, this is the same color we are using for this months block.
I also think it would be stunning done up Valdani's O520, Vintage Pastel
or even M68, Blue Clouds.
I have these available in the Shop too. It will take 3 balls of floss for the design.
This design was so much fun to do and now I'm ready to move onto my next idea. Let's just say that if the rest of this year is going to go as fast as the first part, I better get to working on my Fall designs! Yikes!
Happy Stitching!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The Winner is!
Congratulations to my friend, Mandy Saile, from Canada!
Mandy is an incredible artist and she has bunnies too! Her work is so full of charm and makes me smile every time I see it. Hop over and check her out. Tell her I sent ya!
Visit me tomorrow too. My new stitchery pattern is finally completed! It's big, blue and fabulous!
Have a fun day!
Mandy is an incredible artist and she has bunnies too! Her work is so full of charm and makes me smile every time I see it. Hop over and check her out. Tell her I sent ya!
Visit me tomorrow too. My new stitchery pattern is finally completed! It's big, blue and fabulous!
Have a fun day!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A Little Birdie Told Me
I finally finished this memo board! I love how French Country it turned out.
A little birdie told me this was a great place to put special things and reminders.
It's for sale HERE in my Shop.
I fussy cut the cherry branches and the little bird and then appliqued them to the background. Then I painted the leaves to give a little more texture and added some pearls. I also made the covered buttons for the memo section.
It's for sale HERE in my Shop.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy Independence Day
This year the word "Independence" has great meaning to me.
I'm grateful to live in a place that believes in it.
Happy Independence Day to all you!
I'm grateful to live in a place that believes in it.
Happy Independence Day to all you!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
A Sentimental Journey Block 7 and the next Giveaway!
Ok so here we are again my friends. Did anyone see where June went? I seemed to have lost it! Dag this year is flying!!!!
Here is the block for this month. I've been making a lot of wishes lately and I thought this was perfect. Have you been wishing for things too?
You can click HERE to go to my site and get your free pattern.
This month I used JP 12, Seaside, 3 strand floss from Valdani. I have 4 floss kits left. I'm not offering any more once these are gone, so hop over to my Shop if you want one.
This month I decided I wanted to give away a little "white." So this months prize is one of my most favorite books, a delicious smelling white candle and a cute little white bunny creamer! To enter all you have to do is leave a comment on This post. If you are a follower (sign up on the left of my blog) you get counted twice! Remember to say I'm following in your comment. It makes it easier for me to count. :)
I will pick the winner next Wednesday, July 7th. Good luck and best wishes!
One last thing. On my sidebar to the right, you will see a button for Project Genesis. Click on it if you get a second. I think this is a wonderful thing!!!
Here is the block for this month. I've been making a lot of wishes lately and I thought this was perfect. Have you been wishing for things too?
You can click HERE to go to my site and get your free pattern.
This month I decided I wanted to give away a little "white." So this months prize is one of my most favorite books, a delicious smelling white candle and a cute little white bunny creamer! To enter all you have to do is leave a comment on This post. If you are a follower (sign up on the left of my blog) you get counted twice! Remember to say I'm following in your comment. It makes it easier for me to count. :)
I will pick the winner next Wednesday, July 7th. Good luck and best wishes!
One last thing. On my sidebar to the right, you will see a button for Project Genesis. Click on it if you get a second. I think this is a wonderful thing!!!
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