So maybe it's been a really crappy year.
So maybe I'm having a hard time being in the Christmas Spirit because I've had so much loss and sadness around me.
So maybe I really don't care about "stuff" as much as I care about people and critters. Therefore I gave away so much "stuff" this year and I don't miss it.
So maybe I'm ready to tell 2009 to kiss my butt!!!!! Should it kiss your butt too??
So maybe everyone around me is sucked into the same vortex of crap, despair, worry and sickness.
So maybe I've never been more ready for a crappy year to end.
So maybe I'm ready for ZEN in 2010!!!!!! A wake up call this year has been? A reality check? What really is important to us all?
So maybe I'm always a pretty happy, go lucky, silly, goof ball and dorkwad, but lately I feel like I've been thrown under the bus along with all my friends. Will it end?? What's going on???
So maybe, as hard as I try, as much positive thinking I do, as much as I'm grateful for, as much as I want happy, I"m just being a little bit poo poo.
How about you??? Are you feeling poo poo this year too?
This bunny ornament is from The Merck Family's Old World Christmas Collection. On the tag it reads, "Rabbits are very shy and frail animals. Having no natural means of protecting itself, the rabbit is therefore dependent on the kindness of man and other animals for its survival. At Christmastime the rabbit represents the renewal of this faith in others to provide guidance, protection and kindness.
I know one thing... I'm grateful for the kindness and friendship of others that I have found through blogland. I'm grateful for the kindness and friendship of others near me. I'm grateful for the faith I have in others and their kindness to me.
Sending out lots of hugs to you all. Sending out lots of faith in us all to provide kindness whenever we can.
Sending out a big group hug of protection from sadness.
Love to you all,
This week IGF 2009 leaving soon.