Thursday, July 23, 2009

Let's Party! Where Bloggers Create!

Welcome to "Where Bloggers Create" hosted by my friend, Karen Valentine of My Desert Cottage. Please be sure and hop over to her blog and check out her creative space and visit with all the other participants! Oooooooo boy this is gonna be fun peeking in the "windows" so to speak on a non weirdo way! hee,hee,hee.
Let's get this party started!!

Welcome to Bunnyville! My favorite place in the whole world to be!
I am truly blessed to have this space all to myself. NOT!!! These two live here and allow me hang out with them. I mean if you're gonna name a studio Bunnyville, it better have some bunnies!
This is Raspberry aka Razzy, aka Mama's Chocolate Easter Bunny
aka Chunky Bunny
Don't ya just wanna kiss that face. Buck teeth and all!
Of course Sugar, aka Suuuggggeeeee, aka Cutie Girl feels like Cinderella after being rescued and brought to Bunnyville. We plan on making her life a beautiful fairytale.
As you come up the stairs, you are greeted by Gabriella. I just looooove scrolly metal stuff. I have it all over my house. When I saw this dress form (even though I hate dresses) I just had to have it. It was the perfect green.
The rose canvas pictures going down the stairs are some of my all time favorites. I have had them since the mid 90's. They have a distressed look on them and were done way before the whole distressing look was in. I love these.
This is my little sitting and reading area. The wicker settee is made from that PVC stuff. It's meant to be outside, but with bunnies it's perfect for Bunnyville. If it were real wicker, I would come home to find it chewed to bits in a big pile on the floor! More scrolly metal stuff hangs on the walls.
The pictures hanging on the garden trellis are by one of my most Favorite artists, Diane Duda
I just love her whimsical style. Her work always makes me happy and feel good. The top piece is called "Bunny Bliss." The bottom piece is called "She Believed in Spontaneous Dancing." They both truly reflect my personality and I absolutely treasure them!
This is a view of my storage cabinets filled with fabrics, supplies etc. I'll admit it. I'm a total neat freak and I hate mess and too much clutter. Having too much stuff around clouds my mind and makes me wonky. I like everything to look neat and pretty.
This is an upclose of my vision board. I love vision boards and update them all the time.
This is my sewing table with my next pattern in the works. I had my cabinet maker build this table for me. He is such a craftsman. When he got done with it, he said, "shuuuugggg, don't tell anyone I made that. It was a pain in the butt!" Yikes!
Of course, I leave the doors open on both ends so certain fuzzy coworkers can run through or take a nap in the cabinet.
Then of course the fuzzy coworkers need a lounge area with restrooms and a snack bar. Razzy is busy washing up after going potty. Good bunny!
These cute little clothes belonged to my niece, Laura Michelle. Yep, she was named after me. These were my favorite outfits on her. My sister saved them for me. Laura Michelle is now 8 and she's just like me, but get's her smarts from her mama.
I just love this lamp!
My best friend, Beth, made this box for me on my 40th birthday. I just love it!
The perfect clock custom made for me by my friend Cindy at Angel Heart Designs
This jar contains actual angora rabbit fur from my friends Fats and Nuage over at Potentially Nervous. I just love them buns and I love having this fur. (no bunny was hurt in the removal of the fur)
Cross stitch pictures made by my dear friend Goldie a long time ago. This one says, "Friends are like quilts, they both lend great comfor when needed." How true!
This piece was given to me by my friend, Michelle. It totally cracks me and David up.
It looks like (from left to right), big bunny farted and is saying "oh my", the blast was so bad that it blew the second bunny off his feet and he's saying, "what the??" and the third bunny got his ears blown back and is saying "whew! what a wretched stench!"
Ok, ok. I know, David and are sick individuals that probably need medication, but hey.... it's funny!
Well, there ya have it. A tour around Bunnyville. Thanks so much for visiting and enjoy the rest of your adventure with the other participants!
Big Bunny Hugs,


The French Bear said...

OH Shell, I love your room!!! It is so beautiful, that must wonderful to have all that space and a place to put everything!!!!! And of course that special company you keep....... the furry ones, love them!
Thanks for sharing your creative room, I am totally impressed!!!
Margaret B :)

Terri said...

I love the space cheerful and bright! You took some great photos to share with us.

Sonia said...

Wow, your studio is big and very spacious. I love the storage ideas you came up with. Fits very well in your studio. And those bunnies are too cute.

Hef's Mom said...

Again such an inspiration I wish the bunny lounge looked so put together, heck I wish the bunny lounge had furniture!

Deb said...

What a beautiful theme you have ~ raspberry rabbits! Gorgeous bunnies & creative spot!

Cindy said...

I just love your very special creative spot! The bunnies are just the fluffy icing on the cake! They make the room that much more special. Was this your upstairs or an attic space? You've inspired me

Lynn Stevens said...

what a Great space- so much room and well organized .LOVE IT!

zandra said...

Wow! I just have to say it again Wow! So glad you joined the party so I could find you! Such a Grand Space! Thanks, for sharing! I could tell you are Sweet Some~bunny! Hugz, Z

Anonymous said...

OMG, I love all of your bunnies, especially the "real" ones! Your studio is beautiful and neat and I love it that you can keep your bun-buns with you there.

d. moll, said...

Thanks for the tour!

Anonymous said...

Hey chickadee!
Love your bunnies! I miss having rabbits! maybe again one of these days! Great space so chic!
Big mermaid hugs!

The Chateau of Remnants said...

I love the bunnies!! My daughter wants one in the house and I not about it!! Don't they chew everything?

Thanks for Sharing you Creative Space.


Willnnabel said...

Some-bunny has a very sweet studio! Love Razz (my daughter has an english lop eared named Binston who hops over now and then to check me out) Love the space, crisp clean and so cute! Is that a tile floor or Lino?

Bunny Chic Boutique said...

Your Studio is absolutely Gorgeous!! I would love to be a little bunny and live there in Bunnyville. You have truly inspired me with all of your loveliness!!

Bunny Hugs ~


Brynwood Needleworks said...

I love how clutter-free and spacious your studio looks. Could you come and do my room next, please?
Thanks for all the lovely photos!

Jane said...

I love, love your studio. It's a beautiful space and so organized. Loved the pictures of the bunnies as well. Thanks for sharing.

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

This is one of my favorites...I love how it is so organized but filled with Bunny Love too!

What a wonderful space...Love it :)

my home sanctuary said...

Oh my gosh. I love your space. I want your lamp! It is beautiful! And I love your roommates. I am adding you to my fav's for sure. I have a few bunnies around. Seeing your sweeties make me cry. I miss my flemish giant. He was a sweetheart. Thanks for sharing.
I'll be back for sure.
Have a great weekend.

Claudia said...

Love your space - so big and airy! And you've decorated it beautifully. Especially love your sweet bunnies.

Gari in AL said...

What fun! Of course your bunnies are wonderful but I also enjoyed your not so fuzzy bunnies, etc. I have no ability to live/work in such neatness but I really do appreciate it.

Rebecca Nelson said...

I love your your your muse...your bunnies and your heart!

Your joy for creating comes shinning through...

Love it all!


Kara Ward said...

I am moving in to the clean and organized space...packing my bags as I type. WOW! And the bunnies are so precious!

LiLi M. said...

Great space bunny ville! I love all personal things you have in here, as these cute bunny gifts, have a lovely day!

Desires of the Heart said...

WoW Michelle, your space is just wonderful!! So big and spacious, and all those cabinets, Oh my, you must be in Heaven when you're in there!Thanks for sharing it with all of us. Linda

Tina said...

Oh - you have a beautiful room. And so much space. Love that storage cabinet - Oh I wish - lol
Those bunnies are just too cute.

Lori said...

Your room is so cheery and organized. I love the dress form--wow! And I just adore all the bunnies around the room. The live bunnies are so darn cute as well! I want one!

Shell said...

Shell, your studio is lovely. I do love your sweet bunnies!!

Anonymous said...

Cozy ..wish I was that organized!

MaygreenFairies said...

Oh my what a wonderful, wonderful creative space, so beautiful, thank you for sharing. Mandy x

Dosha said...

I love, love, love your bunnies! Such a peaceful and calming studio. What a beautifully creative space you live in! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance at this lovely event; please do stop by for a visit soon!

Enjoy the party!

Warm Wishes,


Judy @ In His Grip said...

This is the best space. How great that it is so big. Come on by and visit my studio at:

I am lovin' this party!!!!

Rebecca said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my studio. You are invited to come sit anytime and I will put the pot on. I can't believe how cute those bunnies soft looking.
Your studio is huge...nice very nice.
Thanks so much for the tour.

Karen Valentine said...

Hi Shell! Your room is so wonderful. Full of light and Bunnies!!! I love the neutral whites. The are so soothing. I've said it before...I'll say it again. I smile EVERY TIME I visit you! How could I not with those two sweet companions of yours looking at me! Thank you so much for coming to my party. You've really helped make it a success!

My Desert Cottage

Jayne said...

You have a wonderful, cheery, warm space. That wall of cabinets are to die for!

The bunnies make me smile. My daughters had bunnies when they were little: Kensington and VanDyke. They were so cool!

Thanks for the tour of your lovely space!
Jayne at mysongwithin

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

What a lovely creative space you have!! So pretty!
And I loooooove bunnies; yours are adorable!

NicNacManiac said...

I can see why this is your favorite place in the world to be!!! So pretty and inspirational!! Your work table is so spacious and you always have company!!

Debra said...

Incredibly beautiful space you have! I love it!

Anonymous said...

hey Shell, too cute! love how clean your space is. those cubords are nice. love all the bunny stuff!
:) Missy

Diane Duda said...

I forgot to come by until just now. So glad I remembered. Your space is perfect and I'm very pleased that a few of my bunnies get to live there. :)
My creative space is MAYBE 1/8 of this size and has no real bunnies at all... just one very sweet puppy.
Your bunnies are so lovable. :)


Jill said...

What a beautiful space! I have a room that is quite similar... slanted ceilings, etc. I have been considering painting it a very light shade... now, after seeing yours, I am going to do it!
Your bunnies are delightful! So darn cute and cuddly...
Thanks for sharing!

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Love your blog and am going to follow your adventures!!! (Thank you so much for sharing and please come visit me, too!)

Kathy said...

Hi Shell, your place is beautiful and your bunnies just adorable! I'll be back again to see what quilting treasures you have in store. ~Kathy

Karen said...

You are right! My canisters would go great in your wonderful space! (Home Goods!)
I love Gabriella. Perfect! We are getting ready to take a trip back to the mid-west and I hope to find a wonderful dressform somewhere along the way! Actually I hope to find MANY wonderful things along the way! LOL
I love your space. It's calm, and feminine and fun with the bunnies! The cabinets are to die for!
Thanks for visiting me, and thanks for sharing your wonderful space. I'll be back! :)
Some Days Are Diamonds

Susie said...

Hi Shell! That is just too fabulous for words! I need your organization and eye for beauty here pronto! Beautiful! Just beautiful!
pink hugs,
Susie, The Polka Dot Rose

Tedi said...

Gosh Shell, What a dream! I'm pee green with envy. I could use your space and organization - BIG TIME! You're newest sweetie, looks like she has gained some weight. I'm so happy for you. Hugs, Tedi

lisa said...


You have an amazing workspace that suits you to a tee! It's gorgeous. David is an awesome carpenter!


Denise said...

I love your space. What a cute way to display your nieces outfits.
Thanks for sharing your space with all of us!
Dancingly, Denise

gail said...

Hi Shell, what a neat blog party!! I love the idea. Of course you know I love bunnyville. Everything is just sooo beautiful. Is Sugar now a resident of bunnyville? I hope she is adjusting and doing great. Have a great week sweetie!!! luv, gail

Melissa Valeriote said...

I have a soft spot for bunnies as well. Your creative space is just lovely!

Lynette Larson - Campbell said...

I am giggling -- bunny farts! Oh my! Hey can I be a bun bun too and live in Bunny Land, Shell? You can name me Nettie Bun!

Patricia said...

Shell, that is the most perfect work space I've ever seen and it is so 'you'. I can see you working at the desk with Razzy checking out what you're up to. Bunnyville is a very special place for a very special lady.
Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings

June said...

Shell, this space is an amazing studio. You lucky girl!

Miniature Patisserie Chef said...


You have 53 comments just on this entry alone!
Your workroom is just so beautiful. I've said this many times, can I still come and hang out there?? I love that cross stitch of a quilt pattern, I think it's a Paula Vaughan design!

Pei Li

Martha's Favorites said...

Hi: It is so much fun looking at where people create and your place is special. The bunnies are so cute. You are so lucky to have such a large space. Thanks for sharing. Martha

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hello Shell,

What a large open space! I love the work table and the wall of base cabinets...Did you buy them in the kitchen section of a store?? I'm still trying to figure out a fabric storage solution in my smaller room ajoining my studio. The bunnies are adorable...I'm so glad they have a bunny mom who loves them! Thanks for sharing your's just lovely.

When you have a moment please stop by to see my "studio in progress". I've just recently moved into our home and I've been remodeling for going on three months. I'm almost finished (I think!!)

See ya,

M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

Oh my lucky, lucky girl. If I could name your Creative Space, it would be Castle in the Sky. : )

Susan - InHerOwnWords said...

WOW Shell! Your room is lovely! Beautiful surroundings for a beautiful soul!! Bunny Hugs sent your way *smiles*

Tracie Lyn Huskamp said...

Oh.. your room is SO LOVELY!!! Thanks for sharing

Carol said...

HI Shell,
What a special and beautiful space to work in and hang out with the bunnies.

What's not to love about it??? (well, maybe the litter box??? LOL )

Carol at Business In THE Bag

Anonymous said...

I *totally* love your bunnies! They are so adorable!!!

We are both of the same mind in the organizing department. Clutter drives me insane and hinders my creativity, so I have to keep my room *somewhat* tidy.

You have a absolutely wonderful space and I am so glad you shared it with me.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your very nice comment ;o)

Shabby Shan said...

Bunnyville is beautiful! I bet your bunnies love living there. I know I would! Have a nice week!


Pellie / Penny said...

Your studio is to die for, so big.
beautiful and well appointed. Your co-workers are so cute and lovable.
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your nice words, I truly appreciated them.

Cottage Flair said...

Your studio amazes me everytime i see it for it's beauty, serenity and perfect order! Love it!!!

Connie said...

Thank you for your visit and your sweet compliment, sugar!!

Well, not that you've gotten me sufficiently jealous/envious, can we trade houses, chick?!?! Hmmmmm, I'll give it back in oooohhhhhhh, about 25 years or so..... Absolutely darling, honey.......darling!!!!

Still trying to visit everyone!!!!!

debi said...

Wow! Your studio is soooo big! It's all the cute bunnies, real or not.

Sandy said...

I love your studio, so soft and serene! I also love that you let your bunnies play there too! It really is beautiful, thanks for sharing.

Dawn-Hydrangea Home said...

Love the organization of your studio Shell! I need you at my house - I'll even get some macarons for you. Have a great week! said...

What a serene and lovely work space!

Nancy said...

Shell, I loved the tour! But Oh my how did I miss the announcement of your new addition!!! How sweet is she! How is razzy adjusting? I hope he is taking good care of his new little sis!
Huggs, Nancy

paperbird said...

What a lovely creative space and the sweet company you keep- how fun. You have amazing storage and so much space- very nice!

One Shabby Old House said...

I almost felt like I was walking into my upstairs room with your green walls with the same roof line.
What a great space and what sweet bunnies.
Aren't we blessed!

Sallie said...

Hi Shelly

Room looks gorgeous even lovlier than when I visited you many years ago now...??!! Gosh makes me feel old....!!
How do you keep everything so tidy? I am just soooo jealous ..
Love Sallie

Jayne said...

Thanks for visiting mysongwithin and commenting on my greeting cards. I'd love to send you a couple as a gift from one blogger to another! If you'd like, send me an email at with your mailing address and I'd love to put a couple in the mail to you.

Your room is so gorgeous!

caren said...

What an awesome room and your bunnies are so adorable! Thanks for visiting me....come back soon!

Javajune said...

I love your studio-so neat and clean but the bunnies are my fave, for sure. Thank you for showing us where your wonderful talent does it's thing. Now I want a bunny!

Charmaine said...

I love your space! It's so clean and pretty. What I wouldn't give to have a room just to me (I'd even share it with a couple of bunnies if they were as cute as yours)!

Shannon @ Silver Trappings said...

I love the colors in your studio. Such a wonderful atmosphere! And your rabbits are adorable!


a Pocket Angel said...

Michelle, What a FABULOUS space to create in.....I love it!
Such truly adorable bunnies!!!
Blesings ~Mary~ :-}

Alice said...

why did i look at this?!?!?! i must be a masochist!!! shell go ahead and prepare our little corner....we're moving in!!

Joan@anythinggoeshere said...

What a fun place to create in and to share with your cute little bunny assistants. Are they all lop ears? Lop ears are my personal bunny favorites. They were want I always wanted to see at the county fair as a kid...those guys and the black faced sheep!

Anonymous said...

Oh, your room is absolutely beautiful! I love it! It is so serene! Love that you have bunnies with you - how sweet!

Becca said...

What a GORGEOUS room! And the company looks like alot of fun to cuddle with! Thank you for visiting me and sharing this lovely space :)

Elyse said...

hi shel!

this room is just adorable! it is light and airy and sweet; add in the bunnies and it's just as sweet as sugar!



Embellished Bayou said...

What a lovely room and such cute co-workers to keep you company!

A Fanciful Life said...

What a beautiful space. Airy, fresh, pretty. I love the cabinets and spaciousness of it all. But I must send some bunny love. People think I'm just a cat person since I have my sweet Gracie and Nipper. And people tend to give me "cat" gifts. But what they don't know is that I love bunnies and my front and back yard are full of bunny statues. I have several bunny decor pieces in the house too. Those bunnies just make me happy but I have to admit, yours are better. I just want to pick them up and hug them.
Sharon :-)

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

Hi Shell!
oh I love the bunnies!!!! I could just reach over and smooch them...I bet they are sooooo soft and fluffy! I'll trade you Sophie for one of them (but don't tell her that!)
Your space is beautiful! The natural light is perfect and everything is just so dreamy! I love your cabinets and the way you coordinated them...everything looks so neat!
I've enjoyed my visit here in Bunnyville...let me continue party hopping!!! (no pun intended! ;)
everything vintage

ps...your Fleur de Bunny is GORGEOUS!!!! Totally amazing girl! I couldn't help myself from scrolling down and reading some more!!!

beautifullybrokenme said...

Hi Shell -

What an amazing creative space you have - your bunnies fit in perfectly with all the rest of your 'goodies'. Your artwork is just beautiful. I love that you feature so many other artists' work - such a fun place for those pieces to live!

Thank you so much for sharing your space!

:-) Molly

BellaRosa said...

What a beautiful light and airy studio. I love the size, the colors and all the pretty things you have in there, your bunnies are too cute :) Rose

Lady Hannah Goldenhare - Nothing Gold Can Stay

Hello dear friends, It's been a minute hasn't it? My last post was over a year ago. I decided I wanted to stay in my bubble where it...