Here I am, 40 and I'm feel'in good. What a great birthday I had. My book club (hello my fabulous friends) treated me to a wonderful dinner last Wed. night at my favorite restaurant. We actually discussed the book for the entire dinner, which really never happens. The book is called Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Read it if you get a chance. It's incredible. So after discussing many points of the book, my fabulous book club friends decide to nag me, pick on me, and basically give me a hard time about going to work the next day on my 40th birthday. It's just wrong they say. Use this day as a turning point. Do something for yourself. For goodness sake be irresponsible for one day and just play!!! Ok, ok. I get the point. The more I thought about it, the more I thought I deserved it. I called my boss at 9:00 that night and told him I was giving myself a present and taking the day off. It shocked him a little bit because he knows I am a die-hard on the responsibility chart, but he also knows I have a crap load of vacation that I never get to take and this is my 40th birthday. He only called me twice during the day and I only took 3 calls from my subcontractors. Not bad for me. In fact, that is quite impressive if I do say so myself.
What a wonderful gift to me (with the encouragement and nagging of my fabulous friends). I had the best day. I spent it with my two fuzzy critters, my sewing machine, my tea and my beloved magazines. David stayed up late Wed. and surprised me by decorating the house with black balloons, crepe paper, 40 signs etc. It scared the crap out of me when I got up and came in the kitchen. What fun! Then he gave me a great, funny card about farting when your old. Anyone that knows David knows that he thinks farts are the funniest thing in the world. Seeing as I love funny cards, it was the perfect card from my sweetie, (isn't that just sick). He also gave me my new Canon EOS camera that I have been wanting so badly. It's incredible.
So as I spent the day with myself, my mind was free to think and ponder and wonder. Here is a new point in my life. At 40, I'm feel'in way better than I did at 30. I have much to be proud of. Much to be happy about and I'm ready to make some major changes over this next decade. I'm feel'in good. Yes indeed, I'm feel'in good. A turning point it is. Uplift my sails and head into a new direction. Change is good, but at the same time knowing who you are and realizing that who you are was developed early in life is a good thing. You see we may change a little over the years and try to become someone else, but in reality, we are who we are. As you can see from the pictures of me at 5 and 8, I'm still a pant's wearing, dress hating, critter loving, free spirited, silly, crazy girl and I'M FEEL'IN GOOD!
Have a fun week and feel good.
This week IGF my honey bunny, David and all my fabulous friends that always make me feel good.