Hi ya! Just a quick hop in this week as I am running around like a crazy bunny trying to finish up getting packed for the Houston Quilt Festival! I'm so excited I could POP!!!
I learned that my "Beekeeper Pincushion" class is SOLD OUT! Wooooo hoooo! I can't wait to meet my 25 "Play Date" participants. We are going to have the best time and I'm truly looking forward to a week of creative energy. I'm also super excited that my dear friend and student, Sallieanne Harrison from England, will be my roommate. She is also going to be doing some demos at Open Studios on using the sewing machine to applique with Valdani size 12 perle cotton. Oh the adventures that await us!
I won't be posting here next week, but I will be sharing photos and video's on my Raspberry Rabbits Facebook Page and on my Instagram page. So be sure and check in with us there.
On another quick note, Sabrina kitty had to have her back tooth removed today. It had root rot and was all icky. She is doing okay, well mainly because she is on some super heavy duty drugs and she is rolling around the floor and rubbing up against everything. LOL!! The vet told me the drugs make cats super affectionate. It's rather funny. Of course, once the drugs wear off she might not be so lovey when she finds out her tooth is missing!!! Always something.
Have a great rest of this week and next week. I'll catch up when I get back from Houston!
Hugs and friends,
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
"In a Fix" - The Back Deck
Hello there my friends! I'm so excited as today was the first real "Fall" day we have had. It feels so wonderful outside! I also adore the sunlight this time of year. It has the most wonderful glow in the late afternoon and the way it bounces off the trees and peers in through my windows is peaceful. Sabrina and Hannah think so too as they are always taking naps in a sunbeam. ;)
Today I wanted to share with you the next little "In a Fix" project we have done to our cottage. It took David forever as it rained and rained from August through mid September and when it wasn't raining, he was working on Saturday. As I have mentioned before, he won't let me paint as I'm a messy painter. I'm just the designer and truthfully, that's just peachy with me! ;)
Our deck was a bit of a mess. The previous owners replaced some of the boards, but everything was needing a good pressure washing and a fresh coat of paint. Here's the before photos.
We have a really nice built in bench area with storage underneath. We don't put anything in there though as we don't have lots of stuff and we figure the spiders claim most of the space anyway. ;)
There were several boards here and there that David replaced.
The boards up against the screened porch are to "try" and keep the critters out. Doesn't work very well. I found four tree frogs and a lizard taking a nap under the cushions on the couch. Little buggers. They were cold and looking for a nice place to keep warm. I didn't disturb them, but told they I would truly appreciate it if they didn't poop on the cushions that we just cleaned. hee,hee,hee.
We have the most beautiful trees in our yard and a wonderful forest behind us. There are two big owls who live back there. David has seen one of them and it scared him to death when it landed in a tree near him. I hope I get to see them. I always hear them hoot, hoot, hooting in the early evening. It's so magical.
I wanted to paint the deck a warm brown color that would not only blend in nicely with the house, but also with the wood fence and the trees. The small picket fence back there will be removed. We're not sure why the previous owners had it. All we can think is that they used it for a doggie poo poo area. If the home owner's association would let me have an Alpaca, I would get one to put there...or maybe some fuzzy sheep....or maybe some pygmy goats....or maybe a miniature horse. hee,hee,hee.
Here's how our deck looks now. I really love it! Oh, and we added another birdhouse back there. I hope some little birds move in next Spring. Hannah bunny has been shedding like crazy. I have been saving her fur for the birds. They will have really swanky birdhouse. ;)
Well, it's back to work for me. I have tons of things to get finished before I leave for Houston on the 29th. Have a great weekend!
Hugs and friends,
Today I wanted to share with you the next little "In a Fix" project we have done to our cottage. It took David forever as it rained and rained from August through mid September and when it wasn't raining, he was working on Saturday. As I have mentioned before, he won't let me paint as I'm a messy painter. I'm just the designer and truthfully, that's just peachy with me! ;)
Our deck was a bit of a mess. The previous owners replaced some of the boards, but everything was needing a good pressure washing and a fresh coat of paint. Here's the before photos.
We have a really nice built in bench area with storage underneath. We don't put anything in there though as we don't have lots of stuff and we figure the spiders claim most of the space anyway. ;)
There were several boards here and there that David replaced.
The boards up against the screened porch are to "try" and keep the critters out. Doesn't work very well. I found four tree frogs and a lizard taking a nap under the cushions on the couch. Little buggers. They were cold and looking for a nice place to keep warm. I didn't disturb them, but told they I would truly appreciate it if they didn't poop on the cushions that we just cleaned. hee,hee,hee.
We have the most beautiful trees in our yard and a wonderful forest behind us. There are two big owls who live back there. David has seen one of them and it scared him to death when it landed in a tree near him. I hope I get to see them. I always hear them hoot, hoot, hooting in the early evening. It's so magical.
I wanted to paint the deck a warm brown color that would not only blend in nicely with the house, but also with the wood fence and the trees. The small picket fence back there will be removed. We're not sure why the previous owners had it. All we can think is that they used it for a doggie poo poo area. If the home owner's association would let me have an Alpaca, I would get one to put there...or maybe some fuzzy sheep....or maybe some pygmy goats....or maybe a miniature horse. hee,hee,hee.
Here's how our deck looks now. I really love it! Oh, and we added another birdhouse back there. I hope some little birds move in next Spring. Hannah bunny has been shedding like crazy. I have been saving her fur for the birds. They will have really swanky birdhouse. ;)
Well, it's back to work for me. I have tons of things to get finished before I leave for Houston on the 29th. Have a great weekend!
Hugs and friends,
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Classes- Online vs In Person
Well hello there! It seems we can't get through one week this year without some sort of chaos or disaster! It's truly sad, exhausting and I know so many friends are feeling the same way. Everyone I know is just plain worn out with all of it. Thus the reason being able to hop down the rabbit hole is a welcome respite from the ugly and depressing world.
That being said, I had the most wonderful time last week with my new friends at the Charlotte Quilter's Guild. I truly enjoyed being around all the positive, creative and friendly energy!
I know that online classes are really big right now, and I realize they are good for lots of reasons like lack of time etc., but there is just something so special about being able to spend a day with your friends and also getting one-on-one support from a teacher. I get so excited to see what everyone designs and I love being able to inspire some unique embellishment techniques and color choices. Not to mention, everyone enjoys showing their masterpieces to each other. You just can't have that kind of experience being alone with a computer.
Here are some photos from our "Play Date."
This is Melanie's finished "Beekeeper" pincushion. She showed me photos of a crazy quilt she made that was just breathtaking. Her crazy quilt stitching skills were evident on her pincushion.
This is Melanie
Here's another close up of her flower. I can't believe how much she got done in class! Super speedy stitcher!
This is Sandy. I love how her purple center pops on her flower. She also served as Pat's personal needle threader for class. ;)
This is Judy. She is the workshop chairperson who invited me. I love her to bits! What a great lady!
Judy even brought treats to celebrate our adventure down the rabbit hole! Her father hand-carved that rabbit many years ago. Isn't it fantastic?
This is Vonnie. I met her when I vended a show and she asked the guild to invite me. I loved her bead selection for the center of her flower petals. Hugs Vonnie!
This is Jan. She was chatting about the methods her grandiekids use to learn math nowadays. Good gracious it sounded so HARD! I would flunk out for sure. LOL!
Here is Jan's flower. I like the beads down the center.
This is Donna. Doesn't she have such a great smile? She gives you a hug with that smile.
I showed Donna how she could twist some yarns together to create an interesting center for her flower.
She sent me a photo of her completed pincushion. She even made the bee purple! Lovely!
This is Pat. I met her when I vended the show where I met Vonnie. Pat is such a sweet lady. She came up from South Carolina just to take my class!
Deanne chose warm, rich colors for her flower. Yummy! I also love the beads she put in her flower petals.
This is Debbie. She is an art quilter and this class was outside her normal "wheelhouse." I think she did a beautiful job with all the seed stitching and I was super happy that she decided my class was something fun and different to do. :) :) :)
Anna's flower is so fun and festive like a celebration in the Caribbean sea!
Here's a close up of the little French knots she stitched on the rick rack. Sweet!
This is Sharon. She was my "Teacher's Pet." She helped me hand out kits and set up my supply tables. Thank you!! She also said I should apply to teach at Empty Spools. Boy would that ever be fun!!
I love how Sharon used a Lazy Daisy stitch with the beads. Very cool and very clever!
This is Marie. She is the guild President. This woman knows how to run a meeting! I told her that I was going to tell my guild they need to take pointers from her. We always drag on and on and Marie got things done lickety split!
She did a cute little cross stitch in the center of her flower petals.
This is Debra. She selected a Valdani thread color that I just got in.
Here's what it looks like on her flower. I'm loving it!!
Joyce was making a super sweet flower. She was couching a soft purple yarn around the edge. She chose some yellow buttons and a variety of purple beads. Perfect!
This is Angie. She is an Architect! (Brenda are you reading this?) Angie is the second student of mine who is an Architect. So darn cool! Girl power!!
Angie chose these really rich, warm colors for her flower. This was another Valdani thread color that I just got in. Super yummy! Makes me think of pumpkin and cinnamon.
Of course, no "Play Date with the Crazy Bunny Lady" is complete without bunny ear photos!
Woo hoo!!!
I love you gals bunches! Thanks so very much for inviting me to come and play. I hope you had as much fun as I did.
So, what are your thoughts about online versus in-person classes?
That being said, I had the most wonderful time last week with my new friends at the Charlotte Quilter's Guild. I truly enjoyed being around all the positive, creative and friendly energy!
I know that online classes are really big right now, and I realize they are good for lots of reasons like lack of time etc., but there is just something so special about being able to spend a day with your friends and also getting one-on-one support from a teacher. I get so excited to see what everyone designs and I love being able to inspire some unique embellishment techniques and color choices. Not to mention, everyone enjoys showing their masterpieces to each other. You just can't have that kind of experience being alone with a computer.
Here are some photos from our "Play Date."
This is Melanie's finished "Beekeeper" pincushion. She showed me photos of a crazy quilt she made that was just breathtaking. Her crazy quilt stitching skills were evident on her pincushion.
This is Melanie
Here's another close up of her flower. I can't believe how much she got done in class! Super speedy stitcher!
This is Sandy. I love how her purple center pops on her flower. She also served as Pat's personal needle threader for class. ;)
This is Judy. She is the workshop chairperson who invited me. I love her to bits! What a great lady!
This is Vonnie. I met her when I vended a show and she asked the guild to invite me. I loved her bead selection for the center of her flower petals. Hugs Vonnie!
This is Jan. She was chatting about the methods her grandiekids use to learn math nowadays. Good gracious it sounded so HARD! I would flunk out for sure. LOL!
Here is Jan's flower. I like the beads down the center.
I showed Donna how she could twist some yarns together to create an interesting center for her flower.
She sent me a photo of her completed pincushion. She even made the bee purple! Lovely!
This is Pat. I met her when I vended the show where I met Vonnie. Pat is such a sweet lady. She came up from South Carolina just to take my class!
Deanne chose warm, rich colors for her flower. Yummy! I also love the beads she put in her flower petals.
This is Debbie. She is an art quilter and this class was outside her normal "wheelhouse." I think she did a beautiful job with all the seed stitching and I was super happy that she decided my class was something fun and different to do. :) :) :)
Anna's flower is so fun and festive like a celebration in the Caribbean sea!
Here's a close up of the little French knots she stitched on the rick rack. Sweet!
This is Sharon. She was my "Teacher's Pet." She helped me hand out kits and set up my supply tables. Thank you!! She also said I should apply to teach at Empty Spools. Boy would that ever be fun!!
I love how Sharon used a Lazy Daisy stitch with the beads. Very cool and very clever!
This is Marie. She is the guild President. This woman knows how to run a meeting! I told her that I was going to tell my guild they need to take pointers from her. We always drag on and on and Marie got things done lickety split!
She did a cute little cross stitch in the center of her flower petals.
This is Debra. She selected a Valdani thread color that I just got in.
Here's what it looks like on her flower. I'm loving it!!
Joyce was making a super sweet flower. She was couching a soft purple yarn around the edge. She chose some yellow buttons and a variety of purple beads. Perfect!
This is Angie. She is an Architect! (Brenda are you reading this?) Angie is the second student of mine who is an Architect. So darn cool! Girl power!!
Angie chose these really rich, warm colors for her flower. This was another Valdani thread color that I just got in. Super yummy! Makes me think of pumpkin and cinnamon.
This last flower is from Jan. She wanted me to take a photo her flower and not her. She is so darn funny! I love how she added the "fuzzy" stitching around the outside of her flower. Very cool!
Of course, no "Play Date with the Crazy Bunny Lady" is complete without bunny ear photos!
Woo hoo!!!
I love you gals bunches! Thanks so very much for inviting me to come and play. I hope you had as much fun as I did.
So, what are your thoughts about online versus in-person classes?
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
A Little More Happy - "Stayin' Alive"
Hi my friends,
I'm headed to Charlotte, NC to have a Play Date and Chat with the Charlotte Quilters' Guild. I'm really looking forward to having lots of fun and being surrounded by positive, creative energy!
This sure has been another week of sadness in the news. Good gracious...I want to just stay in the rabbit hole some days.
I was going to show you my back deck remodel, but I've decided to save that until next week. So until then, I'll share another happy ditty with you instead. I love this song and I think it is fitting for this week. "I'm Stayin' Alive!"
Sending you a big hug!
I'm headed to Charlotte, NC to have a Play Date and Chat with the Charlotte Quilters' Guild. I'm really looking forward to having lots of fun and being surrounded by positive, creative energy!
This sure has been another week of sadness in the news. Good gracious...I want to just stay in the rabbit hole some days.
I was going to show you my back deck remodel, but I've decided to save that until next week. So until then, I'll share another happy ditty with you instead. I love this song and I think it is fitting for this week. "I'm Stayin' Alive!"
Sending you a big hug!
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