Tuesday, June 16, 2015

What I'll Take With Me - In Memory of Harrington

My heart is heavy and broken into a million little pieces. I can't stop crying. Friday night Harrington was happy and dancing around for his banana treat. At 5:15 Saturday morning, he was sick. I did all my regular tricks with pain meds and fluids thinking he had his normal abdominal issue that he gets when he sheds. Normally within 3-6 hours he is back to his silly self. But by 2:30 in the afternoon, he wasn't any better. So I put him and Hannah in their "To Go Box" and we headed out on our 2 1/2 hour drive to the bunny vet. Thank goodness David was with me.

The whole drive there, I was thinking it was odd that he didn't get better. He has never really been sick or had any issues outside of this. When the vet examined him, she said she needed to do an x-ray because his stomach was distended. I got a lump in my throat. The x-ray showed his stomach was three times larger than normal and it was blocked. The vet said it was probably a tumor and she couldn't fix it medically. Harrington would need surgery. Both the vet and I know that bunnies rarely, if ever, survive this kind of surgery. They are just too fragile. Even if they do make it through, the recovery is so hard that they normally only last a day or two because of the pain. Not to mention it would cost almost $3,000 for nothing more than losing gamble.

I decided I couldn't put him through it and I didn't want to get a call from the vet saying he didn't make it through surgery. I have received that call far too many times before. So instead, I decided to have one last group snuggle with him and Hannah. I kissed his face and told him everything was going to be alright. I wanted him to be surrounded by nothing but love as his light left this earth. 

Sunday, while sitting on the floor crying and looking at my pile of things to be packed, I thought about all the things people have in life that they take from one place to the next. The little mementos, gifts and keepsakes. I thought about how one decides what is important to take and what will be given away or left behind. 

I thought about how I never dreamed I would be facing such sorrow in the middle of getting ready for a new adventure in Wilmington. We were all suppose to be together. I especially never thought it would be Harrington who would leave first as Hannah is the one with an incurable disease. But, I guess you never really know do you? Life has a way of throwing a curve right in the middle of best laid plans.

So now, as I finish packing, I am reminded of what I'll take with me.... my memories.

I will take my memories of Bunnyville and Harrington and Hannah's corner office. How they inspired me to create the "Adventures of Harrington and Hannah" block of the month quilt and how people all over the world enjoyed making it.

I will take my memories of how he had ticklish back feet and hated having a pet-i-cure. 

I will take my memories of how he could wear his ears up or down, but preferred to wear one up and one down. It will be my reminder of how it is always best to be myself.

I will take my memories of him and Hannah together. They were the best of friends and loved each other so very much. It will be my reminder of how much I love my friends and how much they mean to me.

But most of all, I will take my memory of how on August 28, 2010, a sweet little bunny named Sir Walter Harrington, came home with me from the rescue and blessed my life every day for almost five years. 

I thought of you with love today,
But that is nothing new;
I thought of you yesterday,
And the day before that too.
I think of you in silence,
I often speak your name;
Now all I have are memories,
And your picture in a frame.
Your memory is my keepsake
With which I'll never part,
God has you in his keeping,
I have you in my heart.

I will love you always my wonky eared boy.



ytsmom said...

I am so sorry for your loss. We give our pets our hearts completely, and they will always break them in the end. Enjoy your wonderful memories of him, and what a good bunny he was.

Katken said...

Harrington won the bunny lottery when he won your heart. Remember...our grief is as big as our love...

Hugs & healing tears......Kathy

Lesley said...

I am so sorry to hear your news. I can feel how heavy your heart is...take care, and cherish the memories of your littlle bunny...

Deb said...

Oh Shell, my heart is breaking for you. I am so very sorry to hear of Harrington's passing, words can't begin to express my sorrow for what you all are going through. Sending my deepest condolences and lots of hugs, rest in peace dear sweet Harrington. xoxo

Deb said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to read this. I know exactly how you feel and no words will help, just time. Know that you are in my thoughts. Sending a hug, Deb

Createology said...

Through my tears I have read your beautiful post of love and light in your very special Harrington bunny. May you always keep your memories very close and know you had unconditional love from your beautiful boy. Blessings Dear Michelle. Hannah will need even more of your love and attention through this move. Be Brave Miss Bunny Lover...

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Oh, sweet Shell - I, too, feel your grief. Hold those memories deep and dear. Many gentle hugs to the Bunnyville house.

sunny said...

Shell, the day after I learned this tragic news, I was looking up at the clouds, and I saw a bunny with wings. As most bunnies don't have wings, I knew it must be your angel Harrington! How is Hannah doing?

Anonymous said...

With heavy heart...I'm so sorry for your sadness. You gave him the best!

Christine M said...

Sending you all hugs, Shell. xxxxxx

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Oh...this is so sad. We do seem to have lots of bumps in the road. Will keep you and Hannah in my prayers. I know she'll miss him as well.

Debbie said...

Oh my gosh! This was a hard post to read. I'm crying. Moving, in and of itself, is stressful enough. Than God for memories. Please know that you are in my thoughts. Debbie

Anonymous said...

I am so, so sorry :o( He was adorable and I so enjoyed your pictures and stories. He is no longer suffering and he is hopping around the rainbow bridge waiting for you to join him some day... you will meet again!

Ramona said...

Prayers to heal your broken heart. Beautiful poem and lovely memories of your sweet Harrington.

StitchinByTheLake said...

I am so very sorry Michelle - I know your heart is breaking. May God give you not just those wonderful memories but also the peace of knowing that Harrington is just across the bridge and will be there to greet you one day. blessings, marlene

Clare said...

I hope you and Hannah get comfort from each other at this sad time. It is nice that you have lovely memories in your quilt.

WoolenSails said...

I am so sorry to hear about Harrington, we love our pets so much and they give so much love in return.


Kate said...

Hugs, Michelle. ♥

Tina said...

Oh no!!! I am shocked and broken-hearted for you. These little guys are so much a part of our families and our world and they mean so very much to us. There are no words to let you know how very, very sorry I am for your loss. I share your tears.
Giant Hugs to you Crazy Bunny Lady.

paulette said...

I'm sending you a big hug today, Michelle! My heart aches for you.

Sue said...

So sorry Michelle! Hope the memories help a little!
hugs , Sue xxx

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

What a lovely tribute for a very special Bunny - it brought tears to my eyes. I'm so sorry for your loss. Harrington was a sweet and handsome fellow.

Sharon Decker said...

I started crying as soon as I read the title of the entry. My heart is heavy. Hugs to you, David, Hannah, and Sabrina. The poem you included says it all.

RG said...

I always think that the more you gave the harder it is. You gave all you had and we all have enjoyed a lot of good times with those two.

Take care and let things get better on their own - they always have - they always will. (Right?)

Southland Woods Lane said...

With tears in my eyes my heart goes out to you. So very sorry for your loss.

Stephanie said...

Oh my I got all teary reading your blog tonight. I knew nothing about domestic bunnies until I found Raspberry Rabbits and you are so knowledgeable.
You gave Harrington a wonderful life and all the photos you have are just adorable. I think of poor Hannah and how confused she must be.

You can all give each other support during this transition and Harrington will be with you in spirit every step of the way.

Keep watching for the open window instead of staring at the closed door.....

Unknown said...

I am so very sorry to hear that Harrington has passed to the next bunny field! I LOVE reading all of your posts, but bunny news always makes me smile. Harrington was SUCH a lucky bunny to have had you for his mom! (As is Hannah.) please take all of our love and let us wrap you in it in this painful time. There is a passage in the Jewish Kaddish (prayer for mourning,) that helps me. I share it in hopes that it will give you some peace. "The departed whom we now remember have entered into the peace of life eternal. They still live on earth in the acts of goodness they performed and in the hearts of those who cherish their memory. May the beauty of their life abide among us as a loving benediction." Harrington had lots of goodness, and many, many who cherish his memory.

Beth said...

Weeping tender tears for each of you. I know Harrington was such a special boy, and will always be part of your family. Harrington brought you so much happiness, and he found the perfect family. You and David did everything you could for him, right up until the very last moment. You took him to the doctor just as soon as he got sick, so you could make the best and loving decision.

You have the most loving readers. We've had many losses in our family recently, and reading their comments has touched my heart, too. I send my thanks to Cynthia for sharing that beautiful passage from the Kaddish.

With love to you, David, and Hannah, from all of us here at home.
xxx Beth in Oregon

Kim Q said...

Oh Michelle, I'm so sorry! I'll miss him...loved those wonky ears. Sending hugs to you.

Jane said...

What a shock, my heart goes out to you. Hope Hannah is coping well. Treasure those wonderful memories

Fiona said...

We will all miss Harrington, I know there is a big hole in your heart...xx

Jindi's Cottage said...

Hugs Shell, David and Hannah...my heart breaks for you...Harrington was an adorable boy...

KERYN B said...

We will miss reading about his wonderful adventures. How lucky he was to be rescued by you and what a wonderful life he had.

Elly D said...

{{{HUGS}}} such a hard and heartbreaking decision to make... My heart goes out to you and wee Hannah.xx

tink's mom said...

My heart breaks for your loss. I am so very,very sorry. You were a wonderful mama and he knew it and appreciated you and your love every day. Hugs to you and Hannah.

Crafty Green Poet said...

So sad,

Ann in PA said...

You were Harrington's Guardian Angel...what a wonderful life you provided for him. Keep a Happy Heart full of sweet memories. Blessings for comfort. Hugs, Ann in PA

Starr White said...

Oh Michelle, I am so very sorry. No words can express it. Prayers and hugs to you and Hannah.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Dearest friend, I had a full day yesterday on my second to last day on holiday in this magical place:Carmel by the sea. We have seen dolphins, sea lions and otters during dinner looking outside our picture window on the wharf, we encountered friendly ground squirrels at the beach, and we've met the nicest people. These are memories now. This life is so vaporous, so special, so hard to seize and freeze in a moment. All life is a wonder, and when you LOVE, you love hard.

During our stay here, we met a Frenchman who is well-known and published antique dealer. We were at his showroom last week and I asked him to autograph his book that I purchased. He wrote the devotion to me and my husband in French, and this is what he wrote (it's from a French song):

"Quand j'aime une fois, j'aime pour toujours."

"When I love once, I love forever."

NOTHING, and I MEAN NOTHING - even death, can rob us of this force, this powerful force of which we have been gifted to use, to manage, to be caretakers and givers.

I weep with you. Give Miss Hannah B. a gentle hug for me, and a gentle virtual hug to you dear, dear Shell. Anita

Cissa K said...

So very sorry! Take care.

Unknown said...

My dear friend, my heart goes out to you and your family. I am so sorry for your loss. Bunnies are so special. I have my treasured friends in dogs. I know what it is like to lose one. I lost my dearest buddy Birks just two months ago. He was my soul mate. I truly am sorry for Harrington. He was a beautiful creature. Hannah is there now to comfort you. I have loved you blogs about your fur kids and adored the pictures. God bless you in your sorrow. Pat

Blooming Nana said...

I am so sorry for your loss of your fur baby. You are in my thoughts and prayers!

FabricandFlowers said...

Such a sweet tribute. Pets give us so much and it hurts so much when they pass. He was a good friend. I'll stitch one of your patterns today in his honor.

e said...

I have a loss so recently in my life of a very small, young pup. I know and understand how you are feeling. What a beautiful tribute to your sweet boy bunny. He has known love and kindness. What a beautiful tribute and reminder of why we do what we do for these precious, defenseless little beings.
God bless you in your rescue efforts. You are a very good soul :)

e said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wendy said...

Oh Shell, I'm so sorry. Harrington was a blessing to you and you were a blessing to him. I hope you and Hannah are coping ok with your loss x

Fleurette said...

Michelle, I'm so sorry, he was a lovely boy. Your memories of him are a blessing and may they give you strength at this time.

Stitches said...

I am so sorry to hear about Harrington and how sad you are. It is always hard to lose someone, even those little furry ones. I loved how you wrote this post, a very nice tribute with lots to think about.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Harrington. I enjoyed all the pictures and stories. It's clear he was loved, very much. Give Hannah an extra hug.
Carol S.

Cheryl TheWaysideStitcher said...

So sorry for the loss of your precious Harrington. He was truly blessed to have you as his mama.

Anita K said...


I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet baby boy, my heart felt like it was getting heavier as I read. Animals take care of that special place inside us that only they can. I know you will miss him very much. Hugs to you all.

Loris said...

It hurts so much to say good bye to this sweet boy especially with all the change going on for you. My prayers are going up for yours and your family (including Hannah especially) for comfort and peace. You gave him such a sweet world to live in and he knew the best kind of love. Thank you for being so strong and having to courage to take the best step for him. It is good to push your mind to the sweet and happy memories that you can cherish forever. Hugs and prayers.

Jeanette said...

Beautiful memories Shell. Love n Hugs,xx

~Laurie~ said...

So sorry for your loss. I am so lucky that I have a Hannah and Harrington quilt to keep his memory going = they are always with us even though they've left for awhile. Sending loving thoughts your way!

Melody said...

Harrington was such a little darling and it is so very sad that he is not with you any more. Thank goodness he had five happy years with you. You are such a good person and you will be in my thoughts at this very sad time.

jerilanders said...

I am so sorry and sad for you. I know how you loved Harrington and always will. It is good to have those memories; I lost my favorite Goosey Gander last week,he was a charming noble dude I'd had for 8 years. It is heartbreaking to lose a friend no matter whether it is a person, or an animal person. But we will always remember those dear little souls who brought much happiness.

grann616 said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. My heart is bleeding for you. The grief of losing our furry family is so devastating. Please remember Harrington with happiness and he will always be in your heart. Much love, Sharon K. Lozano

VickiT said...

Oh Michelle, I know how very much your little sewing buddies meant to you. I am so sorry you have lost Harrington. You know he had an amazing life with you and that you have given him such a great home and that he enjoyed every minute with you. It's hard to let someone go, be it a human or your best friend bunny or kitty as I had to do not long ago.

Big hugs. Just remember he had the best life with you a bunny could ever ask for and you can be proud of that.

colleencl said...

Michelle -- I cried as I read your post. I have followed you for years and have come to love Harrington and Hannah ... I know he is in bunny heaven. I am so sorry for your sadness .. Bunnies are so sweet and wonderful and so full of personality. May all your wonderful memories of him surround you and help you through this hard and sad time. Hugs and love to you and Hannah.

Unknown said...

My heart has joined The Thousand, for my friend stopped running today.

He was blessed to have found you and we were blessed by the way he inspired you.

Unknown said...

My heart has joined The Thousand, for my friend stopped running today.

He was blessed to have found you and we were blessed by the way he inspired you.

Unknown said...

My heart has joined The Thousand, for my friend stopped running today.

He was blessed to have found you and we were blessed by the way he inspired you.

Erica said...

Words can't express it.....cherish the memories. The pain will ease eventuality

Jade said...

*HUGS*, *HUGS*, and more *HUGS*--and your fuzzy nephew sends so many nose bonks and bunny kisses. Dang bunnehs sneak into your life, steal your heart, and then they're gone all too fast. Sending you and Miss Hannah lots of love and special thoughts, and sending many good thoughts to sweet Harrington as well.


JudyCinNC said...

My heart is so overwhelmingly sad for you - I had a very hard time reading this through my tears - I had become so attached to Harrington and Hannah through your words and pictures. Your insight of what you will take with you was so inspiring and full of the love you have for him. Our lives are so much more beautiful with our furry friends in them than without them. Harrington was so fortunate to have found you. I grieve for you and for Hannah ... all God's creatures have feelings and love and she will miss him also. Moving is never fun and I am so sorry you have to go without him. Love, light and hugs from Judy C who always thinks about you with affection.

Sheila said...

I have tears in my eyes and heart for you. I am so sorry for your loss. I know how much you hurt. You did the right thing in pure love. My Babette was so sick two years ago and I had to let her go. I held until she passed. I can tell you that you will never take the place of Harrington, each little one has a different personality. You have a lot of love and room in your heart. But you can heal the hole in you heart with another little bunny. It will help all of you. My little Babette is wonderful memories, but now I have Zoey! She is completely different and is so funny. She makes me laugh each day. Zoey is my 6th toy Poodle each one was different and I still talk to Nikki, Maruice, Bridgette, Josette and Babette.
I wish you healing and happiness.

Judy1522 said...

Oh Michelle I am so sad for you. I know that there is nothing that anyone can say right now that will make you feel better. Sending you hugs to help you get through your pain and sorrow. I know you have wonderful memories of your sweet Harrington.

Anna said...

Such a wonderful post 😢 we are so blessed to be loved and have the capacity to love all beings. May your next adventure be filled with love 💕

Lilac Haven said...

I am sorry for your loss.

Valerie said...

Michelle, I've been reading your wonderful blog for years and have been touched so many times by the tales of your beautiful bunnies. My husband and I didn't have human children but had rescue rabbit "furkids" as well. Harrington's story reminds me of my Denver, a pure lovebun if there ever was one. I got up to feed him one morning to find him collapsed over his water crock. He too had digestive issues at times but was fine the night before (as far as we knew, as you know they hide things so very well). He was gone a day later from incurable cancer tumors lining his entire urinary and digestive tract that caused a blockage. But beautiful memories of his love will remain. You and Lady Hannah (Hannah was the name of our first bun!) are in my thoughts and prayers.

Valerie said...

Just wanted to add, thank you so much for sharing Harrington's life lessons at such a challenging, heartbreaking time. It's clear what a wonderful bunnymom you have been and are, and that love and caring will see you, your husband and Hannah through.

Wendy said...

So sorry to read of the loss of your little fur baby...will say a prayer that your heart will be filled with all the loving and wonderful memories of him to chase away the pain.

almtsbb said...

Our furkids engrave places in our hearts that remain forever. Harrington was the luckiest rabbit to have been adopted into your family and he will remain part of your family forever. In the beautiful memories you shared with us.

Chris said...

I'm so sorry Michelle. My heart breaks for you.

Allie-oops Designs said...

My dear Shell - I'm so very sorry...big hugs dear one.

Brandy said...

Sending hugs your way from Washington State. I know how hard it is, but I love your attitude and the wonderful memories are now immortalized in all our hearts. I hope Hannah is doing alright too. My rescue kitties and I are thinking of you all.


Linda in Arkansas said...

I'm so sorry. (((cyber hugs))) It's so hard to have our little loveies leave us. Thank goodness you allowed him to go peacefully and without terrible pain. I know Hannah really misses him too - so give her extra love. (prayers being said for you and your family)

Lana said...

Oh Michelle,
Having almost lost Cotton and Joker this year...and then actually losing my puppy of nearly 15 years...I have cried many a moments with you, for you and for Hannah...and for myself... I love how you turned this into what you will take with you...such a blessing this little blog has been...and you to me with my bunnies. WE love YOU.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Big hugs to you!

Shari said...

So sorry for your loss. I've so enjoyed the stories of him over the years and I feel like I've lost a friend, too. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs to you!

Wendy Caton Reed said...

I am so very sorry. My thoughts are with you and Hannah.

Carol Swift said...

I'm so sorry for your loss of that sweet Harrington. Having had bunnies in our family, I know how sweet they are and how much they add to our life. My thoughts are with you during this tough time.

Annette Tait said...

lots of love Shell xxx <3
your precious Harry will be watching over you all now from amongst the stars and his light will shine brightly on you every day and every night as he sends his love to you
xxxxxxx <3

Lady Hannah Goldenhare - Nothing Gold Can Stay

Hello dear friends, It's been a minute hasn't it? My last post was over a year ago. I decided I wanted to stay in my bubble where it...