There is this little joke that goes on around our house. It has to do with carpet. You see for some reason we can never have carpet that stays new for more than one week before utter disaster strikes.
It never fails. Our first house in North Carolina the carpet was new for approximately ten minutes before our dog ran in the house with muddy feet. If that weren't bad enough, David yelled at her and she got scared, squatted and peed on it. Yep, ten minutes after it was put in. Nice.
Then there was our second house where we moved in and a week later David spilled red Koolaid right in the middle of the living room. Nice.
Then there is our current home where a combination of scented candles and gas fireplace logs caused soot rings to form around every single thing that touched the carpet. Nice.
Also in this house was new carpet in the bedroom that David got automotive grease on to which I tried to get out and it grew and then the professional carpet cleaning people made grow even more! Nice.
So now I bring you to the new carpet in our bedroom. I had lived with those rotten spots for the past five years. Two Friday's ago I had new carpet installed in our bedroom, or should I say, "The room Sabrina allows us to sleep in."
I was super happy with the carpet, but Sabrina was not. She was upset and wouldn't eat. I was thinking the smell might be bugging her as she kept laying on their whirlpool instead of on the bed.
So she and I (along with her stuffed mouse collection) slept in the guest bedroom for a week. David had been away on business if you were wondering where he was.
This cat loves her mice.
Every night we have to play the mouse game in the whirlpool.
So after a week, she and I and the mouse collection moved back into the bedroom. She still hadn't eaten very much in a week and I start going into panic mode. I'm use to having bunnies and if bunnies don't eat within 24 hours they can become very, very sick and even die. So after 6 different food options for Sabrina I finally found one she would nibble at again. After day two of being back int he room, she seems to be eating pretty well. I am so happy until...yep, you guessed it. She puked up the new food all over the new carpet. One week from install to stain. Nice.
(Bunnies, like horses, cannot puke)
The good thing is, I got most of the stain out and only a keen eye can see where it was. Sabrina is also doing much better and eating food that seems to agree with her stomach. Although, I have learned that apparently cats puke all the time. So much for new carpet. Nice.
Light, love and hugs,
Michelle, the Bunnies and the Puking Cat too
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Oh dear, Shell. How annoying. At least you said this time it's not too noticeable. Hugs, Christine xx
I'm so sorry, Shell. No. I mean, I'm really sorry. As I read this I couldn't help but giggle. It's not that I'm having a snort at your expense. You just did such a darn good job of writing about it!
Pets do make for interesting lives, don't they? Like me, sick as a...well, you know, having to strip my bed because Tag had a little leak on it...that went nearly to the mattress. I sat in a chair, like an invalid, waiting for everything to wash and dry, made up the bed again and then prayed that it wouldn't happen again. So far, so good.
Thanks for the post today. I love when you keep it real.
Thanks for keeping it real!! Hilarious!!
ohh nnoo xx
Ahhh....kitty cats......they're such wonderfully precocious beasties! Gotta love them :)
Hope Sabrina feels better soon!
Oh, I don't mean to laugh, but THAT WAS FUNNY! I cannot believe your luck and carpets! It reminds me of us; whenever we get something new (it's been a while now) like a piece of furniture or a new appliance, it seems as if it was RUBEN'S job to initiate that piece into our home. One year, we bought a coffee table with a smooth as glass wooden surface. What did Ruben do? He stood over it to admire it, but had a very sharp pen in his hand that dropped clean onto the surface, making a hole. Same thing with the glass smooth surface of our new refrigerator. Upon inspecting the sheen of the metal, he had something sharp in his hand that made a SCRATCH across the satin finish of the door.
BUT CATS? YIKES! Upchucking is normal for them, especially those hair balls! You have your hands full say the bunsters, and they think they are the best pets since they do NOT puke! teeheheheee
I had read once that they neither shed tears or burp or.....teeehee...relieve themselves of this true?
Well Shell, enjoy that new carpet and stand guard! MUCH LOVE!
Poor Sabrina, hope she gets better quickly. But yes, not nice to have her puke over the carpet,
No home is complete without the marks of furry feet.....and puke too!!!
As I read your post I my emotions went between dang and LOL...Just cleaned up Enzo's upset tummy mess...what is a mommy to do? :)
We have had the same experience with new carpeting and our dog... he won't puke on the tiled floor inches away from the carpet... grrrrr! I've heard that shaving cream (foam type) works wonders on carpet stains but have not needed to try it yet (knock on wood!).
Not I laugh or cry. Funny story...not so funny tummy troubles. I did not know horses and bunnies don't puke!
I hope Sabrina is feeling better; sorry to hear about the carpet.
Speaking from experience, I have two suggestions.
1) Rather than trying to clean up the puke right away, let it dry. It often just peels up off the carpet without leaving a mark. Cleaning it when wet only rubs it deeper into the fiber. You can then get a stiff brush and vacuum to get any remaining bits and pieces. I Know it sounds gross, but it works for me.
2) Invest in some Oxyclean. That stuff gets out anything. I've used it for years on spots and cat puke that doesn't quite come up all the way and it works wonders.
My cats have a thing for mice and sitting in the bathtub as well.
Carol S.
Yes, cats have a tendency to barf :-( for a few reasons. Our kitty doesn't chew food and tends to eat too much at a time. So we feed her small amounts frequently through out the day and this really helps. We also just bought an automatic feeder so small amounts can be arranged without us being there.
Hydrogen peroxide has been our 'go to' cleaner and works well. Good luck with the pretty new carpet. It does look lovely.
I am so sorry to be laughing out loud, but your story is HYSTERICAL!! I know it probably isn't for you, but the way you tell it really cracks me up!! I'm sorry you had to go through this, but it really does makes for a funny, funny story!
P.S. Love Hannah and Harrington's 'comment' on Sabrina's faux pas. And you new carpet is truly beautiful….still smiling over here…..
Oh dear Shell. Sorry to laugh but the story was quite funny. Love the captions. Hope Sabrina is ok & no more puking on your carpet.
Yep, cats puke all the time. Which was a surprise to me when my daughter moved back in for awhile with her cats. You just have to try different things to see what works to get the stain out of your carpet. Your comments on your pictures are hysterical, I am glad you have been able to keep your sense of humor through all the carpet trials.
When we bought our first house it had the most beautiful carpet - brand new and an older lady lived there by herself so it had barely been walked on. We decided to paint the living room. Jerry + ladder + can of paint = upside down can on the carpet. Oh my. :) blessings, marlene
Hi there, I just had to stop by & say that Sabrina is a really truely beautiful cat. I did not know that bunnies never throw up ... this WAS a funny story, tho I am guessing ... not so funny for you having to clean it all up. Thanks for sharing :-)
Oh, what a funny, wonderful post - even though your new carpet now has the hint of puke on it!! Do you know about cats and hairballs? That could be why Sabrina was not eating!! Thanks for a super good laugh!! But promise, I'm not laughing at you but with you!! :-))
LOL Michelle, I have one word, hardwood! Sorry Sabrina isn't feeling well, hope she is better very soon and that you have no further carpet mishaps!
Yes, once you have been catdopted it's a whole new world! I'm glad she's getting back to normal, poor girl and fingers crossed all will be well now. xxx
Oh dear how frustrating. I don't know anything about cats but our dog was puking all the time and messed up carpets and the sofa. Finally the vet put her on prescription dog food. No more puking but it costs a fortune! Oh well, the things we do for our furry friends.
Too funny! We have sayings like that in our house too. Glad Sabrina is feeling better.
What bad luck! But we love our little fur balls anyway!
I so get it. Nettie was here for 2 hours and peed on the living room rug.
day 2 she pooped in the small bed room and day 4 the middle bedroom. The rugs are all broken in now. Nothing left to worry about. Just enjoy.
Oh my - yes, kitties do throw up... and never on the bathroom floor.
I do understand the fretting over food though - we had such a problem with Josie, so many times. We finally stumbled on to some very healthy, grain-free food and she loved it. It was stinky though - all that fish and game, and but she loved it!
Ok, this cracked me up way too much - Shell, you should stick with hardwood! Yep kitties puke all the time, although you can dab a little vaseline on their noses once in awhile to keep the hairballs to a minimum. This reminds me of when we got our new Italian leather oyster-colored sectional - and how my youngest found an olive green permanent marker the day it moved in. There may have been some yelling involved.
Oxy clean will get all stains out - or peroxide with dawn dish soap. It won't bleach the carpet. I use it all the time. And by the way my cats Finn does the same thing in the bathtub. Sits in there and meows until I throw toys in. ☺️
As much as I enjoyed your post - it's so funny - I'm also crying with you. I don't have a cat but I did have dog that threw up about once a week - and the food was mostly orange leaving - yes an orange stain. yick. (Changed foods and solved problem.) And I also had the red Koolaid spill on the new carpet in the middle of the livingroom. UGH!! Koolaid has been outlawed from my home for the last 30 years. We put the coffee table over it and it just barely covered it. I've since moved on to much darker carpet.
Oh dear.but I can't help but Giggle,I'm afraid cats and pale carpet are not a great mix.there is a hairball paste you can give to them ,just a blob on a paw each day helps to glide them through the gut,xx Rachel
hahaha! omg this is too funny Shell!!! :) new carpets sure are nice, and nearly-new are 'just' as nice as well!! :) xxx
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